
format: rst
title: Broin The Warrior
categories: PC Magus


:Birth Name: Broin
:Age: 39 (1229)

:Born: Autumn 1189
:Gender: Male
:Nationality: Irish
:Place of Origin: Munster
:Religion: Christian
:Profession: Shield Grog

:Height: 5'6"
:Size: 0
:Hair: Red
:Eyes: Green
:Handedness: Right

Valiant +3,
Proud +2,
Ruthless +2,

:Reputation: None

PER +1
STR +2
STA +2
PRE -1
COM -2
DEX +2
QIK +1

:Decrepitude/Aging: 0(3)


Virtues and Flaws


| Peasant                | Free  | Social Status |  |
| Warrior                | Minor | General       |  |
| Tough                  | Minor | General       |  |
| Unaffected by The Gift | Minor | General       |  |


| Wrathful                | Minor | Personality |  |
| Ability Block: Academic | Minor | General     |  |
| Incomprehensible        | Minor | General     |  |


| Ability                       | Specialty          | Score | XP | Comment |
| Athletics                     | Climbing           | 3     |    |         |
| Area Lore:Munster             | Inns               | 3     |    |         |
| Animal Handling               | Cattle             | 3     |    |         |
| Awereness                     | Alertness          | 4     |    |         |
| Bargain                       | Food & Drink       | 1     |    |         |
| Brawl                         | Punch              | 4     |    |         |
| Carouse                       | Dancing            | 3     |    |         |
| Concentration                 | Guarding           | 3     |    |         |
| Folk Ken                      | Peasants           | 3     |    |         |
| Guile                         | Lying to Authority | 3     |    |         |
| Hunt                          | Track              | 3     |    |         |
| Leadership                    | Combat             | 3     |    |         |
| Living Language: Anglo French | Slang              | 3     |    |         |
| Living Language: Norse        | Slang              | 3     |    |         |
| Music                         | Flute              | 2     |    |         |
| Native Language: Gaelic       | Muster             | 5     |    |         |
| Thrown                        | Sling              | 4     |    |         |
| Single Weapon                 | Axe                | 6     |    |         |
| Stealth                       | Sneak              | 3     |    |         |
| Survival                      | Hills              | 4     |    |         |

| Ability                       | Specialty | Score | XP | Comment    |
| North-Italian[Veneto-Istriot] |           | 5     |    |            |
| Area Lore                     |           | 3     |    | Wich area? |
| Awareness                     |           | 2     |    |            |
| Concentration                 | Spells    | 3     | 30 |            |
| Animal Handling               | Insects   | 2     | 15 |            |
| Latin                         |           | 4     | 60 |            |
| Magic Theory                  |           | 3     | 30 |            |
| Finesse                       |           | 2     | 15 |            |
| Artes Liberales               |           | 1     | 5  |            |
| Parma Magica                  |           | 1     | 5  |            |
| Penetration                   |           | 5     | 75 |            |
| Gaelic                        |           | 2     | 19 |            |
| Infernal Lore                 |           | 2     | 17 |            |


|              | Ability | Init | Atk | Def | Dam | Str | Load | Cost   |
| Axe          | Single  | +1   | +4  | 0   | +6  | 0   | 1    | Std.   |
| Round Shield | Single  | 0    | 0   | +2  | 0   | -1  | 2    | Inexp. |

|       | Ability | Init | Atk | Def | Dam | Range | Str | Load | Cost | Notes                 |
| Sling | Thrown  | -3   | +1  | 0   | +4  | 20    | -3  | 0    | Std.  | Requires 2 free hands |


* Cookie of Wizard's Sidestep
* Cookie of Invisibility
* Cookie of Ennobled Presence
* Dart of Level 5 Demon's Oblivion
* Dart of Level 15 Demon's Oblivion
* Dart of Level Heavy Woun

In-Session Status

:Confidence: 1(0)

:Wounds: None

:Fatigue: None

Per Session Advancement


**Spring 1231**