Revision e3822e97ec9d46bc97940c56750d0ae436b02db3 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from e3822e97ec9d46bc97940c56750d0ae436b02db3 to 36e9ac87090b2cdbc5116af0df1b1db4b8930ae5

+ [Downtime](
+ [1217]()

# Winter 1218 

The Winter passes without events, and the magi can pursue their own 

**Marcus** enchants Abluere Magica ReHe(An) 15 as a service to the covenant.
He earns 3p Creo vis plus the 2p Herbam he spends in the ecnhantment.
The Abluere replaces a washer woman, saving a servant.
(Lab total = Re 5 + Aura 5 + MT 7 + He(An) 0 = 17) 

# Spring 1218

## Mystery of the Mystery Cult (Session 5. 11 March 2020 TBC)

**PCs** Una, Vivianos, Cieran, Seafraid
**PCs** Una, Cieran, Seafraid

#### The scroll passed to Cieran from Oswald's private collection

To my sodales everywhere, greetings.
It has always been my firm belief that magi of our Order of Hermes should seek to serve the mundane population rather than dominate it. We of the Rusticani already, as a group, hold this belief but I see few others doing so. Our Gift is a blessing from God and is a rare thing indeed. Surely the Lord gave us our ability to learn power to support his people on Earth. We Rusticani work within mundane communities to make our powers available to the betterment of those same communities and as such respect the very reason the Gift was given us. However, unless our Gift is a gentle one we, like most of our sodales, cause distrust and fear among those we dwell. This leads to the covenant system, where most magi shut themselves off from the world and interact only with those few who can eventually accept their Gift without fear.
My intention is to create a new grouping I call the Servants of the People with the intent that we as an Order may better interact within the world’s societies. I have spent many decades creating the basics of this new mystery and call on any who would seek the same goals to come meet me at my tower at the junction of the Shannon and Suck rivers, south of the monastery of Clonmacnoise. You must arrive at the Spring Equinox to ensure easy entry to the regio in which I reside.
Come join me on this new venture to integrate our fine Order to the service of the societies we have for so long shunned.

Jerome the Rusticani Ex Miscellanea
Winter 1198

### The Excursion

They stay with the O'Sullivan.