Revision 9a1127b9e9b16f9464315cf821f19d5b8930248e (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from beginning to 9a1127b9e9b16f9464315cf821f19d5b8930248e

+ CrCo 25	Restoration of the Defiled Body
+ PeCo 20	Wound without Cause
+ ReCo 5	Spasms of the Uncontrolled Body
+ ReCo 35	Leap of Homecoming
+ ReCo 40	Leap of Homecoming
+ ReCo 15	Gift of the Frog’s Legs
+ CrCo 25	Improved Purification of the Festering Wounds
+ CrCo 30	Gift of Quickness (personal range)
+ CrIg 15	Lamp till Morning without Flame
+ ReIg 25	Ward of Heat and Flames
+ PeIm 20	Veil of Invisibility
+ CrIm 10	Clarity of Public Speech
+ InIm 30	Eyes of the Eagle  (touch)
+ MuIm 10	Aura of Ennobled Presence
+ MuIm 15	Sight of the Warm Surface
+ MuIm 15	Disguise of the Transformed Image
+ ReIm 10	Circle of Undisturbed Rest
+ ReIm 20	Willful Sidestep
+ Re(In)Im 30	Image from the Wizard Torn
+ CrMe 5	By His Works [HoH:TL:73]
+ CrMe 40	Gift of Perception
+ CrMe 40	Gift of Communication
+ CrMe 60	Communication of the Heroes
+ InMe 15	Sight of Conflicting Motives
+ InMe 20	Posing the Silent Question
+ PeMe 10	Trust of the Childlike Faith
+ ReMe 15	Arrow of Peaceful Slumber
+ ReMe 5	Touch of Slumber
+ InTe 30	Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits
+ InTe 25	Miner's Keen Eye
+ PeTe 20	Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier
+ PeTe 20	End of the Mighty Castle
+ PeTe 15	Arrow of Gaping Earth
+ InVi 5	Sense the Nature of Vis
+ InVi 5	Spot the Presence Vis
+ InVi 5	Scales of Magical Weight
+ InVi 20	Piercing the Faerie Veil
+ InVi 20	Piercing the Magical Veil
+ InVi 30	Sense of the Lingering Magic
+ MuVi 10	Wizard's Communion
+ PeVi 5	Fist of Demon's Oblivion
+ PeVi 15	Fist of Demon's Oblivion
+ PeVi 5	Circle of Demon's Oblivion
+ PeVi 15	Circle of Demon's Oblivion
+ PeVi 13	Tearing the Fabric of Imaginem
+ ReVi 30	Aegis of the Hearth
+ ReVi 30	Watching Ward