Revision ee7d671496c0637d4d2f98781570b9f0e6ea637c (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from ee7d671496c0637d4d2f98781570b9f0e6ea637c to fc5cf4674e954fc9350e00a61eb3a0b4fcb1d9c4

title: Template - Clansman

Int 0, Per +1,
Str +1, Sta +2,
Pre +1,  Com 0
Dex +1, Qik 0

**Personality traits**
Proud +2, Valiant +2

**Age** 25

# Virtues and Flaws

Peasant (0), Warrior (+1), Weakness - dancing (-1)

| Ability         | Speciality  | XP | Score |
| Irish           | Munster     |    | 5     |
| English         |             |  5 | 1     |
| AL Munster      | Settlements | 30 | 3     |
| Animal Handling | Cattle      | 75 | 5     |
| Single Weapon   | Axe         | 50 | 4     |
| Survival        | Hills       | 30 | 3     |      
| Thrown          | Sling       | 30 | 3     |      
| Carouse         | Dancing     | 15 | 2     |   
| Awareness       | Alertness   | 30 | 3     |    
| Stealth         | Sneak       | 30 | 3     |     
| Hunt            | Track       | 30 | 3     |      
| Brawl           |             | 30 | 3     |      
| Folk Ken        |             |  5 | 1     |      
| Leadership      |             | 15 | 2     |     
| Concentration   | Guard duty  |  5 | 1     |
| Athletics       | Running     | 15 | 2     |
| Total           |             |395 |       |

Total XP: 45 + 300 + 50

# Combat

| Weapon               | Init | Atk | Dfn | Dam   | Str | Load | |
| Axe                  | +1   | +10 | +5  | +6    | 0   | 1    |
| Axe and Round Shield | 0    | +10 | +7  | +6    | -1  | 2    | Burden 2 |
| Sling                | -3   | +6  | +4  | +4    | -3  | 0    | Range 20 |

# Equipment

Axe, shield, sling