Revision fbd83c027bde7f79ffe34debd51228d1cab6c214 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from fbd83c027bde7f79ffe34debd51228d1cab6c214 to current

title:  Ercc mac Una

: 1220

: 10 (1230)
: 20 (1240)

Base Char.
: Int +3, Per +1, Sta +2, Str 0, Pre -2, Com -2, Dex +2, Qik +2
Game Start
: Winter 1226 (age 6)

: (-1 child penalty)
: Int 2, Per 0, Sta 1, Str -1, Pre -3, Com -3, Dex 1, Qik 1
: Int +3, Per +1, Sta +2, Str 0, Pre -2, Com -2, Dex +2, Qik +2

Personality Trait
: Whimsical +3/+6, Curious +2, Loyal +1, Obedient -2
: Whimsical +6, Curious +2, Loyal +1, Obedient -2

Sympathy Traits
: Games +2, Iron -2 

: -2
: 0 (from 1234)

: 1 (0)

# Grog Version

: the Gift, Faerie Background (free), Faerie Blood (Sidhe) (minor), Independent Study (minor) [HoH:MC:86], Inoffensive to Animals [core] (minor)
: 2 (23)

: Bastard [App:9] (minor), Whimsical (minor Personality), Uninspirational (free from warping) [grogs:85], Warped by Faerie  (minor) [grogs]
# Virtues

# Companion Version
+ the Gift, Faerie Background (free), 
+ Warrior (House Virtue)
+ Faerie Blood (Sidhe) (minor),
+ Independent Study (minor) [HoH:MC:86], 
+ Inoffensive to Animals [core] (minor),
+ Inventive genius (minor), 
+ Minor magic focus (party and celebration),
+ Lightning Reflexes (minor)
+ Life-Linked Spontaneous Magic (major)
+ Self-Confident

Extra Virtues
: (+3) inventive genius (minor), minor magic focus (party and celebration), Lightning Reflexes (minor), Grows Quickly (child virtue),
  Ways of the Covenant (major, to be lost upon transition, for an Hermetic Major Virtue)
**Child Virtues now discarded**
Grows Quickly (child virtue),
Ways of the Covenant (major, to be lost upon transition, for an Hermetic Major Virtue)

# Flaws

Extra Flaws
: (+8 drop Bastard) Whimsical (major) [custom], Restriction (hearing church bells) (major) [core], Faerie Heritage (story, major) [RoP:F:114]
+ Whimsical (major Personality),
+ Uninspirational (free from warping) [grogs:85],
+ Warped by Faerie  (minor) [grogs],
+ Restriction (hearing church bells) (major) [core],
+ Faerie Heritage (story, major) [RoP:F:114]

: Suppressed Gift is an alternative to Faerie Heritage, but the theme would be the same. Hopefully some beta-SG wants to run this ...

# Ability

| Ability     | Spec      | Start XP | Adv. XP  |Score | Comment |
| :-          | :-        | -: | -:  | -: | :- |
| Irish       | Munster   | native | | 5 |       |
| Latin       | Hermetic  |  - | 51  | 4 | |
| Art. Lib.   | Poetry    |  - |  5  | 1 | |
| Philosophia | Natural Phil. |  - |  12  | 1 | |
| Animal H.   | Dogs      | 15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Stealth     | Sneak     |  5 |  -  | 1 |  |
| Awareness   | Search    |  5 |  3  | 1 |  |
| Brawl       | Grapple   | 15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Carouse     | Gossip    |  - |  6  | 1 | |
| Area Lore   | Elk's Run | 15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Survival    | Hills     |  5 |  -  | 1 | |
| Hunt        | Track     |  - | 18  | 2 |  |
| Storytelling| Faerie tales | - | 6 | 1 |  |
| Faerie Lore | Regione   |  - |  15  | 2 |  |
| Bows        | Shortbow   |  - |  26  | 2 |  |
| Single Weapon | Short Spear   |  - |  13  | 1 |  |
| Magic Theory |    |  - | 24 | 2 | |
| :-          | :-        | -:     | -:  | -: | :- |
| Irish       | Munster   | native |     | 5 |       |
| West Norse  | Iceland   |  -     | 23  | 2 | 1246 |
| Latin       | Hermetic  |  -     | 51  | 4 | Winter 1228 |
| Art. Lib.   | Poetry    |  -     | 25  | 2 | Winter 1227 |
| Philosophia | Ceremonial Casting |  - | 15  | 2 | Winter 1229 |
| Animal H.   | Dogs      |     15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Awareness   | Search    |      5 | 10  | 2 |  Autumn 1233 |
| Brawl       | Grapple   |     15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Carouse     | Gossip    |      - | 15  | 2 | Spring 1230 |
| Folk Ken    | Townsfolk |      - |  5  | 1 | Autumn 1233 |
| Guile       | Fast Talk |      - |  5  | 1 | Autumn 1233 |
| Hunt        | Track     |      - | 20  | 2 |  Spring 1228 |
| Stealth     | Sneak     |      5 |  -  | 1 |  |
| Storytelling| Faerie tales |   - |  6  | 1 |  Autumn 1227 |
| Survival    | Hills     |      5 |  -  | 1 | |
| Area Lore   | Elk's Run |     15 |  -  | 2 | |
| Area Lore   | Munster   |      - |  9  | 1 | Autumn 1230 |
| Church Lore | Relics    |        |  5  | 1 | Autumn 1247 |
| Faerie Lore | Regione   |      - | 15  | 2 |  Autumn 1229 |
| Magic Lore | Hedge Traditions   |      - | 5  | 1 |  |
| Infernal Lore | Deceptions   |      - | 5  | 1 |  Autumn 1247 |
| Mercury Cult Lore |     |      - | 44  | 3 | Spring 1234 |
| Code of Hermes | Mundane Interference |      - | 15  | 2 | |
| Order of Hermes Lore | History |      - |  5  | 1 | |
| Magic Theory | Spells   |      - | 51  | 4 | Winter 1233 |
| Parma Magica |          |      - |  5  | - | Autumn 1235 |
| Penetration  |          |      - | 20  | 2 | Autumn 1234 |
| Finesse      |          |      - | 10  | 1 | |
| Bows        | Shortbow  |      - | 50  | 4 |  Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) |
| Thrown Weapon | Spear   |      - | 15  | 2 |  Spring 1238 |
| Single Weapon | Short Spear |  - | 75  | 5 |  Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) |
| Great Weapon | Staff    |        |  5  | 1 |  Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) |
| TOTAL        |          |     60 |     |

#  Equipment normally Carried

+ Short Spear
+ Round Shield
+ Shortbow 
    + 20 arrows
+ Magic cookies
    + Willful Sidestep 1
    + Veil of Invisibility  0
    + Tearing the Fabric of Imaginem 2
    + Frog's legs 2
+ Magic Arrows
    + Sleep 0 (Pen 44)
    + Group Slumber 2 (Pen 24)
    + Childlike Faith 2 (Pen 18)
    + Ramming 1 (Pen 22)
    + Orator 2 (Pen 34)
    + Light 2 (Pen 10)
    + DEO 5 (Pen 44)
+ Vis:
    + 2p Muto (faerie leaves)
    + 3p Corpus (chess pieces)
    + valuable pearl (+30d silver from Pollices)

# Possessions (normally not carried)

+ Faerie book in Norwegian

# Arts

| Art          | XP  | Score | Comment |
|--------------|---- |------|-------|
| Creo         | 43  |  8 | Summer 1235 |
| Intellego    | 15  |  5 | Summer 1236 | 
| Muto         | 34  |  7 | Summer 1231 | 
| Perdo        | 15  |  5 | | 
| Rego         | 71  | 11 | Winter 1237 | 
| Animal       | 58  | 10 | Winter 1235 | 
| Aquam        | 18  |  5 | | 
| Auram        | 19  |  5 | | 
| Corpus       | 63  | 10 | Summer 1237 |
| Herbam       | 21  |  6 | |
| Ignem        | 30  |  7 | |
| Imaginem     | 19  |  5 | Spring 1232 |
| Mentem       | 15  |  5 | | 
| Terram       | 15  |  5 | | 
| Vim          | 28  |  7 | Winter 1234 | 

# Spells

+ Animàl
    + Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5
    + Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn5
    + The Treacherous Cloak ReAn5
+ Auram
    + Jupiter's Resounding Blow CrAu 10
    + Circular Winds of Protection CrAu20;
    + True Sight of the Air InAu15
    + Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow InAu20 
    + Talon's of the Winds MuAu20
    + Rain of Stones MuAu(Te) 20
    + Quiet Raging Winds PeAu20
+ Corpus
    + Bind Wound CrCo 10
    + Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo 10
    + Ears of the Hound MuCo(An)5
    + Nose of the Bloodhound MuCo(An)5
    + Shape of the Lynx (MuCo(An)25) 
    + Dust to Dust PeCo15
    + Touch of the Goose Feather PeCo5
    + Wound that Weeps PeCo15
    + Invocation of Weariness PeCo20
    + Lift the Dangling Puppet ReCo15
    + Leap of Homecoming ReCo35
+ Ignem 
    + Palm of Flame CrIg5
    + Lamp Without Flame CrIg10
    + Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
    + Pilum of Fire CrIg20
+ Imaginem
    + *Veil of Invisibility*  PeIm20  
+ Terram
    + Unseen Arm ReTe5
+ Vim
    + Measure the Magical Aura InVi3
    + Pierce the Faerie Veil InVi20
    + Pierce the Magic Veil InVi20
    + Sense of the Lingering Magic InVi30	
    + Wizard's Communion MuVi 10 [Mastery 7xp 1 (2) Adaptive]
    + Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi 5
    + Circular Ward Against Demons ReVi25 [Mastery 5xp 1 (0) Penetration]
+ Total 438 levels

# Advancement

Spring 1226
: Story 5xp + 3xp:  Awareness (3), Faerie Lore (5)

Summer 1226
: 6xp Hunt - Practice with Loreena

Autumn 1226
: Taught Latin by Crimthann 14xp

Winter 1227
: Taught Latin by Crimthann 9xp + AL 5xp
: Taught Latin by Crimthann 9xp + AL 5xp (to 23/5xp)

Spring 1227
: Taught Latin by Dermot 12xp
: Taught Latin by Dermot 12xp (to 35xp)

Summer 1227
: Practice Hunt 6xp

Autumn 1227
: Practice Storytelling 6xp

Winter 1228
: Taught Latin by Ibhan 16xp 
: Taught Latin by Ibhan 16xp  (to 51xp)

Spring 1228
: Practice Hunt 6xp
: Practice Hunt 6xp (to 18xp)

Summer 1228
: Learn Bow from Dermot Q13
: Learn Bow from Dermot Q13 (to 13xp)

Autumn 1228
: Read Magic Theory 12xp
: Read Magic Theory 12xp (5+7) (to 12xp)

Winter 1229
: Reads Causes And Cures - 12xp Philosophia (Ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12)
: Reads *Causes And Cures* - 12xp Philosophia (Ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12) (to 12xp)

Spring 1229
: Learn Single Weapon from Dermot Q13

Summer 1229
: Learn Bow from Dermot Q13
: Learn Bow from Dermot Q13 to (26xp)

Autumn 1229
: Read Faerie Lore L3Q10 (ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12)
: Read Faerie Lore L3Q10 (ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12) (to 15xp)

Winter 1230
: Read Magic Theory L5Q12 - 12xp
: Read Magic Theory L5Q12 - 12xp (2+9) (to 24xp)

Spring 1230
: Practice Carouse 6xp - he runs off to the village of Gern

Summer 1230
: Study with Dermot. 13xp Single Weapon (to 26xp)

Autumn 1230
: Practice Munster Lore 6xp

Winter 1231
:  Arts opened.  Exposure 2xp Magic Theory. (2+11)

Spring 1231
: Marlowe's Cave.  12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 12xp)

Summer 1231
: Read Muto L6Q20 20xp

Autumn 1231
: Read Animal L10Q18 18xp

Winter 1232
: Trained by Una in Magic Theory SQ8 (3+4) (to 34 xp)

Spring 1232
: Assigned Reading Corpus Root (Unsupervised) Actually reads Imaginem L7Q19

Summer 1232
: Lab help.  Exposure 2xp Magic Theory (3+6) (to 36 xp)

Autumn 1232
: Assigned Reading Rego Root *Wizard in Charge* L7Q19 (to 19xp)

Winter 1233
: Taught Spells by Una (Seasons of one-on-one interactions with Una: 4)
  (Una's highest lab total ReAn 43.) Exposure Magic Theory 2xp (to 38 xp)
    + DEO PeVi 5
    + Wizard's Communion MuVi 10
    + Bind Wound CrCo 10
    + Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5
    + Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo 10

Spring 1233
: Marlowe's Cave.  12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 24xp)

Summer 1233
: Read Vim primer L5Q15 (to 15xp)

Autumn 1233
: Story [Jerome's Tower 5] 12xp + 3 : Guile, Folk Ken, Awareness (to 8xp); 5 confidence points

Winter 1234
: Taught Vim by Una. Quality 13 (Seasons of one-on-one interactions with Una: 5) (to 28xp)

Spring 1234
: Marlowe's Cave.  12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 36xp)

Summer 1234
: Assigned Practice Wizard's Communion Mastery 7xp

Autumn 1234
: Read *Ultor* Penetration L5Q11 (Assigned imaginem but this had been read previously)

Winter 1235
: Taught Animal by Una SQ13 (to 31xp)

Spring 1235
: Assigned teaching; Single Weapon SQ14 by Dermot (assuming single student) (to 40xp)

Summer 1235
: (Assigned) read Creo Primer L5Q15

Autumn 1235
: Help Una in Lab. Exposure 2xp Parma 

Winter 1236
: Taught Rego by Una SQ13 (to 32xp)

Spring 1236
: Assigned teaching; Bows SQ14 by Dermot (assuming single student) (to 40xp)

Summer 1236
: Read Intellego L5Q15

Autumn 1236
: Read Rego L10Q13 (to 45xp)

Winter 1237
: Taught Rego by Una SQ13 (to 58xp)

Spring 1237
: Marlowe's Cave.  Exposure Mercury Cult Lore 2xp (to 38xp)
    + Lab Total 10 + Tech (0/5/10) + Form (Animal/Vim 7/Im 5)
    + Marlowe has lab total 70 in PeCo and PeVi (as experienced previously by Una)
    + Unseen Arm ReTe5
    + Dust to Dust PeCo5
    + Circular Ward Against Demons ReVi25
    + Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
    + Pierce the Magic Veil InVi20

Summer 1237
: (assigned) Read Corpus Root L6Q21

Autumn 1237
: Read Auram L6Q19

Winter 1238
: Una Teaches Ercc Corpus SQ14. (to 35xp)  Ercc Gains Warrior House Virtue from 10 seasons directly working with Una. 

Spring 1238
: Weapon Training with Dermot.  14xp Thrown Weapon

Summer 1238
: Read Ignem L5Q15

Autumn 1238
: Read Perdo L5Q15

Winter 1239
: Una Teaches Ercc Animal SQ14 (to 45xp)

Spring 1239
: Marlowe's Cave. Exposure 2xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 40xp).  Spells:
    + Pilum of Fire CrIg20
    + Circular Winds of Protection CrAu20;
    + Wound that Weeps PeCo15
    + Palm of Flame CrIg5
    + Lamp Without Flame CrIg10
    + Lab Total 10 + Tech (0/5/10) + Form (Animal/Vim 7/Im 5)

Summer 1239
: Help Una in Lab Invent InAn Spells. Exposure 1xp each in Parma and MT

Autumn 1239
: Help Una in Lab Invent InAn Spells. Exposure 1xp each in Parma and MT

Winter 1240
: Una Teaches Ercc Spells.  Exposure 1xp MT, 1xp Parma
    + Pierce the Faerie Veil InVi20
    + Measure the Magical Aura InVi3
    + Lift the Dangling Puppet ReCo15
    + Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn5
    + The Treacherous Cloak ReAn5
    + Nose of the Bloodhound MuCo(An)5

Spring 1240
: lab use Invent spell(s) Ercc's choice.  Exposure 2xp MT
    + Lab Total 15 (aura 8 int 3  MT 4) + Tech (5/7/10) + Form (0/5/7/9)
    + Lab Total:  InVi 12 + 15 = 27 + 2 Bookstand + 1 Early Riser 
    + InVi30	Sense of the Lingering Magic

Summer 1240
: Help Una in Lab invent InVi spells.  Exposure 2xp MT

Autumn 1240
: Story 13xp + 2conf
  Awareness (2xp) Carouse (5xp) Finesse (5xp) Thrown Weapon (1xp)

Winter 1241
: Una Teaches Ercc Muto SQ14 (to 34xp)

Spring 1241
: Marlowe teaches spells.  See below - 70 levels.  2xp exposure in Mercury Lore

Summer 1241
: Read *Grounding* 15xp Terram

Autumn 1241
: Read Aquam L7Q18

Winter 1242
: Una Teaches Ercc Corpus SQ14 (to 49)

Spring 1242
: Marlowe teaches spells.  See below - 70 levels.  2xp exposure in Mercury Lore

Summer 1242
: Tribunal/Read *The Apprentice’s Guide to the Code* 14xp

Autumn 1242
: Read Mentem Primer 

Winter 1243
: Taught Corpus 14xp (-> 63xp)

Spring 1243
: Invent Leap of Homecoming from text 2xp Magic Theory (-> 47xp)

Summer 1243
: Story:  7 confidence points; 20+3 xp ;
   1 Code of Hermes, 4 Carouse, 5 Magic Lore, 5 OoH Lore, 5 Finesse, 3 Munster Lore. 

Autumn 1243
: Taugt Artes Liberales by Crimthann 16xp

Winter 1244
: Taught Rego by Una 13xp

Spring 1244
: Read Creo 14xp

Summer 1244
: Read Ignem L8Q15  15xp

Autumn 1244
: Learn *Veil of Invisibility* (PeIm20)  [Lab Total PeIm 10 + Aura 8 + Int 3 + MT 4 = 25]  Exposure 2xp Magic Theory

Winter 1245
: Taught Animàl by Una 13xp (updated)

Spring 1245
: Read Creo  L15Q14

Summer 1245
: Learn two MuCo(An) spells from text; exposure 2xp Magic Theory
    + Shape of the Lynx (MuCo(An)25) text  17+15 = 32 (+1 lab )
    + Ears of the Hound MuCo(An)5

Autumn 1245
: Read Herbam  L6Q21

Winter 1246
: Story: Introduction to the pilgrimage
    + Confidence: gaineed four and spent two (recorded)
    + SQ 15 + 3 (independent study)
    + Spend on Penetration (4) + Demon Ward Mastery (5) + Hunt (2) + Phil (3) + AL (4)

Spring 1246
: Taught Norse by the Crone SQ 13

Summer 1246
: Practice Norse in Iceland SQ 10 (including 2 for independent study)

Autumn 1246
: Pilgrimage SQ12 +3; two conf: Church Lore 5; Infernal Lore 5; Penetration 5

## Plans

+ Four seasons before gap year; prioritise spells
    + Muto (+2)

+ Goal 1
    + Raven Shapechange (MuCo(An)30)
    + Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm15)  30 w/o text
        + other discguises
    + Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm) Willful Sidestep (ReIm20)  31 with text
    + Magic Theory L5Q12 x2
+ Goal 2
    + Improve casting totals for Pilum of FIre (CrIg)
        + Creo (two seasons +3)
    + Party spells and investigation
+ Goal 3
    + Muto (one season +2)
    + Vim (one season +2)
    + Intellego (one season +2)
+ Longterm priorities
    + Imaginem
    + Techniques

# Spell history

+ From Una
    + Demon's Eternal Oblivion ReVi 5
    + Wizard's Communion MuVi 10 [Mastery 7xp 1 (2) Adaptive]
    + Bind Wound CrCo 10
    + Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5
    + Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo 10
+ From Marlowe (Spring 1237)
    + Unseen Arm ReTe5
    + Touch of the Goose Feather PeCo5
    + Circular Ward Against Demons ReVi25
    + Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
    + Pierce the Magic Veil InVi20
+ Second season with Marlowe (Spring 1239)
    + Pilum of Fire CrIg20
    + Circular Winds of Protection CrAu20;
    + Palm of Flame CrIg5
    + Wound that Weeps PeCo15
    + Lamp Without Flame CrIg10
+ Second season with Una
    + Pierce the Faerie Veil InVi20
    + Measure the Magical Aura InVi3
    + Lift the Dangling Puppet ReCo15
    + Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn5
    + The Treacherous Cloak ReAn5
    + Nose of the Bloodhound MuCo(An)5
+ Third season with Marlowe (Spring 1241)
    + Talon's of the Winds MuAu20
    + Jupiter's Resounding Blow CrAu 10
    + Invocation of Weariness PeCo20
    + Quiet Raging Winds PeAu20
+ Third season with Marlowe (Spring 1242)
    + Rain of Stones MuAu(Te) 20
    + Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow InAu20 
    + Dust to Dust PeCo15
    + True Sight of the Air InAu15
+ Own Study
    + InVi30	Sense of the Lingering Magic
    + ReCo35	Leap of Homecoming
    + PeIm20  *Veil of Invisibility* 
    + MuCo(An)25 Shape of the Lynx 
    + MuCo(An)5  Ears of the Hound 
+ Total 438 levels