Revision 58c99018590bce465d48e39f84f0f1ac2c25085c (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 58c99018590bce465d48e39f84f0f1ac2c25085c to 46e407de527095de1ec4e747b17c9e3e5018385b

title: The Faerie Stone Dragon
categories: NPC

Magic Might 27 (Ignem) 

Size +3
Int -2

| Weapon |   |   |   |   |     |
| Bite   | Init +3  | Atk +4  | Dam +28    | Dfn 0 |
| Claw   | Init +4  | Atk +6  | Dam +24    | Dfn 0 |
| Breath | Init +10 | Atk +12 | Dam +15    | Dfn 0 |Penetration +12|

Soak +26

*Fiery Breath*  CrIg20  3pts

# Treasures
This treasure was collected from Marlowe's Cave in the Winter of 1219.

+ A magical silver ring (unknown effect)
+ A magical long sword
    + blade of virulent flame 4x/day
    + the blade lights up when it is drawn from the scabbard
+ Some vis
    + A blue gem 1p Rego 
    + Two translucent crystals 2p Vim each
    + One animal skull 3p Vim 
    + Four animal fangs, 1p Animal each
    + One silvery flower,  10p Mentem
    + The dragon's heart is worth 6p Ignem
    + 28p total
+ approx. 10000 silver pennies (approx. £41), many of them dating from the 11th Century
+ approx. 10000 brass, bronze, and iron coins of dubious value
+ approx. £150 in silverware, jewellery and the like
+ Some excellent arms and armour 
  (+1 Atk and Def (weapons), +1 Def (shields), +1 protection and -1 Enc. (armour))
    + one great sword
    + two helmets
    + one cuirass (plate) 
    + one halberd
    + two daggers
+ Some superior arms and armour 
  (+1 Atk (weapons), +1 Def (shields), +1 protection (armour))
    + two full suits of chainmail (Size 0)
    + two long swords
    + six battle axes, superior blades but rotten shafts
    + five bucklers
    + two heater shields
    + six short swords
    + six helmets
    + one horse armour
    + four daggers
+ £10 worth of fine garments, including a full lady's dress and a lord's garment
+ some further weapons, tools, and other random items of no particular value
+ a dozen bottles fine wine, but sour after a century in the cave