Revision d9c227373081d5523eb6270a63a1e008fa779192 (click the page title to view the current version)
Changes from d9c227373081d5523eb6270a63a1e008fa779192 to f1ded8cec82fd804335380557901594b5e497553
title: Finance
# Income sources
**Cattle** £100/year (typical source)
**Copper mine** Increased to £41/year (lesser source) from 1226 + £10 with ReTe item. From 1238 it is £60.
**Trade** increased to £14/year from 1226 (sublesser source), £15 from 1227.
Plus 30 (to £45) from 1245 due to the tradeposts
**Production of vellum** £5/year from 1225 (ReAn item)
Covenant currently running a surplus of £4/year (1238-40) after many years with a deficit (£2.7 per year).
# 1238-40
The same [spreadsheet]( for these three years.
It seems that cost savings have been ignored for some years, but also travel costs and the like seem to have been forgotten.
We assume that errors even out, and round the numbers.
| Text | Per Year | Amount | Comment |
|----------------------|---------:| -: |----------------------------|
| Incoming balance | | 935.35 | |
| Regular income | 180.00 | 540 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Net Expenses | -176 | -528.35 |
| Stocks Winter 1241 | | 947 | |
# 1237
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 938.05 ||
| Regular income | 180.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -182.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 935.35 | |
# 1236
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 970.75 ||
| Regular income | 150.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -182.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 938.05 | |
# 1235
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1003.45 ||
| Regular income | 150.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -182.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 970.75 | |
# 1234
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1007.15 ||
| Regular income | 179.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -182.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1003.45 | |
# 1233
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1013.85 ||
| Regular income | 178.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -183.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1007.15 | |
# 1232
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1019.55 ||
| Regular income | 177.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -182.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1013.85 | |
# 1231
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 988.75 ||
| Regular income | 176.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -145.20 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1019.55 | |
# 1230
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 964.70 ||
| Regular income | 175.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -150.95 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 988.75 | |
# 1229
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 967.40 ||
| Regular income | 174.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -176.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 964.70 | |
# 1228
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 971.10 ||
| Regular income | 173.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -176.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 967.40 | |
# 1227
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 975.8 ||
| Regular income | 172.00 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -176.70 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 971.10 | |
# 1226
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1009.15 ||
| Regular income | 170 | |
| Extraordinary income |-7.2 |Eogan's wedding feast, Norse Fair and Hermetic Fair |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -196.15 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 975.8 | |
# 1225
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1025.15 ||
| Regular income | 168 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -183.8 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1009.35 | |
# 1224
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1035.95 ||
| Regular income | 163 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -173.8 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1025.15 | |
# 1223
- [Spreadsheet](
- The ReTe item crafted by Cieran increased the yield of the Copper mine by £10 per year.
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1058.75 ||
| Regular income | 163 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -185.8 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1035.95 | |
# 1222
- [Spreadsheet](
- The ReTe item crafted by Cieran increased the yield of the Copper mine by £10 per year. This was applied for half a year giving an increase of £5.
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 1073 ||
| Regular income | 158 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -170.05 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1058.75 | |
# 1221
- [Spreadsheet](
- The loot from the Barrow of the undead gave approximately £500, less 25% share paid to the Lord of Clonmacnoise and 10% donation to the Church giving an increase of £325 to the Covenant accounts. 1 Pound 7 shilling spent on Classic Greek language book.
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 761.8 ||
| Regular income | 153 | |
| Extraordinary income | 375 | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -166.3 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 1073 | |
# 1220
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 767 ||
| Regular income | 153 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -158.2 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 761.8 | |
# 1219
- [Spreadsheet](
- The loot from the dragon in Nenagh gave £201, less the share of £12 paid to the mercenaries. This is counted as a pure silver income, assuming that, in the long run, the silverware, jewellery, and garments will save costs by replacing necessary purchases whether for consumption or for gifts.
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 599 ||
| Regular income | 153 | |
| Extraordinary income | 189 | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -174 | |
| Stocks Winter 1220 | 767 | |
# 1218
- [Spreadsheet](
- Richard joined the covenant with his mercenaries, but they are assumed to be self-sufficient, and they are therefore not included in the accounts.
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 604 ||
| Regular income | 153 | |
| Extraordinary income | | |
| Investments | | |
| Expenses | -158 | |
| Stocks Winter 1219 | 599 | |
# 1217
- [Spreadsheet](
| Text | Amount | Comment |
| Incoming balance | 720 ||
| Regular income | 140 | |
| Extraordinary income | 5 | From the cattle raid |
| Investments | -100 | Setting up the merchant business |
| Expenses | -161 | |
| Stocks Winter 1218 | 604 | |