Revision 29aff72b81b76293ac90f687518241866729513b (click the page title to view the current version)

Covenant/Vis until 1252

Changes from beginning to 29aff72b81b76293ac90f687518241866729513b

title: Vis Economy at Elk's Run

Following continental practice, the magi of Elk's Run tend to harvest and
stock up on Vis.  This is controversial though, and the practice varies 

The sources listed are on Hermetically recognised property unless
stated otherwise.

+ [Vis Sources]()
+ [Vis until 1252]()
+ [Unusual Vis]() - to be flagged when spent

# Earned and Unclaimed salaries

| Magus              |  1244 | 1245 | 1246 | 1247| 1248-52 |   | Outstanding 1252 |
| :-                 |  -:   |-:    |-:    |-:   |       -:| -:|     -:|
| Una                |  2/0  | 2/0  |2/0   |2/0  |  10/0   |   | 58p   |
| Cieran             |  2/0  | 6/0  |2/0   |2/12 |  18/18   |   | 0p   |
| Maine              |  2/0  | 2/0  |11/0  |2/0  |  10/0   |   | 69p   |
| Tim                |  6/0  | 6/0  |6/0   |2/0  |  18/21  |   | 24p   |
| Sean               |  2/0  | 2/0  |2/0   |2/0  |  18/0   |   | 30p   |
| Running total owed |  115p | 136p |163p  |165p |  212p   |   | 212p  | 
+ Expenses from 1253
    + 3 Vis per year as allowance
    + 6 Vis per season of Covenant service, 1 service per 2 years unless agreed at council.
    + Covenant pays 6p/year for faerie ingredients

# 1253

| Art       | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments       |Ci
|-----------|  -: | -: | -:  | -: | -:  |---------------------------|
| Creo      |  96 | 4 |     |    |  | Reserved for emergencies|
| Intellego |  19 |   |     |    |  | |
| Muto      |  23 |   |     |    |  | |
| Perdo     |  98 | 6 |     |    |  | 
| Rego      |  86 | 4 |     |    |  | |
| Animal    |  90 | 6 |     |    |  | |
| Aquam     |  83 | 6 |     |    |  | Spent on Covenant Service, Salt Water Itens|
| Auram     |  91 | 3 |     |    |  | |
| Corpus    | 140 | 6 |     |    |  | Reserved for emergencies|
| Herbam    |  65 | 2 |     |    |  | |
| Ignem     |  13 |   |     |    |  | Received by Tim for Allowance|
| Imaginem  |   4 |   |     |    |  | Taken by Cieran as allowance/for tractatus|
| Mentem    |  85 | 6 |     |    |  | Received by Tim for Allowance|
| Terram    |  71 | 3 |     |    |  | |
| Vim       | 193 | 6 |     | 33 |  | 6p Aegis, 6p faerie ingredients, 21p departing magi |
| Total     |1,157|52 |     | 33 |  |

+ Paying off departed magi 21p
    + Delaney 7p
    + Tylerie 2p
    + Regina 12p