--- title: 1221 --- # Winter 1221 # Spring 1221 Cieran, Seafriad and Crimthann, along with 3 shield grogs and 3 archers returned to the undead infested burial mound. Seafriad used a chisel to carve his ward vs undead in to the corridor floor of the second level of the infernal Regio. The group broke in to each walled off room using Cieran's wall breaker arrows and then used his demon slaying arrows to destroy all 80 undead, using up 100 arrows in the process. Cieran noticed a sharp outcrop on the end wall of the corridor and feeling blood would help made a minor cut on to his hand. This made the rear wall shimmer like black water and the group passed through in to the 3rd level of the regio. This level was a rough hewn cavern 120 long by 30 feet wide containing much treasure. The group was assaulted by a horrendous scream that left everyone deafened (heal as a Heavy Wound) as they started to retreat a man sized two-headed bird landed in the cavern from above and the group retreated to the 2nd Regio level. As they paused the bird came through the Regio boundary and caused one of the shield grogs to go berserk and attack Cieran, causing him a medium wound. The bird was destroyed by two of the demon slaying arrows before it could cause any other damage. On its demise the berserk shield grog calmed down and was visibly shaken and hugely apologetic for attacking Cieran. The group re-entered the cavern regio level and as they moved down the cavern noticed three very life like stautues of three armoured knights on stone pedestals at the far end. The pedestals bore the inscriptions Lord Ullachan, Lord Zimla and Lord Simion respectively. Seafriad advised not to touch any of the treasure as it may be infernally tainted but Crimthann noticed a book lying on the top of one of the treasure coffers and pick it up. As he did so the statutes animated, all pointed at him and said in unison "We mark you and we will return" before being enveloped in thick red smoke. When the smoke cleared the statues remained but in a much worse state of decay as if the passage of centuries had come upon them in an instant. The group looted some of the treasure and took it to Lord O'Sullivan at Clonmacnoise to inform him of the find at pass over the usual 25% share due him as the land owner. They also engaged Father Utred to bless the treaure to remove any lingering infernal taint, which he did and took the churches usual 10% tithe. The treaure amounted to a value of 500 pounds of silver and the group was able to return to Elk's Run with their share of 325 pounds using carts provided by and under escort from Lord O'Sullivan's men. On the way home the magi picked up the 4 pawns of Rego vis from Jerome's Tower. The two books found were found to be a Summae on Magic Lore (Legends) L5Q12 ("The uncaring Masters of Creation") and two tractatus on Infernal Lore both Q14 ("On False Gods" and "True Names of the Demonic Foe") and bound together in to one volume. 10xp and 3 confidence points for Cieran, Seafraid and Crimthann # Summer 1221 ## Tribunal Marcus, Una and Seafraid attend the tribunal along with a large entourage of Companions, Grogs and other covenfolk. In the English Council, Marcus met Carolus, who was very upset by the brutal way anyone can violently stop new startup covenants with impunity, just by stealing the Cathach, or the Cattle. Several magi concurred, but no action was agreed. They were challenged in the main council meeting by Faisgia of Merinita of Cliffheart covenant with upsetting the Faerie Queen by not attending her parties. She tried to accuse the magi of "upsetting the Fae" which was shown not to even be a part of the code and bringing ruin on their sodales but did not get much support at all as Marcus used the defence of inactivity with the Fae could not be seen as bringing ruin. She then tried to turn the accusations on Dorjan and Konstanczia of Ashenrise for issuing the certamen challenge to the Elk run magi. The two magi were not present but Marcus defended their position as legal and just under the code. This accusation again did not get wide support and was quashed. Dorjan and Konstanczia approached the magi outside the meeting and asked about the situation. They left happy with the explanation given. Marcus negotiates the following: | Type | Item | Stats | Price | |------|----------------------------|-------|--------|-----------| | Summa | Classic Greek language | L5 Q15 | 27 shillings | | Lab text | for Aegis of the Hearth | ReVi 20 | 1 pawn of vis | | Lab Text | Shape of the Canine Companion | MuCo(An) 25 (touch, Sun, Ind) | 2 pawns of vis | | Lab text | Lung of the Fish | MuAq (Au) 20 | 1 pawns of vis | | Lab text | Improved Purification of the Festering Wound (+12 to recovery) | CrCo 25 | Hospitality for Carolus | | Lab text | Restoration of the Defiled Body | CrCo 25 | Hospitality for Carolus | | Lab text | Inferior Cheating the Reaper (Serious or less ageing crisis) | CrCo 25 | Hospitality for Carolus | Carolus of Criamon provides three lab texts in turn for hospitality. He will stay the Autumn 1221 to do the scribing and Winter 1222 for his own studies. Marcus asked at the next council meeting that the vis and monies spent (4 Ignem vis and 1 pound 7 shillings) be reimbursed from covenant funds and got the answer of yes, costing the Covenant 4 Mentem vis and 1 pound 7 shillings in cash. # Autumn 1221 Carolus arrives to stay half a year. Trade with the Norsemen was completed. | Type | Item | Lang. | Stats | Price | Comment | |------|----------------------------|-----|------|--------|----------|---| | Tractatus | Magic Lore | Gaelic | Q10 | 1p Perdo Vis | | | Tractatus | Irish Sea (Area) Lore | Latin | Q14 | 1p Perdo Vis | | | Summa | classic Latin traveller's account from Thule (area Lore) | Latin | L4Q14 | 2p Perdo Vis | Agreed for 1222 | | Summa | Irish Sea Lore | Gaelic | L4Q18 | 2p Perdo Vis | Tentatively agreed for 1223 | Also on offer: 1. A not so sound tractatus on Magic Lore in Latin 2. Two rather vain tractatus on Ireland lore in Gaelic + one in Latin Una, Seafraid, and Dermot went to collect the Aquam Vis. Una came across a hedge wizard, calling himself Herrick, with two magical dogs in the woods. He presents himself as a hermit Wizard. It was a strange conversation. Herrick was evidently expecting them, and asked for hospitality at Elk's Run to study. In return he offered one of the dogs to Una, and can also offer help to Seafraid to liase with Genii Locii. The two dogs are called Roisin (RO-sheen) and Cathal (ka-hal) **Rewards** 8xp, 2 conf. points