Oswald is the founder of Elks Run (1). The story of his triumph in claiming the rights of the covenant's existence is already a legend agmonst the gifted and other mystical folks of Ireland (2). Originally born in Ireland, but apprenticed in Stonehenge (3), he returned to his homeland to record its history (4). Since founding Elks Run, that has been his entire focus (5). He is a man of small statue, his unruly vibrant silver hair has turned a dull grey now (6), but he's known for his cunning mind, out manveouring stronger opponents on many occassions (7). Expertise ========= AL Ireland, Baragin, Imagniem. Laboratory ========== Oswald's Lab is the higher sanctum of the middle tower (1). It partially functions as an extension of the library and scirptorium, with almost every available wall taken up by deep shefling with various books on (2). The hermetic arts aren't immediately obivous, but for those with otherwordly eyes, they can see past the many illusions in the sanctum, which Oswald uses to divide and conceal his living quarters from the lab itself (3). The laboratory itself is lit by a magnificent, and illusionary, candlarbire mounting dozens of candles floating near the ceiling (1). Along the western wall, framed by robost bookshelves is a vast, prefect mirror, twice the height of a man (2). Behind the veiled entrance, his living quaters are surpiringly more akin to a hunting lodge, with great fur rugs covering the cold stone floors (3). A great, dark wood desk, is situated in front the vast mirror, far too large to fit through the door of the sanctum (1). Nearby is another work station, stocked with a diverse collection of inks, almost all of them imported from far away lands (2). The abundant bookshelves are all neatly organised and house a collection a spring covenant would be pround of (3). All of the furnurite in the lab is made of the same dark wood, imported from afar (1). Beyond the fur rugs in his living quarters, Oswald has many sets of antlers hung about the walls of his sanctum, high above the bookshelves (1). Dotted throughout the sancutm are modest wood cravings of athletic men, but with the heads of animals, the most promiment being one of a man with the head of an Elk (1).