--- title: Finance --- # Income sources **Cattle** £100/year (typical source) **Copper mine** Increased to £41/year (lesser source) from 1226 + £10 with ReTe item **Trade** increased to £14/year from 1226 (sublesser source) **Production of vellum** £5/year from 1225 (ReAn item) Covenant currently running a surplus of just over £11.3 per year. # 1236 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ToG6WrLfkSNzvM5EWwdO74I_ZZUFGsnKXFvKZ23zYXo/edit#gid=1230696468) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 970.75 || | Regular income | 150.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -182.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 938.05 | | # 1235 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ToG6WrLfkSNzvM5EWwdO74I_ZZUFGsnKXFvKZ23zYXo/edit#gid=1230696468) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1003.45 || | Regular income | 150.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -182.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 970.75 | | # 1234 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y4PJjwuGv8ugOHuUK-7DveAX3L3XqYtVJLH52Ccizjw/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1007.15 || | Regular income | 179.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -182.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1003.45 | | # 1233 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qJdwwyvi7CnaJhHFtR6qmBxD6iT0B8RpCE99LfXtM3o/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1013.85 || | Regular income | 178.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -183.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1007.15 | | # 1232 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OwMtO6BOTuGuDcxZ8JSwDx2sgqWEcoHmhKfYxpnBxGg/edit#gid=1230696468) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1019.55 || | Regular income | 177.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -182.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1013.85 | | # 1231 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1drDl-O5XNC4_ph4TMxrxIdl41toPhORqU7k7eBtcKBQ/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 988.75 || | Regular income | 176.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -145.20 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1019.55 | | # 1230 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e8sqZ0Jkipx6U1HnnXNtFWeRrfqqMOsiFRbcH3IQu4U/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 964.70 || | Regular income | 175.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -150.95 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 988.75 | | # 1229 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nWTeXv7eCyZWAIaX00LzKIHXjAI5nP1NeRnwH35JERk/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 967.40 || | Regular income | 174.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -176.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 964.70 | | # 1228 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Ct5R8hRyPEb3142tHxR3uuJ7apfoZXqGnhq5JRoCxg/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 971.10 || | Regular income | 173.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -176.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 967.40 | | # 1227 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgEUybbuZacWftdIOby-DYRT8lxs7dwQRB3jlwo_o5s/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 975.8 || | Regular income | 172.00 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -176.70 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 971.10 | | # 1226 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ubaaSfMccotlHn7Z0AqhQyQIbQ_iPEASKlnanda98IU/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1009.15 || | Regular income | 170 | | | Extraordinary income |-7.2 |Eogan's wedding feast, Norse Fair and Hermetic Fair | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -196.15 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 975.8 | | # 1225 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tIwp_Ldgjd6Qzw8PhlDCKEaEOTZPT3kcjl2_TVjDvxA/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1025.15 || | Regular income | 168 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -183.8 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1009.35 | | # 1224 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iM336UGq5sFVbHdwmAifROAtPBLyU0YcbUECYe9MAug/edit#gid=1230696468) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1035.95 || | Regular income | 163 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -173.8 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1025.15 | | # 1223 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gXgbPDRtTNembDtn0RJ58v64vx_UY-r-YTnW2Df5UlU/edit#gid=741508684) - The ReTe item crafted by Cieran increased the yield of the Copper mine by £10 per year. | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1058.75 || | Regular income | 163 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -185.8 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1035.95 | | # 1222 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DoG1qlsVTxN_WMlEsZ3GI_9awSjT4ltUUZOtf5uBKU0/edit#gid=741508684) - The ReTe item crafted by Cieran increased the yield of the Copper mine by £10 per year. This was applied for half a year giving an increase of £5. | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 1073 || | Regular income | 158 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -170.05 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1058.75 | | # 1221 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N0-PE28_2QBt028XqOx-xlmdAY0vLrofUaByMQYC7Sc/edit#gid=741508684) - The loot from the Barrow of the undead gave approximately £500, less 25% share paid to the Lord of Clonmacnoise and 10% donation to the Church giving an increase of £325 to the Covenant accounts. 1 Pound 7 shilling spent on Classic Greek language book. | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 761.8 || | Regular income | 153 | | | Extraordinary income | 375 | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -166.3 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 1073 | | # 1220 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YyZ75M2xQTnvp-4nEKjoJt-Lg89sWB_dLPwA4oJlM9Y/edit#gid=741508684) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 767 || | Regular income | 153 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -158.2 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 761.8 | | # 1219 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VgHhSflOxuyq0r_LQzy-f_t705P1CFCf3FNPGbF44XU/edit#gid=741508684) - The loot from the dragon in Nenagh gave £201, less the share of £12 paid to the mercenaries. This is counted as a pure silver income, assuming that, in the long run, the silverware, jewellery, and garments will save costs by replacing necessary purchases whether for consumption or for gifts. | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 599 || | Regular income | 153 | | | Extraordinary income | 189 | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -174 | | | Stocks Winter 1220 | 767 | | # 1218 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a4rWW-4-F_1AyjkiF18-o5dsjNJbgc5YlJV069_eSiY/edit?usp=sharing) - Richard joined the covenant with his mercenaries, but they are assumed to be self-sufficient, and they are therefore not included in the accounts. | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 604 || | Regular income | 153 | | | Extraordinary income | | | | Investments | | | | Expenses | -158 | | | Stocks Winter 1219 | 599 | | # 1217 - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10-mHZWD7FdpGI3uxf981yq691mlygUDWG9C-8fQ-xR4/edit?usp=sharing) | Text | Amount | Comment | |------------------|-------:|----------------------------| | Incoming balance | 720 || | Regular income | 140 | | | Extraordinary income | 5 | From the cattle raid | | Investments | -100 | Setting up the merchant business | | Expenses | -161 | | | Stocks Winter 1218 | 604 | |