title: Vis Sources

# The foul pits (Perdo)

Behind the covenant there are several muddy and foul-smelling pits,
3-6 feet deep.  The mud should be stirred on All Saint's Eve,
and a number of shiny stones, shaped like human skulls, surface during
the night.  Each one is worth 1p Perdo vis.

# The Contested Soure (Aquam)

Elk's Run has been harvesting Aquam vis from a coastal cave in Galloway
(Gaillimbe) Bay.
The cave is located at the tip of a peninsula reaching West NorthWest from
the Connacht border, making it close to, but outside Connacht.

The vis can be harvested after the first big storm after the Autumn equinox,
and preferably as soon as possible.  The cave is flooded at high tide.

# The lodestones (Creo)

= The covenant's source of Creo Vis is a marsh near the mines,
  where occasionally vis in the form of nudgets of iron ore
  rise to the surface.  This happens under a natural arch
  of big stones.
+ Until the aura increased some years ago, the ore was just vis,
  but now it is mostly lodestones of virtue.
+ Usually, two loadstones form every year, each containing 2p Vis.