--- title: Vis Economy at Elk's Run --- Following continental practice, the magi of Elk's Run tend to harvest and stock up on Vis. This is controversial though, and the practice varies somewhat. The sources listed are on Hermetically recognised property unless stated otherwise. + [Vis Sources]() + [Unusual Vis]() - to be flagged when spent # Earned and Unclaimed salaries | Magus | 1217-40 | 1241-42 | 1243 | 1244 | 1245 | 1246 | 1247 | 1248 | 1249 | Total | |------------------ |----------|-------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| | Una | 32p |7/1 | | | | | | | | 38p | | Cieran | 2p |7/1 | | | | | | | | 8p | | Maine | 30p |16/4 | | | | | | | | 42p | | Regina | 0p |4/0 | | | | | | | | 4p | | Tim | 0p |7/0 | | | | | | | | 7p | | Nemoy | 0p |4/0 | | | | | | | | 7p | | Running total owed | 64p |101p | | | | | | | | 106p | | Year | Comment | |-------|------------------------------------| |1226 |Maine transfers 1 vis to Phil for use of the Corpus book.| |1227|Una transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.| |1228|Cyrus transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual. | |1228|Maine transfers 2 vis for 2 seasons of the Corpus Hermeticus book| |1229|Seafraid transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.| |1231|Phillipdes transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.| |1231|Cyrus owed 6p should he return| |1235|Maine receives 12 pawns for his first 4 tractatus copied by Covenant| |1236|Maine receives 3 pawns for his Rego tractatus copied by Covenant| |1237|Maine receives 3 pawns for his Animal tractatus copied by Covenant| |1237|Una starts paying 1 pawn of Animal per year for Faerie Ingredients until further notice| |1238|Cieran starts paying 1 pawn of Animal per year for Faerie Ingredients until further notice| |1238|Tullius departs| |1240|Phil departs| |1241|Maine receives 12 pawns for his Aquam, Auram Corpus and Herbam tractatus copied by Covenant| # 1243 Spend 63p on new summæ # 1241-42 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------| -: | -: | -: |-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 56 | 2*4 | | 10 |54 | Beware emergencies. 4p for the Mirror of Horror. 2p allowance for Cieran, -4 from salary by Maine | | Intellego | 9 | | | |9 | | | Muto | 13 | | | |13 | | | Perdo | 85 | 2*6 | | |97 | | | Rego | 61 | 2*4 | | |69 | | | Animal | 102| 2*6 | | 5 |109| 1p allowance for Cieran, -4 For Faerie Ingredients| | Aquam | 92 | 2*6 | | |104| Contested source| | Auram | 61 | 2*3 | | |67 | | | Corpus | 88 | 2*6 | | 12 |88 | 12p for Cieran's LR. Beware emergencies | | Herbam | 45 | 2*2 | | |49 | | | Ignem | 11 | | | 3 |8 | 3p allowance for Cieran | | Imaginem | 6 | | | |6 | | | Mentem | 40 | 2*6 | | 8 |44 | 8p allowance for Cieran | | Terram | 81 | 2*3 | | |87 | | | Vim | 56 | 2*6 | | 12 |56 | Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 12p for Aegis | |-----------|-----|-------|-----|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total | 808 | 104 | | 54 | 858| # 1238-40 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 58 | 3*4 | | 14 | 56 | Withdrawn by Tullius/Igneous. Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 9 | | | | 9 | | | Muto | 13 | | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 79 | 3*6 | | 12 | 85 | Withdrawn by Tullius and Igneous Drake. | | Rego | 54 | 3*4 | | 5 | 61 | Withdrawn by Igneous | | Animal | 96 | 3*6 | | 12 | 102 | Claimed as allowance by Cieran, -6 For Faerie Ingredients | | Aquam | 74 | 3*6 | | | 92 | Contested source| | Auram | 54 | 3*3 | | 2 | 61 | Claimed by Cieran | | Corpus | 83 | 3*6 | | 13 | 88 | WIthdrawn by Phil/Tullius. Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 39 | 3*2 | | | 45 | | | Ignem | 11 | | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 43 | 3*6 | | 21 | 40 | Withdrawn by Igneous/Cieran | | Terram | 78 | 3*3 | | 6 | 81 | Withdrawn by Tullius | | Vim | 59 | 3*6 | | 21 | 56 | Claimed as allowance by Cieran. Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total | 758 | 156 | | 104 | 808| # 1237 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 53| 4 | 1 | | 58 |+1 from Cal's father adventure, Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | 1 | | 9 |+1 from Cal's father adventure | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 73| 6 | | | 79 | | | Rego | 48| 4 | 2 | | 54 |+2 from Cal's father adventure | | Animal | 95| 6 | | 5 | 96 |-3 taken as salary by Una, -2 For Faerie Ingredients | | Aquam | 68| 6 | | | 74 | Contested source| | Auram | 51| 3 | | | 54 | | | Corpus | 57| 6 | 20 | | 83 |+20 from Cal's father adventure, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 37| 2 | | | 39 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 45| 6 | | 8 | 43 |-8 taken as salary by Maine| | Terram | 75| 3 | | | 78 || | Vim | 59| 6 | | 6 | 59 |Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |699 | 52 | 24 | 19|756| # 1236 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 49| 4 | | | 53 | Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 67| 6 | | | 73 | | | Rego | 44| 4 | | | 48 | | | Animal | 91| 6 | | 2 | 95 |-2 taken as salary by Maine | | Aquam | 62| 6 | | | 68 | Contested source| | Auram | 48| 3 | | | 51 | | | Corpus | 51| 6 | | | 57 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 35| 2 | | | 37 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 43| 6 | | 4 | 45 |-4 taken as salary by Una| | Terram | 72| 3 | | | 75 || | Vim | 68| 6 | | 15 | 59 |-6 on aegis, -4 taken as salary by Maine, -1 taken as salaey by Tullius, -1 taken as salary by Phil, -1 used by Covenant for a fixed arcane connection. Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |668 | 52 | | 21 |699| # 1235 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 45| 4 | | | 49 | Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 63| 6 | | 2 | 67 |-2 taken as salary by Cieran| | Rego | 40| 4 | | | 44 | | | Animal | 85| 6 | | | 91 | | | Aquam | 56| 6 | | | 62 | Contested source| | Auram | 45| 3 | | | 48 | | | Corpus | 45| 6 | | | 51 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 33| 2 | | | 35 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 37| 6 | | | 43 || | Terram | 69| 3 | | | 72 || | Vim | 68| 6 | | 6 | 68 |-6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |624 | 52 | | 8 |668| # 1234 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 41| 4 | | | 45 | Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 57| 6 | | | 63 | | | Rego | 36| 4 | | | 40 | | | Animal | 84| 6 | | 5 | 85 |-5 taken as salary by Phil | | Aquam | 50| 6 | | | 56 | Contested source| | Auram | 42| 3 | | | 45 | | | Corpus | 39| 6 | | | 45 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 31| 2 | | | 33 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 31| 6 | | | 37 || | Terram | 66| 3 | | | 69 || | Vim | 68| 6 | | 6 | 68 |-6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |583 | 52 | | 11 |624| # 1233 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 37| 4 | | | 41 | Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 51| 6 | | | 57 | | | Rego | 36| 4 | | 4 | 36 |-4 taken as salary by Phil| | Animal | 78| 6 | | | 84 | | | Aquam | 44| 6 | | | 50 | Contested source| | Auram | 39| 3 | | | 42 | | | Corpus | 33| 6 | | | 39 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 29| 2 | | | 31 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 33| 6 | | 8 | 31 |-8 taken as salary by Cieran| | Terram | 64| 3 | | 1 | 66 |-1 taken as salary by Cieran| | Vim | 68| 6 | | 6 | 68 |-6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |550 | 52 | | 19 |583| # 1232 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 33| 4 | | | 37 | Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 45| 6 | | | 51 | | | Rego | 32| 4 | | | 36 | | | Animal | 72| 6 | | | 78 | | | Aquam | 38| 6 | | | 44 | Contested source| | Auram | 36| 3 | | | 39 | | | Corpus | 27| 6 | | | 33 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 27| 2 | | | 29 | | | Ignem | 11| | | | 11 || | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 51| 6 | | 24 | 33 | Norse Trade | | Terram | 82| 3 | | 21 | 64 | Norse Trade| | Vim | 83| 6 | | 21 | 68 |-6 on aegis, -15 taken as salary by Maine, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |564 | 52 | | 66 |550| # 1231 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 40| 4 | | 11 | 33 |-10 for Phillipedes' Longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Phillipedes Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 39| 6 | | | 45 | | | Rego | 28| 4 | | | 32 | | | Animal | 62| 6 | 4 | | 72 |+4 from ice hearts from Loch Legean | | Aquam | 32| 6 | | | 38 | Contested source| | Auram | 33| 3 | | | 36 | | | Corpus | 21| 6 | | | 27 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 24| 2 | 1 | | 27 |+1 from mushroom from Loch Legean| | Ignem | 7 | | 4 | | 11 |+4 from Loch Legean| | Imaginem | 6 | | | | 6 || | Mentem | 45| 6 | | | 51 | | | Terram | 40| 3 | 39 | | 82 |+39 from Gnome noses from Loch Legean| | Vim | 86| 6 | | 9 | 83 |-6 on aegis, -3 to Una as salary, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |484 | 52 | 48 |20 |564| # 1230 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 28| 4 | 19 | 11 | 40 |-1 taken as salary by Seafraid, -7 for Maine's Longevity ritual, -3 taken as salary by Maine,+19 from Hydra corpse, Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 19| 6 | 14 | | 39 |+5 from Cockatrice, +9 from Herrick.| | Rego | 20| 4 | 4 | | 28 |+4 from Seafraid's store| | Animal | 19| 6 | 37 | | 62 |-1 taken as salary by Phil, +36 from blood pools around covenant, +1 from Herrick.| | Aquam | 20| 6 | 6 | | 32 |+3 from Seafraid's store, +3 from Herrick, Contested source| | Auram | 17| 3 | 13 | | 33 |+13 from Seafraid's store | | Corpus | 28| 6 | | 13| 21 |-7 for Seafraid's longevity ritual, -2 taken as salary by Seafraid,-4 for Crimthann's longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 22| 2 | | | 24 | | | Ignem | 6 | | 1 | | 7 |+1 from Seafraid's store| | Imaginem | 4 | | 2 | | 6 |+2 from Herrick.| | Mentem | 39| 6 | | | 45 | | | Terram | 23| 3 | 14 | | 40 |+14 from Seafraid's store| | Vim | 84| 6 | | 4 | 86 |-4 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |350 | 52 | 110 | 28 |484| # 1229 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 30| 4 | | 6 | 28 |-5 for Crimthann's longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Seafraid, Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 19| 6 | | 6 | 19 |-6 for book purchase.| | Rego | 20| 4 | | 4 | 20 |-4 for book purchase | | Animal | 20| 6 | | 7 | 19 |-6 for book purchase, -1 taken as salary by Phil.| | Aquam | 20| 6 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for book purchase, Contested source| | Auram | 20| 3 | | 6 | 17 |-6 for book purchase | | Corpus | 35| 6 | | 13| 28 | -7 for Seafraid's longevity ritual, -2 taken as salary by Seafraid,-4 for Crimthann's longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 20| 2 | | | 22 | | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 33| 6 | | | 39 | | | Terram | 20| 3 | | | 23 | | | Vim | 84| 6 | | 6 | 84 |-6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |352 | 52 | | 54 |350| # 1228 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 33| 4 | | 7 | 30 | -7 Cyrus' longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 24| 6 | | 11 | 19 |-10 for book purchase, -1 for rent of Ward vs Demons lab text| | Rego | 25| 4 | | 9 | 20 |-9 for book purchase | | Animal | 20| 6 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for book purchase | | Aquam | 20| 6 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for book purchase, Contested source| | Auram | 23| 3 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for book purchase | | Corpus | 31| 6 | | 2 | 35 | -2 taken as salary by Cyrus, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 22| 2 | | 4 | 20 |-4 for book purchase | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 27| 6 | | | 33 | | | Terram | 24| 3 | | 7 | 20 |-7 for book purchase | | Vim | 94| 6 | | 16 | 84 |-10 for book purchase, -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |374 | 52 | | 74 |352 | # 1227 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 33| 4 | | 4 | 33 |- 4 for Una's longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 18| 6 | | | 24 | | | Rego | 21| 4 | | | 25 | | | Animal | 20| 6 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for potion of Heal Incapacitating wound| | Aquam | 20| 6 | | 6 | 20 |-6 for potion of Heal Incapacitating wound, Contested source| | Auram | 20| 3 | | | 23 | | | Corpus | 29| 6 | | 4 | 31 |-3 for Una's longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Una, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 20| 2 | | | 22 | | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 21| 6 | | | 27 | | | Terram | 21| 3 | | | 24 | | | Vim | 94| 6 | | 6 | 94 |-6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |348 | 52 | 0 | 26 |374 | # 1226 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 45| 4 | | 16 | 33 |-3 taken as salary by Cieran, -12 curing Dermot and Seafraid. -1 taken as salary by Lugardis. Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 12| 6 | | | 18 | | | Rego | 22| 4 | | 5 | 21 |-1 taken as salary by Lugardis, -4 traded at Summer Fair| | Animal | 59| 6 | | 45 | 20 |-10 for Muto book, -11 taken as salary by Phil, -24 traded at Summer Fair| | Aquam | 47| 6 | | 33 | 20 |-9 for Muto book, -4 taken as salary by Seafraid, Contested source, -20 traded at Summer Fair | | Auram | 34| 3 | | 17 | 20 |-4 taken as salary by Seafraid, -13 traded at Summer Fair| | Corpus | 24| 6 | | 1 | 29 |-1 taken as salary by Lugardis. Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 25| 2 | | 7 | 20 |-7 traded at Summer Fair | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 47| 6 | | 32 | 21 |-9 for Muto book, -8 taken as salary by Cieran, -1 taken as salary by Lugardis, -14 traded at Summer Fair| | Terram | 25| 3 | | 7 | 21 |-4 taken as salary by Seafraid,-3 traded at Summer Fair| | Vim | 7 | 6 | 87 | 6 | 94 |-6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies,+87 traded at Summer Fair| |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |378 | 52 | 87 | 169 |348 | # 1225 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 41| 4 | | | 45 |Reserved for emergencies| | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 6 | 6 | | | 12 | | | Rego | 18| 4 | | | 22 | | | Animal | 58| 6 | | 5 | 59 |2 pawns for 5 seasons of Folio of 1109, 3 pawns 3 seasons of Folio of 1165 | | Aquam | 41| 6 | | | 47 |Contested source | | Auram | 31| 3 | | | 34 | | | Corpus | 18| 6 | | | 24 |Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 23| 2 | | | 25 | | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 41| 6 | | | 47 | | | Terram | 24| 3 | | 2 | 25 |2 pawns for Penetration Tractatus from Norse traders | | Vim | 7 | 6 | | 6 | 7 |-6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies| |-----------|-----|-------|-------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |339 | 52 | | 13 |378 | # 1224 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 19| 4 | 29 | 11| 41 |-11 for Serafina's Longevity Ritual and healing, +2 exchanged for Vim by Marcus, +27 donated by Marcus on departure | | Intellego | 8 | | | | 8 | | | Muto | 13| | | | 13 | | | Perdo | 0| 6 | | | 6 | | | Rego | 19| 4 | | 5 | 18 |-1 taken by Una from amount owed. -4 taken by Igneous as salary | | Animal | 59| 6 | | 7 | 58 |-5 taken by Una from amount owed, -1 for Magic Lore Tractus from Norse traders, -1 for creation of Hide to Parchment enchanted item | | Aquam | 41| 6 | | 6 | 41 |-4 for level 40 Aging Crisis lab text, -2 for Seamus and account closed, Contested source | | Auram | 28| 3 | | | 31 | | | Corpus | 24| 6 | | 12| 18 |-12 for Serafina's Longevity Ritual and healing, Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 21| 2 | | | 23 | | | Ignem | 6 | | | | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | | 4 | | | Mentem | 18| 6 | 17 | | 41 |+17 donated by Marcus on departure| | Terram | 21| 3 | | | 24 | | | Vim | 13| 6 | | 12 | 7 |-6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, -5 for fixing arcane connections, -1 taken as owed by Una| |-----------|-----|-------|--------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |294 | 52 | 46 | 53 |339 | # 1223 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--:|--:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo | 17| 4 | | 2 | 19 | 2 taken by Cieran as grant, Reserved for emergencies | | Intellego | 11| | | 3 | 8 | 2 taken by Phil as grant, 1 taken as grant by Seamus| | Muto | 13| | | 0 | 13 | | | Perdo | 39| 6 | | 45 | 0 | 2 on Book purchase, 5 for fatigue potion, 38p stolen | | Rego | 16| 4 | 3 | 4 | 19 | 4 taken by Phil for seasonal work, +3 traded for Mentem by Seamus | | Animal | 58| 6 | | 5 | 59 | 5 on medium healing potion| | Aquam | 35| 6 | | 0 | 41 | Contested source | | Auram | 25| 3 | | 0 | 28 | | | Corpus | 18| 6 | | 0 | 24 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam | 19| 2 | | 0 | 21 | | | Ignem | 6 | | | 0 | 6 | | | Imaginem | 4 | | | 0 | 4 | | | Mentem | 22| 6 | | 10 | 18 |6 taken by Marcus for seasonal work (4) plus 2 grant, 1 taken as grant by Seamus -3 traded for Rego by Shamus| | Terram | 20| 3 | | 2 | 21 | 2 taken by Seafraid as grant | | Vim | 13| 6 | | 6 | 13 | 6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|--------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |315 | 52 | 3 | 76 |294 |16 owed to magi # 1222 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|----:|----:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo |13 |4 | | 0 | 17 | Reserved for emergencies | | Intellego |11 | | | 0 | 11 | | | Muto |13 | | | 0 | 13 | | | Perdo |35 |6 | | 2 | 39 | Book purchase | | Rego |12 |4 | | 0 | 16 | | | Animal |33 |6 | 19 | 0 | 58 |+19 from Crows at Irish Mercury site | | Aquam |32 |6 | | 3 | 35 |Contested source, -3 Salary for Johanna - account closed | | Auram |22 |3 | | 0 | 25 | | | Corpus |12 |6 | | 0 | 18 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam |17 |2 | | 0 | 19 | | | Ignem |6 | | | 0 | 6 | | | Imaginem |4 | | | 0 | 4 | | | Mentem |19 |6 | | 3 | 22 |-3 Salary for Marcus | | Terram |23 |3 | | 6 | 20 |-6 Salary for Vivianus - account closed | | Vim |13 |6 | | 6 | 13 |-6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|--------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |264 |52 | 19 |20 |315| # 1221 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|----:|----:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo |8 |4 | | 0 | 13 | Reserved for emergencies | | Intellego |11 | | | 0 | 11 | | | Muto |13 | | | 0 | 13 | | | Perdo |31 |6 | | 2 | 35 |-2 for book purchase from Norse traders | | Rego |8 |4 | | 0 | 12 | | | Animal |27 |6 | | 0 | 33 | | | Aquam |26 |6 | | 0 | 32 |Contested source | | Auram |19 |3 | | 0 | 22 | | | Corpus |6 |6 | | 0 | 12 | Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam |15 |2 | | 0 | 17 | | | Ignem |6 | | | 0 | 6 | | | Imaginem |4 | | | 0 | 4 | | | Mentem |20 |6 | | 7 | 19 | -3 Salary to Marcus, -4 for lab text purchase at Tribunal | | Terram |20|3 | | 0 | 23 | | | Vim |13 |6 | | 6 | 13 | -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|--------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |227 |52 | |15 |264 | # 1220 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|----:|----:|----:|-----:|------:|---------------------------| | Creo |6 |4 | | 2 | 8 | -2 healing Cieran. Reserved for emergencies | | Intellego |11 | | | 0 | 11 | | | Muto |13 | | | 0 | 13 | | | Perdo |25 |6 | | 0 | 31 | | | Rego |4 |4 | | 0 | 8 | | | Animal |21 |6 | | 0 | 27 | | | Aquam |22 |4 | | 0 | 26 |Contested source | | Auram |16 |3 | | 0 | 19 | | | Corpus |6 |6 | | 6 | 6 | -6 healing Cieran. Reserved for emergencies | | Herbam |13 |2 | | 0 | 15 | | | Ignem |6 | | | 0 | 6 | | | Imaginem |4 | | | 0 | 4 | | | Mentem |17 |6 | | 3 | 20 | -3 Salary to Marcus | | Terram |17|3 | | 0 | 20 | | | Vim |13 |6 | | 6 | 13 | -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-------|--------|------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |194 |50 | |17 |227 | # 1219 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|----:|----:|-----:|-----:|------:|------------------------------------| | Creo |2 |4 |3 |3 |6 |-3 Salary for Marcus| | Intellego |10| |1 |0 |11 |+1 from Cierella| | Muto |12| |1 |0 |13 |+1 from Cierella| | Perdo |19|6 | | |25 || | Rego |0 | |4 | |4 |New source from Jerome's Tower| | Animal |15 |6 | | |21 || | Aquam |15 |6 |1 | |22 |Contested source, +1 from Cierella| | Auram |18|3 | |5 |16 || | Corpus |0 |6 | | |6 || | Herbam |11|2 | | |13 || | Ignem |10 | | |4 |6 || | Imaginem |10 | | |6 |4 || | Mentem |20 |6 | |9 |17 |-5 for Infernal Lore book, -1 traded for 1 Vim with Marcus, -3 salary for Marcus| | Terram |15 |3 |2 |3 |17 |+2 from Cierella, -3 salary for Seafraid| | Vim |12 |6 |1 |6 |13 |- 6 for Aegis, +1 traded with Marcus for 1 Mentem| |-----------|-----|--------|--------|-------|-----|----------------------------------- | | Total |169 |52 |9 | 34 |194 | # 1218 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--|--------:|-------:|------:|----------------|-| | Creo |8 |4 | |10 |2 |6p Salary for Marcus + some longevity ritual | | Intellego |10| | | |10 || | Muto |12| | | |12 || | Perdo |13|6 | | |19 || | Rego |0 | | | |0 | has been scarce for years | | Animal |9 |6 | | |15 || | Aquam |9 |6 | | |15 |Contested source | | Auram |15|3 | | |18 || | Corpus |8 |6 | | 14 |0 |Someone needed a longevity ritual| | Herbam |14|2 | | 5 |11 |Bookstand of Hespera + Abluere Magica | | Ignem |16 | | | 6 |10 || | Imaginem |16 | | | 6 |10 || | Mentem |14 |6 | | |20 || | Terram |15 |3 | | 3 |15 |3 salary for Cieran | | Vim |12 |6 | | 6 |12 |-6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|--------|--------|-------|----------------------------------- | | Total |171 |48 | | 50 |169 | **Salaries to be claimed** Cieran (6p), Una (6p), Seafraid (6p) # Vis 1217 | Art | Starting |Sources | Extra |Spent | Ending| Comments | |-----------|--|--------:|-------:|------:|----------------|-| | Creo |6 |4 | |2 |8 | | | Intellego |10 | | | |10 | | | Muto |12 | | | |12 | | | Perdo |10 |6 | |3 |13 | Salary for Lucas | | Rego |0 | | | |0 | Rego has been scarce for years | | Animal |7 |6 | |4 |9 | | | Aquam |7 |6 | |4 |9 | Contested source | | Auram |12 |3 | | |15 | | | Corpus |6 |6 | |4 |8 | | | Herbam |12 |2 | | |14 | | | Ignem |16 | | | |16 | | | Imaginem |16 | | | |16 | | | Mentem |12 |6 | |4 |14 | | | Terram |12 |3 | | |15 | | | Vim |12 |6 | |6 |12 | -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies | |-----------|-----|-|--------|--------|----------| | Total |150 |48 | |27 |171 | **Salaries to be claimed** Una (3p), Vivianus (6p)