Revision 8dba09feced15c09e56702dab79864fce1539806 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 8dba09feced15c09e56702dab79864fce1539806 to 929ec1aa63dfb20333ee44c2b0138f0f6c453e6b

Travel time for journey from Lubeck to Durenmar and back will take the entire season, unless the covenant has some means to speed the journey.
The distance is approximately 380 miles (as the eagle flies).
Compare the Mormon treks:
The 1846 trek, from Nauvoo to Omaha (240 miles). They set off on 4 Feb and arrived in Omaha on 14 June (131 days, 1.8 miles/day). This was a huge company though, hundreds of families, not well prepared.
The 1847 trek, from Omaha to SLC (825 miles), departed 5 April, arrived 24 July (110 days, 7.5 miles/day). This group was much smaller and better prepared, eg, trail blazers actually built bridges for the main company.

While Artal might be happy to fly solo, most of the magi will be on horses or need to ride in wagons, following the roads.
While an individual rider might cover 30 miles in a day, a company of wagons laden with food & tents, travelling a long distance moves much more slowly.
While Artal might be happy to fly solo, most of the magi will be on horses or need to ride in ox-wagons (ox-wagons are slow - walking pace), with the retinue, supplies and tents, etc also in wagons.
While an individual rider might cover 30 miles in a day, a company of wagons laden with food & tents, travelling a long distance moves much more slowly 10 miles a day at best.  
So the journey will take 30+ days each way.