Revision 339fef65241a615545f2dff8e8962d3d9b0a7e0c (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 339fef65241a615545f2dff8e8962d3d9b0a7e0c to current

title: Annals of the Oculus Outpost 1231
categories: annals

# Historical Events

# Spring
+ Artal studies Aquam Vis SQ14 (1 pawn)
+ Claas teaches Latin to Bastion.  SQ 20 less Gift penalty.  Exposure 2xp Teaching 

+ Thibauld gets settled into Basilius' old lab. He maintains the level of refinement and keeps it highly organised. Exposure: magic theory.
+ Talpa copies Muto L18Q11
+ Bastian learns Latin from Class (SQ17)
+ Gertrude Practices Profession: Steward (SQ5)
+ Gesche talks with the local priest (Theology Exposure 2xp)

# Summer
+ Artal studies Aquam Vis SQ9 (1 pawn)

+ Artal studies Aquam Vis SQ9 (1 pawn)
+ Andreas reads Muto L18Q11, catches a caterpillar and butterfly for the study bonus
+ Henry, Thibauld, Frode, Angleheart and Werner go on an adventure to investigate draugrurs rising. Eventually they find that vis amulets animating the dead and an insectoid monster intefering with the situation- as well as a fae prince whom caused the whole situation.
+ Henry forgoes adventure xp for a season of good faith- 2xp goes towards Divine Lore.
+ Thibauld went on a magical adventure and gained 5xp in Parma Magica, 5xp in magic lore and 5 xp in intellego.
+ Gertrude teaches Bastion Latin (Exposure XP in Teaching)
+ Bastian learns Latin from Gertrude (SQ12 (Teaching in Artal's Lab)
+ Gesche reads Ars Gramatica (Artes Liberales Summa L4Q15)

# Autumn

The Mentem vis source had been harvested by others.

+ Story SQ 5; 1 confidence point
+ Artal studies That Which is Unseen (Intellego Summa L8Q12)
+ Andreas reads Corpus L18Q11 (waiving story xp)
+ Henry studies "Imaginem for Newbies"
+ Gertrude teaches Bastion Artes Liberales (Exposure XP in Teaching)
+ Bastian learns Artes Liberales from Gertrude (SQ12 (Teaching in Artal's Lab)
+ Gesche Teaches Latin to Bastion (Exposure XP in Teaching)
+ Claas reads Artes LiberalesA *Ars Grammatica* 15xp

# Winter
+ Artal studies Roots First (Herbam Summa L6Q21-2)
+ Henry fixes an AC to silver bracelet- 2 exposure xp into intellego
+ Gertrude Practices Latin (SQ8)
+ Bastian learns Latin from Gesche (SQ12 (Teaching in Artal's Lab)
+ Gesche Practices Single Weapon (SQ4)