Revision d5d87d3948c560d75bee2e11f692efc729977482 (click the page title to view the current version)
Changes from d5d87d3948c560d75bee2e11f692efc729977482 to 3f2843a9740d3e524c909d58a1322287e5e07907
title: Advancement for Andreas
# Advancement log
+ Spring 1220. +1 confidence point. One medium wound. 15xp story
- Parma Magica 5, Awareness 5, Second Sight 5
+ Summer 1220: Im L10Q17: 22xp.
+ Autumn 1220: Cr L6Q19: 21xp.
+ Winter 1220: Re L17Q14: 19xp
(Study bonus from watching managers and law courts)
+ Spring 1221. Tribunal 5xp in Parma Magica
+ Summer 1221. Muto primer (capped at 21xp)
+ Autumn 1221. Vim primer - 25xp assuming a collection of vis is sufficient to gain study bonus (alternatively he could travel to the badger's regio or maybe Basilus' cave to use the aura).
+ Winter 1221: Danish Summa L3Q14. 17xp
+ 1220-1221: Starting with 6p Co vis. Earned 1p Re vis. Payed 3p An, 2p Co, 1p Re in rent. Received 6p An from the covenant according to Serapis' agreement.
+ Spring 1222: Story 8xp (3p East Norse 5p Second Sight) 5conf
+ Summer 1222: Baltic Lore L3Q15 - 18xp
+ Autumn 1222: Corpus L6Q21 - 21xp
+ Winter 1222: Norway Lore L4Q14 - 17xp
+ Spring 1223: Practice Swedish in Sweden 8xp
+ Summer 1223: Magic Theory L5Q12 - 15xp
+ Autumn 1223: Magic Theory L5Q12 - 15xp
+ Winter 1223: Herbam L6Q21
+ Spring 1224: Install lab Exposure 2xp Parma Magica
+ Summer 1224: Story 15xp (2xp Swedish, 3xp Parma, 5xp Area Lore, 5xp Second Sight) + 3 confidence
+ Autumn 1224: Setting up trade contacts. Practice: Area Lore: Stockholm area 7xp exposure
+ Winter 1224: Story
- Spent 1 confidence point; gained 2
- SQ10: 5xp Parma Magica + 5xp Finesse
+ Spring 1225: Read *The Kingly Art* in Gertrude's Office - 17xp Rego
+ Summer 1225: Lesser Enchantment
- Bronze Ring
- Invisible Sling of Vilano ReTe10 + unnlimited uses for ReTe20
- Lab Total: ReTe 21 + Int 3 + Magic Theory 4 + Aura 5 + Inventive Genius 3 + Bronze 3 + Similar Spell 2 = 41
- Exposure 2xp Magic Theory
- Spend 2p Terram
+ Autumn 1225: Story 8xp +2 confidence points (to 15)
+ 3xp Parma Magica (to 28xp)
+ 5xp Finesse (to 4(10))
+ Winter 1225: reads Imaginem L10Q17-2 (20xp).
- He spends the Winter in Uppsala with Magnus and reads in the cathedral
to benefit from the imagery.
- receive 4p Terram in allowance and trade 1p for Corpus
+ Spring 1226: Bind Honeystocker. Exposure 2xp Parma Magica
- Lab Total: ReTe 23 + Int 3 + Magic Theory 4 + Aura 5 = 35
- Spend 7p Terram vis
+ Summer 1226 Read Magic Theory for 13xp
+ Autumn 1226 Refinement. Train Honeystocker in Magic Theory (8xp). Exposure 2xp in Magic Theory
+ Winter 1226 Read Auram L6Q17 (finds a windy spot to get 21xp)
+ Spring 1227 Story - Tribunal - 10xp (Bargain 5/Parma 5) + 1 confidence
+ Summer 1227 Invent *Binding the Hermetic Codex*
- Train Honeystocker (8xp Magic Theory) Exposure 2xp Magic Theory
+ Autumn 1227 Transcribe 100 levels of lab texts. Exposure 2xp in Latin
+ Winter 1227 Read Mentem Summa L18Q12-1 for 16xp
+ Spring 1227 Andreas prepares cloak for enchantment
- A poshly blue cloak with hood and four buckles:
magnetic, brass, bronze, and silver
- Exposure 2xp Magic Theory
- Train Honeystocker (8xp Magic Theory)
+ Summer 1228 Attune talisman
- Exposure 2xp Magic Theory
- Bonus ReTe +4
+ Autumn 1228 Adventure to Skara to look for Thies
- 12xp: Parma 5, Swedish 5, and Finesse 2.
- four confidence
+ Winter 1228. Andreas reads Imaginem in the Music class L19Q10-1
for 14xp (book learner and study bonus)
+ Spring 1229. story; rescuing Thies
- three confidence points
- 12xp: Parma Magica 5, Finesse 5, and Faerie Lore 2.
+ Summer 1229: Read Rego 18xp in Gertrude's office
+ Autumn 1229: A ship stranded in Stockholm with goods for Henri
+ Source Quality 5XP (waived) and 2CP
+ Lab work: Lesser Enchanted Devices ReTe 50
+ ReTe 24 + Inv G 3 + Int 3 + MT 5 + Honeystocker 5 + Aura 5 + S&M 3 + Similar spell +2
+ Porter's Glove ReTe 15 w/o text
+ Sling of Vilano ReTe 20 for Honeystocker, using lab text
+ Winter 1230: Read Corpus L18Q11 16xp
+ Spring 1230: Read Corpus L18Q11 16xp
+ Summer 1230: Longevity ritual CrCo 35
+ Spends 4p Creo + 3p Corpus
+ Exposure 2xp Magic Theory
+ Autumn 1230: Story 3 conf + SQ 10
+ Parma Magic 5 ($\to$ 4(0))
+ Finesse 5 ($\to$ 4(22))
+ Winter 1230: Story ?
+ Spent 1 conf pt (recorded)
+ 1 warping pt botching *Spot the Presence Vis*
# Pre-game
+ spent 45 Early childhood
+ spent 75 later life
+ spent 240 apprenticeship
+ spent 30 xp: Order of Hermes Lore, Intrigue, and Durenmar Lore
+ 60 xp: on any General or Arcane Abilities, Arts, and spells (one point per level) that are appropriate to your gild.
+ Total 450xp
# Lab Work
## Summer 1227
+ Binding the Hermetic Codex ReAn 15 [Cov:97; errata]
- Common casting req. Herbam
+ Lab Total
- ReAn 13
- Int; Inventive Genius; Aura; Magic Theory 17
- TOTAL 30
- Do not use Honeystocker +2
## Autumn 1227
Bind the following books
+ *The Ethics of Magic* by Claas
+ *Harnessing the Elements* by Jeppe
+ L18Q11 Corpus
+ Q10 Finesse
+ L18Q12 Mentem
## Autumn 1228
Bind the following books
+ Two tractatus on Philosophia to remove their penalties completelye
+ Two summa on imaginem
## Summer 1230
1. Longevity potion
+ CrCo + Int 18
+ aura 5
+ MT 5
+ Inventive Genius 3
+ Honeystocker 4
+ Total 35