Revision 5d714a3b6d564a68e4bb0e72887559bd16404e38 (click the page title to view the current version)

Cast/Jenico of Verditius

Changes from 5d714a3b6d564a68e4bb0e72887559bd16404e38 to c91a5778b4f945be32425f51bb557568b7d43479

[Character Sheet](

# Character Questions  

+ What is his most guilty secret?  

He no longer believes in the Church. Though Christian, he is deeply skeptical of Catholic authority. In Provence he came in contact with Waldensians, who are more distant from Church authority. While he finds their interpretations attractive, he is not willing to stick his neck out as an avowed heretic.

+ What is he most afraid of?

As he does not age, he finds warping terrifying, since it is clearly the way he will reach senescence.

+ If he were an animal, what animal would it be?  

He would resist the idea of being a creature without a soul that could have the spark of creativity or crafting. If pressed he might consider a beaver or some sort of bird that crafts an intricate nest.

+ What does he know about his birth family?  

A little - he was old enough to have memories of them. In particular, it was his birth family that instilled in him a strong religious fervour that led him to take the cross. He never sought them out after returning from crusade, although he knows more or less where they live.

+ Has he ever killed a person? How did it happen?  

Many, during the Fourth crusade. He is not proud of it. He took part in the first assault on Constantinople, and had the misfortune to meet someone he had wounded, after the fact.

+ Which of the cardinal sins does he tend towards (see RoP:I p21)?  

Slothful. He is indecisive and easily distracted; though he is methodical in his approach to things he resists focusing his interests or learning too much in any given direction. I expect him to slide towards pride as the story progresses, but he is very far away from it for now.

+ Where does he keep his vis? 

While staying in Lübeck, he has kept it in his room, which also serves as his sanctum as he has no lab.

+ What about his Master? What was his focus? Why did he torment him?