Revision b43d15d2c46ba1b80e828bac53a2437591f9520f (click the page title to view the current version)

Covenant/Oculus Sepentrionalis Covenant Charter

Changes from b43d15d2c46ba1b80e828bac53a2437591f9520f to bd2a8d889f7b6799960dbe9dc302e349e562de1d

title: Oculus Sepentrionalis Covenant Charter
categories: covenants

# Original Charter  

**The original Covenant Charter approved by the Tribunal of 1144AD**  
<img src="/Charter.png" width="700">  

[Covenant Charter PDF](Covenant_Charter.pdf)

## Tribunal Amendments

The quaesitores dictated an amendment to require all members to
have the Gentle Gift.  This amendment was made after the covenant
had settled in Lübeck, and was not considered by the original charter

## Covenant Extensions  

**While the covenant is not permitted to amend the core elements charter, they can extend the charter - provided the additions do not negate or alter elements decreed by the Tribunal.**  

The Council of this Covenant requires that all members must maintain an appropriate mundane facade that accounts for their presence in the city of Lubeck and for whatever level of wealth the magus displays.  

Apart from that, I think there are some clauses about a communal capital, the gain from which funds a communal townhouse or two, maintenance of the joint library, as well as guest lab at the Novgorod.  Formally, I think of this as the covenant being a minority share holder in businesses operated by Henri and possibly other members, and thus managed by them. The covenant receives dividends which go to fund autocrats to manage the townhouse etc.  I cannot see the game significance of any details we might work out, so I prefer to leave it hazy.