Revision 7a47e6ba8fbc789d091cb4d4aae6ee13fc8afa7a (click the page title to view the current version)

Location/Novgorod Quarter

Changes from beginning to 7a47e6ba8fbc789d091cb4d4aae6ee13fc8afa7a

title: The Novgorod Quarter

![Rough sketch of the quarter](novgorod.png)

*This information is immediately available for those who
have lived in the quarters for a year or more.*

# The river front

Marcus' shipyard is on the river shore to the West.  
The riverfront is a wide road where people meet and make business.
Going downriver, you find,

1.  Marcus' shipyard
2.  Jörn the Fletcher has the shop.
    Captain Hindrik lives upstairs and owns the house.
3.  Jens the Carpenter, Jörn's brother.  Udala lives upstairs.
    Jens and Jörn co-own the house.
4.  Novgorod Inn.  The only three-storey building in the area.
5.  Boris' shop, managed by the merchant grog.
6.  Elizabeth the Stable Keeper.  She shares courtyard with Boris.
7.  Pasture.  Farmer Fiete's sheep are grazing.
    Sometimes, horses are let out as well.

This is a very diverse quarter, full of middle class people of
a wide range of professions, including soldiers and guards, foreign
traders, craftsmen, and farmers.

Behind the inn, there is a diverse selection of houses and cottages,
including farmer Fiete's and a blacksmith.  The yard gives room for 
two cows and a flock of geese and hens.

## Boris estate

Novgorod Inn serves as boarding house for many covenfolk and covenant
guests.  Two guest laboratories have been installed above the inn.
Peregrinatores may also stay at other townhouses, particularly Henri's,
Imanitos' inn, or in Hundestrasse.

## People

+ Living on the Riverfront
    + Udala the tax collector
    + Captain Hindrik, commander at the Holstein Gate.
    + Bendix Smith.  He has his workshop on the quay, keeping the forge away
      from the wooden houses.
+ Shopkeepers
    + Jörn the Fletcher sells arrows and quills.
    + Jens the Carpenter
    + Elizabeth the Stable Keeper.
+ On the lot behind Novgorod Inn.
    + Farmer Fiete
    + Timo the Fowler. (He sells feathers to Jörn.