Revision b5b5df9de18cdd09e51eebbf4a59eade7f56dcec (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from b5b5df9de18cdd09e51eebbf4a59eade7f56dcec to current

title: Hachim al’Khalejj of Waddenzee
categories: NPC magus

:  Criamon

: 36 (Journeyman)

Personality Traits
: Secretive +3, Devout Muslim +2, Introverted +2

Hachim al’Khalejj is a bit of an oddity — a quiet, naïve Muslim magus of
House Criamon (the filius of Hassan of Fengheld) who seems to have fallen in
with the other three aggressive magi purely by chance.
Still, their raiding allows him to live in an opulent lifestyle,
and his knowledge of astrology proves very useful to the other magi
in planning their raids.  Hachim dresses in purloined silks,
favoring cream and blue, and walks with a limp.

# Position

**Oculus S*
is a bunch of chicken.  They are no threat to us, but they had
better let us in piece.

**Order of Odin**:
more information would be a good thing, but Occulus should go to the Baltic
Sea and stay clear of the North Sea.

is a good place to live

**Helena of Flambeau**: ask Red

**The Wolverine Magus**: ask visibleman