--- title: The Great Caperacaille categories: NPC --- The Capercaille is lord of the birds in the area within a radius of 15 miles or so. It has several powers which benefit farmers and fishermen in the area. Fuglön where it lives is taboo. It is proud and vain, and take it as self-evident that it rule the island. Magic Might : 21 (Imaginem) Characteristics : Int -1, Per +1, Pre +5, Com +1, Str (1) -5, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik (1) +4 Size : –3 Season : Autumn Confidence Score : 1 (3) Virtues : Magic Animal; Magical Champion (minor); Essential Virtue (proud, minor), Flaws : Compulsion (fight for dominance), Overconfident (minor), Magic Qualities : (21/21) Greater Power (3); Improved Powers (1), Minor Virtue: Sense Holiness and Unholiness (1); Minor Virtue: Unaffected by the Gift (1), Minor Virtue: Extra Pre (2), Minor Virtue: Improved Char (2), Improved Attack (1), Improved Defense (1), Improved Damage (1), Personal Power (2), Greater Power (3), Greater Power (3), Focus Power (3), Magic Inferiorities : Susceptible to Deprivation (-1) Personality Traits : Cockerel* +3, Proud +3 Reputations : Beautiful (local) 3 Vis : 4 Imaginem in tail # Combat Spurs : Init +3, Attack +10, Defense +12, Damage -1 Beak : Init +4, Attack +10, Defense +10, Damage -1 Soak : 0 # Abilities Athletics 3 (balancing), Awareness 6 (invisible spirits), Brawl 3 (spurs), Charm 7 (beings of magic), Guile 3 (deception), Intrigue 3 (dominance), Leadership 3 (dominance), Magic Lore 4 (birds), Area Lore: Mälaren 4 (nobility), Music 5 (crowing), Finesse 2 (beauty), Penetration 5 (Mentem effects), Sense Holiness and Unholiness 5 (invisible spirits), Norse [Swedish] 5, # Powers ## Scourge the Spirits of the Night 0 points, Init +4, Mentem R: Per, D: Sun, T: Sound When the peahen crows, any nocturnal spirits who hear the sound (and whose Magic Resistance fails to protect them) are stricken with panic and flee the area, remaining away until the next sunrise or sunset. This power is effective against spirits of any Realm, as long as they are only active at night (including most ghosts and some demons and dark fae, at the storyguide’s discretion). CrMe 20 (Base 4, +2 Sun, +3 Sound): Greater Power (20 levels, +1 Initiative, –2 Might cost) ## Crafter of Imaginem Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – 5), appropriate Form R: varies, D: varies, T: varies Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Creo or Rego spells pertaining to the speci- fied Hermetic Form, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than the creature’s Might, or 25, whichever is lowest. This power affects only one Form, but some creatures have this power more than once, for different Forms. Cr(Form) or Re(Form) 25: Focus Power -3 Might Cost # Sight Beyond Sight 1 point, Init equal to Qik, approp. Form R: Per, D: Conc, T: Vision All five senses of the creature operate at a distance, as far as the creature can see. This gives the creature supernaturally aware of everything which occurs, and it is exceptionally difficult to catch it by surprise InIm 30 (base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Vision): Personal Power x 2 (20 levels, –2 Might cost, +2 Init) # Guide 3 points, Init equal to (Qik +1), Mentem R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Group Subtly influences a group of beings toward a specific course of action. Some creatures can use this power to direct the movement of a group, taking it to a de- sired location. Other creatures can guide humans toward rash actions, or brave ac- tions, or wise actions. Each time this power is used, it can subtly influence the actions of a single person for a day. The storyguide should provide advice to the character in a similar way to the Common Sense Virtue, except that the advice serves the creature’s agenda, not that of the character. There is no compulsion to follow this advice. ReMe 30 (base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 Group): Greater Power (30 levels, +4 Init) # Defense of the Herd 2 points, Init –1, Animal R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group When the Capercail is present in a group of birds, they fight as a trained group and all of their defense rolls are at +2. ReAn 40 (Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group): Greater Power (40 levels, –2 Might cost)