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Template - Clansman Vanguard

The vanguard is a little tougher, and better trained with weapons, than the typical clansman.

Characteristics Int 0, Per +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Pre -1, Com -2, Dex +2, Qik +1

Personality traits Proud +2, Valiant +3, Ruthless +2

Age 30

Virtues and Flaws

Peasant (0), Warrior (+1), (-1)

Ability Speciality XP Score
Irish Munster 5
English 5 1
AL Munster Settlements 30 3
Animal Handling Cattle 30 3
Single Weapon Axe 75 5
Survival Hills 30 3
Thrown Sling 50 3
Carouse Dancing 30 3
Awareness Alertness 30 3
Stealth Sneak 30 3
Hunt Track 30 3
Brawl 50 4
Folk Ken 5 1
Bargain 5 1
Guile 5 1
Leadership 15 2
Concentration Guard duty 15 2
Music Flute 5 1
Athletics Climbing 30 3
—————– ————- —- ——-
Total 460

Total XP: 45 + 375 + 50 = 470


Axe, shield, sling