Revision 9e51bace2ae1653ae7c532896a3e91c68fba442e (click the page title to view the current version)
Ercc mac Una
- Born
- 1220
- Age
- 14 (1234)
- Game Start
- Winter 1226 (age 6)
- Characteristics
- Int +3, Per +1, Sta +2, Str 0, Pre -2, Com -2, Dex +2, Qik +2
- Personality Trait
- Whimsical +6, Curious +2, Loyal +1, Obedient -2
- Sympathy Traits
- Games +2, Iron -2
- Size
- 0 (from 1234)
- Warping
- 1 (0)
- Confidence
- 2 (10)
Grog Version
- Virtues
- the Gift, Faerie Background (free),
- Faerie Blood (Sidhe) (minor),
- Independent Study (minor) [HoH:MC:86],
- Inoffensive to Animals [core] (minor),
- Inventive genius (minor),
- minor magic focus (party and celebration),
- Lightning Reflexes (minor)
- Child Virtues
- Grows Quickly (child virtue),
- Ways of the Covenant (major, to be lost upon transition, for an Hermetic Major Virtue)
- Potential new Virtues
- Life-Linked Magic (major), Self-Confident
- Flaws
- Whimsical (major Personality),
- Uninspirational (free from warping) [grogs:85],
- Warped by Faerie (minor) [grogs],
- Restriction (hearing church bells) (major) [core],
- Faerie Heritage (story, major) [RoP:F:114]
- Remark
- Suppressed Gift is an alternative to Faerie Heritage, but the theme would be the same. Hopefully some beta-SG wants to run this …
Ability | Spec | Start XP | Adv. XP | Score | Comment |
Irish | Munster | native | 5 | ||
Latin | Hermetic | - | 51 | 4 | Winter 1228 |
Art. Lib. | Poetry | - | 5 | 1 | Winter 1227 |
Philosophia | Natural Phil. | - | 12 | 1 | Winter 1229 |
Animal H. | Dogs | 15 | - | 2 | |
Stealth | Sneak | 5 | - | 1 | |
Awareness | Search | 5 | 8 | 1 | Autumn 1233 |
Brawl | Grapple | 15 | - | 2 | |
Carouse | Gossip | - | 6 | 1 | Spring 1230 |
Folk Ken | Townsfolk | - | 5 | 1 | Autumn 1233 |
Guile | Fast Talk | - | 5 | 1 | Autumn 1233 |
Area Lore | Elk’s Run | 15 | - | 2 | |
Area Lore | Munster | - | 6 | 1 | Autumn 1230 |
Survival | Hills | 5 | - | 1 | |
Hunt | Track | - | 18 | 2 | Spring 1228 |
Storytelling | Faerie tales | - | 6 | 1 | Autumn 1227 |
Faerie Lore | Regione | - | 15 | 2 | Autumn 1229 |
Bows | Shortbow | - | 50 | 4 | Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) |
Thrown Weapon | Spear | - | 14 | 1 | Spring 1238 |
Single Weapon | Short Spear | - | 75 | 5 | Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) |
Great Weapon | Staff | 5 | 1 | Winter 1238 (warrior house virtue) | |
Mercury Cult Lore | - | 40 | 3 | Spring 1234 | |
Magic Theory | Spells | - | 45 | 3 | Winter 1233 |
Parma Magica | - | 5 | - | Autumn 1235 | |
Penetration | - | 11 | 1 | Autumn 1234 | |
TOTAL | 60 |
- Short Spear
- Shortbow
- 20 arrows
- Magic cookies
- Willful Sidestep 1
- Veil of Invisibility 0
- Tearing the Fabric of Imaginem 2
- Frog’s legs 2
- Magic Arrows
- Sleep 0 (Pen 44)
- Group Slumber 2 (Pen 24)
- Childlike Faith 2 (Pen 18)
- Ramming 1 (Pen 22)
- Orator 2 (Pen 34)
- Light 2 (Pen 10)
- DEO 5 (Pen 44)
Art | XP | Score | Comment |
Creo | 15 | 5 | Summer 1235 |
Intellego | 15 | 5 | Summer 1236 |
Muto | 20 | 5 | Summer 1231 |
Perdo | 15 | 5 | |
Rego | 58 | 10 | Winter 1237 |
Animal | 45 | 9 | Winter 1235 |
Aquam | 0 | 0 | |
Auram | 19 | 5 | |
Corpus | 35 | 7 | Summer 1237 |
Herbam | 0 | 0 | |
Ignem | 15 | 5 | |
Imaginem | 19 | 5 | Spring 1232 |
Mentem | 0 | 0 | |
Terram | 0 | 0 | |
Vim | 28 | 7 | Winter 1234 |
- From Una
- Demon’s Eternal Oblivion ReVi 5
- Wizard’s Communion MuVi 10 [Mastery 7xp 1 (2) Adaptive]
- Bind Wound CrCo 10
- Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5
- Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo 10
- From Marlowe
- Unseen Arm ReTe5
- Dust to Dust PeCo5
- Circular Ward Against Demons ReVi25
- Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
- Pierce the Magic Veil InVi20
- Second season with Marlow
- Pilum of Fire CrIg20
- Circular Winds of Protection CrAu20;
- Palm of Flame CrIg5
- Wound that Weeps PeCo15
- Lamp Without Flame CrIg10
- Second season with Una
- Pierce the Faerie Veil InVi20
- Measure the Magical Aura InVi3
- Lift the Dangling Puppet ReCo15
- Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn5
- The Treacherous Cloak ReAn5
- Nose of the Bloodhound MuCo(An)5
- Own Study
- InVi30 Sense of the Lingering Magic
- Total 243 levels
- Spring 1226
- Story 5xp + 3xp: Awareness (3), Faerie Lore (5)
- Summer 1226
- 6xp Hunt - Practice with Loreena
- Autumn 1226
- Taught Latin by Crimthann 14xp
- Winter 1227
- Taught Latin by Crimthann 9xp + AL 5xp (to 23/5xp)
- Spring 1227
- Taught Latin by Dermot 12xp (to 35xp)
- Summer 1227
- Practice Hunt 6xp
- Autumn 1227
- Practice Storytelling 6xp
- Winter 1228
- Taught Latin by Ibhan 16xp (to 51xp)
- Spring 1228
- Practice Hunt 6xp (to 18xp)
- Summer 1228
- Learn Bow from Dermot Q13 (to 13xp)
- Autumn 1228
- Read Magic Theory 12xp (5+7) (to 12xp)
- Winter 1229
- Reads Causes And Cures - 12xp Philosophia (Ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12) (to 12xp)
- Spring 1229
- Learn Single Weapon from Dermot Q13
- Summer 1229
- Learn Bow from Dermot Q13 to (26xp)
- Autumn 1229
- Read Faerie Lore L3Q10 (ignores Assigned reading: MT Summae L5Q12) (to 15xp)
- Winter 1230
- Read Magic Theory L5Q12 - 12xp (2+9) (to 24xp)
- Spring 1230
- Practice Carouse 6xp - he runs off to the village of Gern
- Summer 1230
- Study with Dermot. 13xp Single Weapon (to 26xp)
- Autumn 1230
- Practice Munster Lore 6xp
- Winter 1231
- Arts opened. Exposure 2xp Magic Theory. (2+11)
- Spring 1231
- Marlowe’s Cave. 12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 12xp)
- Summer 1231
- Read Muto L6Q20 20xp
- Autumn 1231
- Read Animal L10Q18 18xp
- Winter 1232
- Trained by Una in Magic Theory SQ8 (3+4) (to 34 xp)
- Spring 1232
- Assigned Reading Corpus Root (Unsupervised) Actually reads Imaginem L7Q19
- Summer 1232
- Lab help. Exposure 2xp Magic Theory (3+6) (to 36 xp)
- Autumn 1232
- Assigned Reading Rego Root Wizard in Charge L7Q19 (to 19xp)
- Winter 1233
- Taught Spells by Una (Seasons of one-on-one interactions with Una: 4) (Una’s highest lab total ReAn 43.) Exposure Magic Theory 2xp (to 38 xp) + DEO PeVi 5 + Wizard’s Communion MuVi 10 + Bind Wound CrCo 10 + Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5 + Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo 10
- Spring 1233
- Marlowe’s Cave. 12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 24xp)
- Summer 1233
- Read Vim primer L5Q15 (to 15xp)
- Autumn 1233
- Story [Jerome’s Tower 5] 12xp + 3 : Guile, Folk Ken, Awareness (to 8xp); 5 confidence points
- Winter 1234
- Taught Vim by Una. Quality 13 (Seasons of one-on-one interactions with Una: 5) (to 28xp)
- Spring 1234
- Marlowe’s Cave. 12xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 36xp)
- Summer 1234
- Assigned Practice Wizard’s Communion Mastery 7xp
- Autumn 1234
- Read Ultor Penetration L5Q11 (Assigned imaginem but this had been read previously)
- Winter 1235
- Taught Animal by Una SQ13 (to 31xp)
- Spring 1235
- Assigned teaching; Single Weapon SQ14 by Dermot (assuming single student) (to 40xp)
- Summer 1235
- (Assigned) read Creo Primer L5Q15
- Autumn 1235
- Help Una in Lab. Exposure 2xp Parma
- Winter 1236
- Taught Rego by Una SQ13 (to 32xp)
- Spring 1236
- Assigned teaching; Bows SQ14 by Dermot (assuming single student) (to 40xp)
- Summer 1236
- Read Intellego L5Q15
- Autumn 1236
- Read Rego L10Q13 (to 45xp)
- Winter 1237
- Taught Rego by Una SQ13 (to 58xp)
- Spring 1237
- Marlowe’s Cave. Exposure Mercury Cult Lore 2xp (to 38xp) + Lab Total 10 + Tech (0/5/10) + Form (Animal/Vim 7/Im 5) + Marlowe has lab total 70 in PeCo and PeVi (as experienced previously by Una) + Unseen Arm ReTe5 + Dust to Dust PeCo5 + Circular Ward Against Demons ReVi25 + Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15 + Pierce the Magic Veil InVi20
- Summer 1237
- (assigned) Read Corpus Root L6Q21
- Autumn 1237
- Read Auram L6Q19
- Winter 1238
- Una Teaches Ercc Corpus SQ14. (to 35xp) Ercc Gains Warrior House Virtue from 10 seasons directly working with Una.
- Spring 1238
- Weapon Training with Dermot. 14xp Thrown Weapon
- Summer 1238
- Read Ignem L5Q15
- Autumn 1238
- Read Perdo L5Q15
- Winter 1239
- Una Teaches Ercc Animal SQ14 (to 45xp)
- Spring 1239
- Marlowe’s Cave. Exposure 2xp Mercury Cult Lore (to 40xp). Spells: + Pilum of Fire CrIg20 + Circular Winds of Protection CrAu20; + Wound that Weeps PeCo15 + Palm of Flame CrIg5 + Lamp Without Flame CrIg10 + Lab Total 10 + Tech (0/5/10) + Form (Animal/Vim 7/Im 5)
- Summer 1239
- Help Una in Lab Invent InAn Spells. Exposure 1xp each in Parma and MT
- Autumn 1239
- Help Una in Lab Invent InAn Spells. Exposure 1xp each in Parma and MT
- Winter 1240
- Una Teaches Ercc Spells. Exposure 1xp MT, 1xp Parma + Pierce the Faerie Veil InVi20 + Measure the Magical Aura InVi3 + Lift the Dangling Puppet ReCo15 + Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn5 + The Treacherous Cloak ReAn5 + Nose of the Bloodhound MuCo(An)5
- Spring 1240
- lab use Invent spell(s) Ercc’s choice. Exposure 2xp MT + Lab Total 17 (aura 8 int 3 Inv G 3 MT 3) + Tech (5/7/10) + Form (0/5/7/9) + Lab Total: InVi 12 + 17 = 29 + 2 Bookstand? + InVi30 Sense of the Lingering Magic
- Summer 1240
- Help Una in Lab invent InVi spells. Exposure 2xp MT
- Autumn 1240
- TBC Story
- Winter 1240
- Una Teaches Ercc Muto SQ14 (to 34xp)
- Spring 1240
- TBC Marlowe’s Cave