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Fiadh ex Flambeau

Fiadh (fee-a) ex Flambeau

Pro-Irish Hibernian Maga, member of Circulus Ruber + Reputations + +3 Traditional Irish Maga + +3 Fearsome Hoplite of the Order + +2 Beekeeper + Age 88(65)

Disfigured (Crude facial brands that lend what would be a beautiful face a permanent and fearsome grimace.)

Wears a Forest Green Cloak with wooden, silver and bronze clasps. Her clothing is fitted brown leathers showing her voluptuous, tall form… Her frightening face is shrouded by gray-blonde hair and her hood, though not so much that her vision is impaired for combat. Her clasps and jewelry often have bees in their decor and patterns.

Turning off the Season (Warping Effect) - As she uses her magic Nearby plants visibly grow a tiny bit, surroundings also slowly get dusty with tiny fragments of dried leaves and flower petals. Plants under this warped magic effect don’t have enough nutrients so will not bear desirable fruit or grow significant tubers… it does not provide significant food value but plants will bear healthy seed. Large plants such as trees will show less effect than smaller and intentional application of this effect will result in gnarled, harsh growth.

Talisman is a Silver and Bronze Short Spear inlaid with many woods and stones

  • Stats for Darius Arm5 P34

  • Add: Area Lore: Hibernian Tribunal (3)

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