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Enchanting Grasshopper
Magic Might: 26 (Imaginem) [Base Magic Might: 15 + 11 for starting size]
Appearance: a grasshopper the size of a bunny.
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2 (excellent hearing), Pre -1 (puny), Com +5 (enchanting sounds), Str -11 (-1 initial) (puny), Sta +1 (calm), Dex +1 (agile), Qik +5 (0 initial)
Size: -5 (starting Size: -11)
Season: Summer
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues: Magic Animal (0), Arcane Lore (1), Enchanting Music (1), Sharp Ears (1), Way of the Grasslands (3),
Flaws: Fish out of Water (Grasslands) (-1), Gluttonous (-1), Meddler (-3), Magical Companion (-1),
Magic Qualities: Gigantic [+5 to Size] (3), Minor Virtue: Large (1), Minor Virtue: Great Communication x2 (2), Minor Virtue: Puissant Enchanting Music (1), Minor Virtue: Unaffected by the Gift (1), Greater Power: Control Locusts (3), Gift of Speech (1), Minor Virtue: Improved Characteristics (1), Personal Power: Invisibility/Sidestep (1) Minor Virtue: Voice of the Grassland (1)
Inferiorities: N/A
Personality Traits: Grasshopper* +6, Calm +1, Curious +1, Hungry* +3, Meddling* +5
Reputations: King of the Locusts (in the village he was found in) 1
Combat: No natural weapons
Soak: +1
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –3 (1), –5 (2), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
Abilities: Gaelic (Munster) 3, Brawl (Dodge) 4, Survival (grasslands) 4, Athletics (jumping) 4, Enchanting Music (instilling diligence) 5+2, Penetration (Enchanting Music) 3, Finesse (Rego) 3, Magic Lore (creatures) 2, Charm (get trust) 3, Awareness (hearing) 3, Hunt (track) 1, Area Lore: Munster (farmland) 1
Control Locusts: Init +1. 2pt to use.
Lets him control all the locust-esque bugs in the area and increase his enchanting music range (playing them as instruments)
ReAn35. [Base 15: Completely control an animal. R: Personal, D: Performance, T: Sound (sensory magic, = to structure)] Limitted to insects.
(three mastery points; two to reduce point cost of this power, one to reduce it for invisibility.
Invisibility PeIm15 1pt. Like veil of invisibility, but it can be cancelled at will.
Imaginary Dodge ReIm10 1pt Like wizard’s sidestep.
Vis: 6p of Imaginem in wings
To bind: 26 (might 26 + 25 + 5xSize -25). ReIm
Voice of the (Land) Minor, Supernatural
The character can speak with any creature whose natural habitat is a particular environment associated with this Virtue (including animals and magic beings), and the character is not normally perceived as either a threat or a prey object by these creatures.