Cast/Lucas ex Flambeau
The Lineage of Oisin Ainsheasccar
Oisin Ainsheasccar (the Restless) was a member of the Pralix lineage of House Ex Misc when the Schism War broke out. Having taken his Hermetic name from a Hero of Irish Myth, he’d never held much love for the Diedne magi, so quickly joined the battles against them. His lineage and magical Arts proved a valuable asset, countering much of the Diedne magics, while his homeland of Ireland had forged him as a warrior as well as a mage.
During the War, he often worked with Flambeau magi. His conduct during the war earned him an invitation to join the House. Seeing the opportunity to further develop his Arts he accepted. After the war, Oisin still spent most of his time in Ireland, but sometimes travelled south to Iberia or Provence, his Flambeau name granting him easier passage amongst hermetic circles.
Combining the techniques of the Pralix lineage with the deeper mastery of the Hermetic Arts within House Flambeau (specifically Perdo), the lineage of Oisin has a well earned reputation as masters of counter magic, though the lineage itself has rarely left Ireland. Unfortunately the lineage is also infamous for its mastery of magics to dispel a magus’ Parma Magica. Even though the line has inherited Oisin’s wanderlust, perhaps that is why it has never settled beyond Ireland.
13th Century
As 1220 arrives, the lineage of Oisin is on the verge of collapse. Only the old mage Niall and his newly gauntleted fillus Lucas remain. Niall has trained three apprentices in total during his long career, but only Lucas is alive, both former apprentices killed since the beginning of the century. Alena, Niall’s younger hermetic sister, and Alena’s only filla Saraid have also been killed or gone missing since the turn of the century. Niall is fairly certain the line is being systematically killed off, but by who or what, hes not yet discovered.
Finding a young man already capable with the sword, gifted but unclaimed, was a stroke of good fortune for Niall. Whereas previously he’d try to teach a board range of skills and arts to his apprentices, Niall instead focused Lucas’s studies, having him master their line’s signature spells and Arts, and readying him for conflict. The pair have seen off plenty of attackers during Lucas’s fifteen year apprenticeship, Niall is certain some were very real assassins, while others may have been simply the product of the violent lands of Ireland. Niall tires hard not to give into paranoia, but it is becoming more difficult.
Lucas is a board, strong man, turned 30 not 3 days past his gauntlet. He has long, unkempt hair, and rough stubble, his skin weather worn from being on the road for much of his life. The longsword on his hip and the shield on his back are both bloodied and notched from countless fights. If going into a full battle, he also dons his mail.
Lambaird and Elk’s Run
Lucas was raised at Lambaird, the Flambeau covenant founded at the outset of the Schism War. He is certainly a product of the rough and tumble covenant. But he’s no longer welcome. He and xxx brawls have got steadily worse. The fresh scar over Lucas’s right eye is a testament to that. Unlike most of the magi at Lambaird, Lucas doesn’t have a problem with the English, nor the magi settling in Ireland. And it’s as simple as they are beating the Irish at their own game. Lucas holds to the idea that if your strong enough to keep it, you deserve it. The English mundanes are stronger than the clans they’ve pushed back. The English magi who have taken covenants are stronger than the Irish magi. And to Lucas, if they’re stronger, it means the Irish are weaker. Simple as that.
Now, his numerous brawls with xxx are because Lucas calls him weak and pathetic to his face - letting your own familiar be caught for dinner is utterly incompetant. Lucas gets beaten down every time, but that hasn’t changed his opinion.
With his own line on the edge of destruction, Lucas has come to the conclusion that he needs to be stronger than his predecessors, and to accomplish that, maybe he needs to be more like the English. Combined with the obvious fact that not many people expect a magus from Lambaird to support one of the most balant English covenants, he figures it might give him the edge against whoever is trying to kill him.