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Player Magi

NOte This page is meant to list traits which are essential for RP. It is not otherwise complete.


Magus (Player) Story flaw Personality Flaws Personality Traits Virtues Other Flaws Hooks
Una an Flambo (Dylan) Mentor (Mór, her parens)
Maine Chleitigh ex Bonisagius (John) Visions Driven: Author (major) + Optimistic Organised +3, Curious +2 Teacher, Focus on Longevity Magical Addiction, Martial Ability Block -
Cieran the Fletcher ex Miscellanea (George) Mistaken Identity Meddler Rustic magus
Seafraid (Gerard) Difficult Underlings Avaricious (books), Optimistic none Hermetic Sahir, Second Sight Necessary Condition (draw symbols), Lame, Twilight Probe
Phillipedes (Callinicus) Mysterious Father Meddler (major) Curious +2, Caring +2, Opportunist +2 Unaging, focus in teleportation, Mercurian Poor Quickness, Difficult Longevity Ritual Healer
Cyrus of Flambeau (Talon)