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Servants of the Common People
After reading one season of the Servant of the Common People you start to recognise the structure of the two scrolls also found in the chest.
The First Initiation
- grants Puissant OL:Servant of the People (minor virtue)
- Restriction - Harming ordinary people (Peasants and Townfolk etc) +9, (major flaw)
- Sympathetic Bonus +5
- script bonus +14
The Second Initiation
grants Good Teacher
Special time and place +3 (Spring Equinox in the basement of Jerome’s Tower).
Script bonus +3
Jerome has intended this to come after the First Initiation which gives an extra +9 for the first initiation after major ordeal. In this case the bonus is +12.
Other Information
The Vis Source
You also get references to the statue in the basement of his tower being a Rego vis source yielding 4 pawns on the Spring Equinox in the form of small spheres forming on the flat plate being served up to the washer woman by the kingly figure. They are noted to dissipate if not collected on the day they form.
Ethical Principles
These rules were posted on the table and the chest in Jerome’s chambers.
- The Gift is a blessing from God
- This blessing is to be used to defend the weak
- Power corrupts and those in power must be checked in their exploitation of the weak
- Defend the peasant and the towns folk from the oppressive overlord and the grasping cleric
- Righteous authority has the divine right to rule, hinder not the even-handed Lord or the honest churchman.