Charged items
Arrow of Sleep (Grean feathers) ReMe5 Touch of Slumber The person hit falls asleep. Penetration +28 Stock 5 arrows + 5 throwing darts
Arrow of Peaceful slumber (Green/Black) ReMe15 Arrow of Peaceful Slumber Shot into a group of people, everybody in the group falls aseep.
Penetration +8 Stock 8
Spasmic Arrow (Green/Yellow) ReCo5 Spasms of the Uncontrolled Body The person hit is affected by the spell-like effect. Casting Score 29, Penetration +48 Stock 8
Arrow of Childlike Faith (Green/Blue) PeMe10 Trust of the Childlike Faith The person hit is affected by the spell-like effect.
Penetration +18 Stock 5 arrows and 5 (throwing) darts
Death Arrow (Red) PeCo20 Wound without Cause Hitting a human target, it causes a heavy wound on top of any mundane damage. Casting Score 29, Penetration +18 Stock 8
Arrow of Light (White) CrIg10 Lamp without Flame When the arrow hits, the surrounding area, centred on the point of impact, is illuminated, as with the spells. Casting Score 15, Penetration +0 Stock 8
Potion of Invisibility (PeIm20, Veil of Invisibility )