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Revision ba74df2ae8fec9a94ca62eb30eeb037d1cac9acb (click the page title to view the current version)

Vis Economy at Elk's Run

Following continental practice, the magi of Elk’s Run tend to harvest and stock up on Vis. This is controversial though, and the practice varies somewhat.

The sources listed are on Hermetically recognised property unless stated otherwise.

Earned and Unclaimed salaries

Magus 1217-40 41-42 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248-52 Total
Una 32p 8/1 2/1 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 10/0 58p
Cieran 2p 12/14 2/2 2/0 6/0 2/0 2/12 18/18 0p
Maine 30p 16/4 5/5 2/0 2/0 11/0 2/0 10/0 69p
Regina 0p 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 0/0 12p
Tim 0p 6/0 2/1 6/0 6/0 6/0 2/0 18/21 24p
Tyierie 0p 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 2p
Delaney 2/0 2/1 2/0 2/0 0/0 7p
Sean 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 18/0 30p
Running total owed 64p 91p 97p 115p 136p 163p 165p 212p 212p

2 Vis per year as allowance, 4 Vis per season of Covenant service, 1 service per 2 years unless agreed at council.

Year Comment
1226 Maine transfers 1 vis to Phil for use of the Corpus book.
1227 Una transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.
1228 Cyrus transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.
1228 Maine transfers 2 vis for 2 seasons of the Corpus Hermeticus book
1229 Seafraid transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.
1231 Phillipdes transfers 4 vis to Maine for Longevity ritual.
1231 Cyrus owed 6p should he return
1235 Maine receives 12 pawns for his Creo, Intellego, Muto and Perdo tractatus copied by Covenant
1236 Maine receives 3 pawns for his Rego tractatus copied by Covenant
1237 Maine receives 3 pawns for his Animal tractatus copied by Covenant
1237 Una starts paying 1 pawn of Animal per year for Faerie Ingredients until further notice
1238 Cieran starts paying 1 pawn of Animal per year for Faerie Ingredients until further notice
1238 Tullius departs
1240 Phil departs
1241 Maine receives 12 pawns for his Aquam, Auram Corpus and Herbam tractatus copied by Covenant
1242 Tim and Regina arrive
1243 Maine receives 3 pawns for his Imaginem tractatus copied by Covenant
1244 Fair in the Greater Alps: Sold 140p for 235pvv; bought 50p for 103pvv
1245 3p Aquam; 1p Terram from Vincenzo’s Castle
1246 Maine receives 9 pawns for his Mentem, Terram and Vim tractatus copied by Covenant
[1249/51 Cieran authors two tractatus as covenant service for 8p owed
1251 Tim receives 6 pawns of Aquam vis to make 2 craft magic saltwater items requested by the Covenant
1252 Tim receives 13 pawns of Mentem vis, 8 pawns Ignem vis drawn against owed allowance

1248-1252 (WIP)

Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 76 4*5 96 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 19 19
Muto 23 23
Perdo 74 6*5 6 98 Taken as allowance by Cieran to pay for faerie ingredients
Rego 66 4*5 86
Animal 60 6*5 90
Aquam 59 6*5 6 83 Spent on Covenant Service, Salt Water Itens
Auram 76 3*5 91
Corpus 110 6*5 140 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 55 2*5 65
Ignem 21 8 13 Received by Tim for Allowance
Imaginem 16 12 4 Taken by Cieran as allowance/for tractatus
Mentem 68 6*5 13 85 Received by Tim for Allowance
Terram 56 3*5 71
Vim 193 6*5 30 193 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 30 for 5 years of Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 972 265 75 1,162


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 72 4 76 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 19 19
Muto 23 23
Perdo 68 6 74
Rego 62 4 66
Animal 54 6 60
Aquam 53 6 59
Auram 73 3 76
Corpus 104 6 110 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 53 2 55
Ignem 21 21
Imaginem 16 16
Mentem 74 6 12 68 Taken as allowance by Cieran
Terram 53 3 56
Vim 193 6 6 193 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 6 for Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 938 52 18 972


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 68 4 72 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 19 19
Muto 23 23
Perdo 62 6 68
Rego 58 4 62
Animal 48 6 54
Aquam 47 6 53
Auram 70 3 73
Corpus 98 6 104 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 51 2 53
Ignem 21 21
Imaginem 16 16
Mentem 68 6 74
Terram 50 3 53
Vim 193 6 6 193 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 6 for Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 892 52 6 938


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 64 4 68 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 19 19
Muto 23 23
Perdo 56 6 62
Rego 54 4 58
Animal 42 6 48
Aquam 41 6 47
Auram 67 3 70
Corpus 100 6 8 98 Reserved for emergencies, 7 for Delaney’s longevity ritual, -1 salary for Delaney for longevity ritual
Herbam 49 2 51
Ignem 21 21
Imaginem 16 16
Mentem 62 6 68
Terram 47 3 50
Vim 193 6 6 193 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 6 for Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 854 52 14 892


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 60 4 64 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 9 10 19
Muto 13 10 23
Perdo 90 6 40 56
Rego 60 4 10 54
Animal 63 6 27 42
Aquam 77 6 42 41
Auram 64 3 67
Corpus 94 6 100 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 47 2 49
Ignem 11 10 21
Imaginem 6 10 16
Mentem 46 6 10 62
Terram 84 3 40 47
Vim 56 6 137 6 193 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 6 for Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 780 52 187 165 854


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 56 4 60 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 9 9
Muto 13 13
Perdo 85 6 1 90 1p to Cieran
Rego 61 4 5 60 -5 taken as salary by Maine
Animal 102 6 45 63 -3 For Faerie Ingredients, -42 for Summa
Aquam 92 6 21 77 -21 for summa, Contested source
Auram 61 3 64
Corpus 88 6 94 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 45 2 47
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 40 6 46
Terram 81 3 84
Vim 56 6 6 56 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 6 for Aegis
———– —- —- —– —- —– ——————————
Total 806 52 78 780


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 56 2*4 10 54 Beware emergencies. 4p for the Mirror of Horror. 2p allowance for Cieran, -4 from salary by Maine
Intellego 9 9
Muto 13 13
Perdo 85 2*6 97
Rego 61 2*4 69
Animal 102 2*6 5 109 1p allowance for Cieran, -4 For Faerie Ingredients
Aquam 92 2*6 104 Contested source
Auram 61 2*3 67
Corpus 88 2*6 12 88 12p for Cieran’s LR. Beware emergencies
Herbam 45 2*2 49
Ignem 11 7 4 3p allowance for Cieran; 4p for Igenous
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 40 2*6 8 44 8p allowance for Cieran
Terram 81 2*3 87
Vim 56 2*6 12 56 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, 12p for Aegis
———– —– ——- —– —— —– ———————————–
Total 806 104 54 856


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 58 3*4 14 56 Withdrawn by Tullius/Igneous. Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 9 9
Muto 13 13
Perdo 79 3*6 12 85 Withdrawn by Tullius and Igneous Drake.
Rego 54 3*4 5 61 Withdrawn by Igneous
Animal 96 3*6 12 102 Claimed as allowance by Cieran, -6 For Faerie Ingredients
Aquam 74 3*6 92 Contested source
Auram 54 3*3 2 61 Claimed by Cieran
Corpus 83 3*6 13 88 WIthdrawn by Phil/Tullius. Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 39 3*2 45
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 43 3*6 21 40 Withdrawn by Igneous/Cieran
Terram 78 3*3 6 81 Withdrawn by Tullius
Vim 59 3*6 21 56 Claimed as allowance by Cieran. Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- —— —— —– ———————————–
Total 758 156 104 806


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 53 4 1 58 +1 from Cal’s father adventure, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 1 9 +1 from Cal’s father adventure
Muto 13 13
Perdo 73 6 79
Rego 48 4 2 54 +2 from Cal’s father adventure
Animal 95 6 5 96 -3 taken as salary by Una, -2 For Faerie Ingredients
Aquam 68 6 74 Contested source
Auram 51 3 54
Corpus 57 6 20 83 +20 from Cal’s father adventure, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 37 2 39
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 45 6 8 43 -8 taken as salary by Maine
Terram 75 3 78
Vim 59 6 6 59 Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 699 52 24 19 756


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 49 4 53 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 67 6 73
Rego 44 4 48
Animal 91 6 2 95 -2 taken as salary by Maine
Aquam 62 6 68 Contested source
Auram 48 3 51
Corpus 51 6 57 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 35 2 37
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 43 6 4 45 -4 taken as salary by Una
Terram 72 3 75
Vim 68 6 15 59 -6 on aegis, -4 taken as salary by Maine, -1 taken as salaey by Tullius, -1 taken as salary by Phil, -1 used by Covenant for a fixed arcane connection. Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 668 52 21 699


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 45 4 49 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 63 6 2 67 -2 taken as salary by Cieran
Rego 40 4 44
Animal 85 6 91
Aquam 56 6 62 Contested source
Auram 45 3 48
Corpus 45 6 51 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 33 2 35
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 37 6 43
Terram 69 3 72
Vim 68 6 6 68 -6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 624 52 8 668


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 41 4 45 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 57 6 63
Rego 36 4 40
Animal 84 6 5 85 -5 taken as salary by Phil
Aquam 50 6 56 Contested source
Auram 42 3 45
Corpus 39 6 45 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 31 2 33
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 31 6 37
Terram 66 3 69
Vim 68 6 6 68 -6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 583 52 11 624


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 37 4 41 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 51 6 57
Rego 36 4 4 36 -4 taken as salary by Phil
Animal 78 6 84
Aquam 44 6 50 Contested source
Auram 39 3 42
Corpus 33 6 39 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 29 2 31
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 33 6 8 31 -8 taken as salary by Cieran
Terram 64 3 1 66 -1 taken as salary by Cieran
Vim 68 6 6 68 -6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 550 52 19 583


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 33 4 37 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 45 6 51
Rego 32 4 36
Animal 72 6 78
Aquam 38 6 44 Contested source
Auram 36 3 39
Corpus 27 6 33 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 27 2 29
Ignem 11 11
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 51 6 24 33 Norse Trade
Terram 82 3 21 64 Norse Trade
Vim 83 6 21 68 -6 on aegis, -15 taken as salary by Maine, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 564 52 66 550


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 40 4 11 33 -10 for Phillipedes’ Longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Phillipedes Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 39 6 45
Rego 28 4 32
Animal 62 6 4 72 +4 from ice hearts from Loch Legean
Aquam 32 6 38 Contested source
Auram 33 3 36
Corpus 21 6 27 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 24 2 1 27 +1 from mushroom from Loch Legean
Ignem 7 4 11 +4 from Loch Legean
Imaginem 6 6
Mentem 45 6 51
Terram 40 3 39 82 +39 from Gnome noses from Loch Legean
Vim 86 6 9 83 -6 on aegis, -3 to Una as salary, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 484 52 48 20 564


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 28 4 19 11 40 -1 taken as salary by Seafraid, -7 for Maine’s Longevity ritual, -3 taken as salary by Maine,+19 from Hydra corpse, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 19 6 14 39 +5 from Cockatrice, +9 from Herrick.
Rego 20 4 4 28 +4 from Seafraid’s store
Animal 19 6 37 62 -1 taken as salary by Phil, +36 from blood pools around covenant, +1 from Herrick.
Aquam 20 6 6 32 +3 from Seafraid’s store, +3 from Herrick, Contested source
Auram 17 3 13 33 +13 from Seafraid’s store
Corpus 28 6 13 21 -7 for Seafraid’s longevity ritual, -2 taken as salary by Seafraid,-4 for Crimthann’s longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 22 2 24
Ignem 6 1 7 +1 from Seafraid’s store
Imaginem 4 2 6 +2 from Herrick.
Mentem 39 6 45
Terram 23 3 14 40 +14 from Seafraid’s store
Vim 84 6 4 86 -4 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 350 52 110 28 484


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 30 4 6 28 -5 for Crimthann’s longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Seafraid, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 19 6 6 19 -6 for book purchase.
Rego 20 4 4 20 -4 for book purchase
Animal 20 6 7 19 -6 for book purchase, -1 taken as salary by Phil.
Aquam 20 6 6 20 -6 for book purchase, Contested source
Auram 20 3 6 17 -6 for book purchase
Corpus 35 6 13 28 -7 for Seafraid’s longevity ritual, -2 taken as salary by Seafraid,-4 for Crimthann’s longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 20 2 22
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 33 6 39
Terram 20 3 23
Vim 84 6 6 84 -6 on aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 352 52 54 350


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 33 4 7 30 -7 Cyrus’ longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 24 6 11 19 -10 for book purchase, -1 for rent of Ward vs Demons lab text
Rego 25 4 9 20 -9 for book purchase
Animal 20 6 6 20 -6 for book purchase
Aquam 20 6 6 20 -6 for book purchase, Contested source
Auram 23 3 6 20 -6 for book purchase
Corpus 31 6 2 35 -2 taken as salary by Cyrus, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 22 2 4 20 -4 for book purchase
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 27 6 33
Terram 24 3 7 20 -7 for book purchase
Vim 94 6 16 84 -10 for book purchase, -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 374 52 74 352


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 33 4 4 33 - 4 for Una’s longevity ritual, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 18 6 24
Rego 21 4 25
Animal 20 6 6 20 -6 for potion of Heal Incapacitating wound
Aquam 20 6 6 20 -6 for potion of Heal Incapacitating wound, Contested source
Auram 20 3 23
Corpus 29 6 4 31 -3 for Una’s longevity ritual, -1 taken as salary by Una, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 20 2 22
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 21 6 27
Terram 21 3 24
Vim 94 6 6 94 -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 348 52 0 26 374


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 45 4 16 33 -3 taken as salary by Cieran, -12 curing Dermot and Seafraid. -1 taken as salary by Lugardis. Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 12 6 18
Rego 22 4 5 21 -1 taken as salary by Lugardis, -4 traded at Summer Fair
Animal 59 6 45 20 -10 for Muto book, -11 taken as salary by Phil, -24 traded at Summer Fair
Aquam 47 6 33 20 -9 for Muto book, -4 taken as salary by Seafraid, Contested source, -20 traded at Summer Fair
Auram 34 3 17 20 -4 taken as salary by Seafraid, -13 traded at Summer Fair
Corpus 24 6 1 29 -1 taken as salary by Lugardis. Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 25 2 7 20 -7 traded at Summer Fair
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 47 6 32 21 -9 for Muto book, -8 taken as salary by Cieran, -1 taken as salary by Lugardis, -14 traded at Summer Fair
Terram 25 3 7 21 -4 taken as salary by Seafraid,-3 traded at Summer Fair
Vim 7 6 87 6 94 -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies,+87 traded at Summer Fair
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 378 52 87 169 348


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 41 4 45 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 6 6 12
Rego 18 4 22
Animal 58 6 5 59 2 pawns for 5 seasons of Folio of 1109, 3 pawns 3 seasons of Folio of 1165
Aquam 41 6 47 Contested source
Auram 31 3 34
Corpus 18 6 24 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 23 2 25
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 41 6 47
Terram 24 3 2 25 2 pawns for Penetration Tractatus from Norse traders
Vim 7 6 6 7 -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——- —— —– ———————————–
Total 339 52 13 378


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 19 4 29 11 41 -11 for Serafina’s Longevity Ritual and healing, +2 exchanged for Vim by Marcus, +27 donated by Marcus on departure
Intellego 8 8
Muto 13 13
Perdo 0 6 6
Rego 19 4 5 18 -1 taken by Una from amount owed. -4 taken by Igneous as salary
Animal 59 6 7 58 -5 taken by Una from amount owed, -1 for Magic Lore Tractus from Norse traders, -1 for creation of Hide to Parchment enchanted item
Aquam 41 6 6 41 -4 for level 40 Aging Crisis lab text, -2 for Seamus and account closed, Contested source
Auram 28 3 31
Corpus 24 6 12 18 -12 for Serafina’s Longevity Ritual and healing, Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 21 2 23
Ignem 6 6
Imaginem 4 4
Mentem 18 6 17 41 +17 donated by Marcus on departure
Terram 21 3 24
Vim 13 6 12 7 -6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies, -5 for fixing arcane connections, -1 taken as owed by Una
———– —– ——- ——– —— —– ———————————–
Total 294 52 46 53 339


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 17 4 2 19 2 taken by Cieran as grant, Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 11 3 8 2 taken by Phil as grant, 1 taken as grant by Seamus
Muto 13 0 13
Perdo 39 6 45 0 2 on Book purchase, 5 for fatigue potion, 38p stolen
Rego 16 4 3 4 19 4 taken by Phil for seasonal work, +3 traded for Mentem by Seamus
Animal 58 6 5 59 5 on medium healing potion
Aquam 35 6 0 41 Contested source
Auram 25 3 0 28
Corpus 18 6 0 24 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 19 2 0 21
Ignem 6 0 6
Imaginem 4 0 4
Mentem 22 6 10 18 6 taken by Marcus for seasonal work (4) plus 2 grant, 1 taken as grant by Seamus -3 traded for Rego by Shamus
Terram 20 3 2 21 2 taken by Seafraid as grant
Vim 13 6 6 13 6 on aegis - Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——– —— —– ———————————–
Total 315 52 3 76 294 16 owed to magi


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 13 4 0 17 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 11 0 11
Muto 13 0 13
Perdo 35 6 2 39 Book purchase
Rego 12 4 0 16
Animal 33 6 19 0 58 +19 from Crows at Irish Mercury site
Aquam 32 6 3 35 Contested source, -3 Salary for Johanna - account closed
Auram 22 3 0 25
Corpus 12 6 0 18 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 17 2 0 19
Ignem 6 0 6
Imaginem 4 0 4
Mentem 19 6 3 22 -3 Salary for Marcus
Terram 23 3 6 20 -6 Salary for Vivianus - account closed
Vim 13 6 6 13 -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——– —— —– ———————————–
Total 264 52 19 20 315


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 8 4 0 13 Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 11 0 11
Muto 13 0 13
Perdo 31 6 2 35 -2 for book purchase from Norse traders
Rego 8 4 0 12
Animal 27 6 0 33
Aquam 26 6 0 32 Contested source
Auram 19 3 0 22
Corpus 6 6 0 12 Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 15 2 0 17
Ignem 6 0 6
Imaginem 4 0 4
Mentem 20 6 7 19 -3 Salary to Marcus, -4 for lab text purchase at Tribunal
Terram 20 3 0 23
Vim 13 6 6 13 -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——– —— —– ———————————–
Total 227 52 15 264


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 6 4 2 8 -2 healing Cieran. Reserved for emergencies
Intellego 11 0 11
Muto 13 0 13
Perdo 25 6 0 31
Rego 4 4 0 8
Animal 21 6 0 27
Aquam 22 4 0 26 Contested source
Auram 16 3 0 19
Corpus 6 6 6 6 -6 healing Cieran. Reserved for emergencies
Herbam 13 2 0 15
Ignem 6 0 6
Imaginem 4 0 4
Mentem 17 6 3 20 -3 Salary to Marcus
Terram 17 3 0 20
Vim 13 6 6 13 -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——- ——– —— —– ———————————–
Total 194 50 17 227


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 2 4 3 3 6 -3 Salary for Marcus
Intellego 10 1 0 11 +1 from Cierella
Muto 12 1 0 13 +1 from Cierella
Perdo 19 6 25
Rego 0 4 4 New source from Jerome’s Tower
Animal 15 6 21
Aquam 15 6 1 22 Contested source, +1 from Cierella
Auram 18 3 5 16
Corpus 0 6 6
Herbam 11 2 13
Ignem 10 4 6
Imaginem 10 6 4
Mentem 20 6 9 17 -5 for Infernal Lore book, -1 traded for 1 Vim with Marcus, -3 salary for Marcus
Terram 15 3 2 3 17 +2 from Cierella, -3 salary for Seafraid
Vim 12 6 1 6 13 - 6 for Aegis, +1 traded with Marcus for 1 Mentem
———– —– ——– ——– ——- —– ———————————–
Total 169 52 9 34 194


Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 8 4 10 2 6p Salary for Marcus + some longevity ritual
Intellego 10 10
Muto 12 12
Perdo 13 6 19
Rego 0 0 has been scarce for years
Animal 9 6 15
Aquam 9 6 15 Contested source
Auram 15 3 18
Corpus 8 6 14 0 Someone needed a longevity ritual
Herbam 14 2 5 11 Bookstand of Hespera + Abluere Magica
Ignem 16 6 10
Imaginem 16 6 10
Mentem 14 6 20
Terram 15 3 3 15 3 salary for Cieran
Vim 12 6 6 12 -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– ——– ——– ——- ———————————–
Total 171 48 50 169

Salaries to be claimed Cieran (6p), Una (6p), Seafraid (6p)

Vis 1217

Art Starting Sources Extra Spent Ending Comments
Creo 6 4 2 8
Intellego 10 10
Muto 12 12
Perdo 10 6 3 13 Salary for Lucas
Rego 0 0 Rego has been scarce for years
Animal 7 6 4 9
Aquam 7 6 4 9 Contested source
Auram 12 3 15
Corpus 6 6 4 8
Herbam 12 2 14
Ignem 16 16
Imaginem 16 16
Mentem 12 6 4 14
Terram 12 3 15
Vim 12 6 6 12 -6 for Aegis, Reserved for Aegis and Emergencies
———– —– - ——– ——– ———-
Total 150 48 27 171

Salaries to be claimed Una (3p), Vivianus (6p)