Revision 52ee03b9db5d68fef23daf33d76f081aa478f9b6 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 52ee03b9db5d68fef23daf33d76f081aa478f9b6 to c01c02d609793d6e0558b1eec4b04a6fd4a786f9

## Books and Spells Traded with Carolus

| Art     | Stats  | Title      | Author  | Date traded                       | Traded for|
| Creo       | Q9  | *From nothing to everything*  | Vivianus of Bonisagus | Autumn 1243 | On the Spark Creo Q11  |
| Rego       | Q12 | *Control*  | Julia of Jerbiton | Spring 1243 | Hibernian Musings on the Hermetic Techniques Volume 5 - Rego Q14 |
| Corpus     | Q9  | *Life and eternity*  | Vivianus of Bonisagus | Autumn 1243 |  Some More Thoughts on the Body Corpus Q9|
| Mentem     | Q12 | *Mind*  | Julia of Jerbiton | Summer 1245 |  Hibernian Musings on the Hermetic Forms Volume 8 - Mentem Q14 |
| Vim        | Q11 | *Fundamental Vim*  | Kallias of Tremere | Autumn 1245 | Hibernian Musings on the Hermetic Forms Volume 10 - Vim Q14 |
| Magic Lore | Q8  | *Ancient Creatures*  | Tug of Criamon | Autumn 1244 | Primal Spirits of the sea - Magic Lore Q8 |

| Spell    | Arts  | Level    | Date traded  | Traded for|Arts  | Level    |
|Soothe the Ferocious Bear|ReAn|10|Summer 1243|Vipers Gaze|ReAn|15|
|The Gentle Herd|ReAn|20|Summer 1243|Ward Against Beasts of Legend|ReAn|25|
|Enchantment of Detachment|PeMe|15|Summer 1243|Trust of Childlike Faith |PeMe|10|
|Coerce the spirits of the night|ReMe|20|Summer 1243|Dissolve the Wall of Shields|ReMe|20|
|Tracks of the faerie Glow|InTe|25|Summer 1243|Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits|InTe|30|
|The indentured Vis Hunter|InVi|20|Summer 1243|Pierce the Magical Veil |InVi|20|
|Gather the essence of the beast|ReVi|15|Summer 1243|Wizards Communion|ReVi|30|
|Wind of Mundane Silence|PeVi|25|Summer 1243|Demon's Eternal Oblivion|PeVi|20|
|Maintaining the Demanding spell|ReVi|20|Summer 1243|Circular Ward vs Demons|ReVi|30|
|Watching Ward|ReVi|20|Summer 1243|Aegis of the Hearth|ReVi|30|

Note we traded 230 levels of lab texts for 190 levels from Carolus