Revision 71bb4a807c2613f0e8aa6bf3b0ed8324d879fa43 (click the page title to view the current version)

Cast/Cieran/At Gauntlet

Changes from beginning to 71bb4a807c2613f0e8aa6bf3b0ed8324d879fa43

title: Cieran at Gauntlet

| Virture/Flaw      | Points | Type  | Comment |				10	Flaws

| Craft Magic       | 0      | Major House Virtue | |
| Spell Foci        | 0      | Minor House Virtue | |
| Meddler           | -3     | Personality | |
| Carefree          | -1     | Personality | |
| Weak Spontaneous Magic | 0 | Major House flaw | |
| Minor Magical Focus  | +1 | Hermetic | magical arrows |
| Strong Faerie Blood | +3 | | Ettin Blood|
| Mistaken Identity | -3 | Story | |
| Flawless Magic	| +3 | Hermetic | |			 
| Short-Range Magic | -3 | Hermetic | |
| Book Learner   | +1 | | |
| Affinity with Imaginem   | +1 | | |
| Skilled Parens   | +1 | | |

# Spells

| Stats  | Spell                           | Mastery              |
| ReMe5  | Touch of Slumber	           | 1 (Penetration) |
| ReCo5  | Spasms of the Uncontrolled Body | 1 (Penetration) |
| PeTe20 | End of the Mighty Castle        | 1 (Penetration) |
| ReMe15 | Arrow of Peaceful Slumber       | 1 (Penetration) |
| PeCo20 | Wound without Cause             | 1 (Penetration) |
| PeIm20 | Veil of Invisibility            | 1 (Quiet Casting) |
| CrIm10 | Clarity of Public Speech        | 1 (Penetration) |
| MuIm10 | Aura of Ennobled Presence            | 1 (Quiet Casting) |
| CrIg15 | Lamp till Morning without Flame      | 1 (Still Casting) |
| PeTe20 | Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier | 1 (Penetration) |
| PeMe10 | Trust of the Childlike Faith         | 1 (Penetration) |