Revision 2c2ac6d94d90d92499fade01467b57a9f47204ee (click the page title to view the current version)
Changes from 2c2ac6d94d90d92499fade01467b57a9f47204ee to 184389eec2c3d70da75cc9aa71325befd0c222e3
title: Marcus' Abilities
format: rst
.. csv-table::
:header: "Name", "Score", "Type", "Details"
:widths: 30, 5, 5, 60
"Study Bonus", "Free", "Hermetic", "+2 Quality when studying books or Vis in the presence of that form"
"Shapeshifter", "Free", "Supernatural"
"Major Magical Focus: Human Perfection", +3, "Hermetic", "Double lowest art in lab and casting totals"
"Free study", +1, "Hermetic", "+3 Quality when studying Vis"
"Book Learner", +1, "Hermetic", "+3 Quality when studying Books"
"Independent study", +1, "General", "+3 Adventure xp and +2 practice xp"
"Puissant Parma Magica", +1, "Hermetic", "+2 Parma Magic"
"Puissant Creo", +1, "Hermetic", "+3 Creo"
"Puissant Magic Theory", +1, "Hermetic", "+2 Magic Theory"
"Personal Vis Source", +1, "Hermetic", "3 Creo per year"
"Skilled Parens", +1, "Hermetic", "+60xp and +30 spell levels at character creation"
"Study Requirement", Free, "Hermetic"
"Plagued by Supernatural Entity (Demon)", "-3", "Story"
"Driven:Serve the Order", -3, "Personality"
"Blatant Gift", -3, "Hermetic"
"Feral Upbringing", -1, "General"