Revision 67d9311e9749272d49a6af039c3c821047a9b547 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 67d9311e9749272d49a6af039c3c821047a9b547 to current

title: Charged items

1. Arrow of Sleep (Grean feathers) ReMe5 Touch of Slumber
   The person hit falls asleep.
   *Penetration* +28 *Stock* 5 arrows + 5 throwing darts

1. Arrow of Peaceful slumber (Green/Black) ReMe15 Arrow of Peaceful Slumber
   Shot into a group of people, everybody in the group falls aseep.

   *Penetration* +8 *Stock* 8

1. Spasmic Arrow (Green/Yellow) ReCo5 Spasms of the Uncontrolled Body
   The person hit is affected by the spell-like effect.
   *Casting Score* 29, *Penetration* +48
   *Stock* 8
1. Arrow of Childlike Faith (Green/Blue) PeMe10	Trust of the Childlike Faith
   The person hit is affected by the spell-like effect.
   *Penetration* +18 *Stock* 5 arrows and 5 (throwing) darts

1. Death Arrow (Red) PeCo20	Wound without Cause
   Hitting a human target, it causes a heavy wound on top of any
   mundane damage.
   *Casting Score* 29, *Penetration* +18
   *Stock* 8
1. Arrow of Light (White) CrIg10	Lamp without Flame
   When the arrow hits, the surrounding area, centred on the
   point of impact, is illuminated, as with the spells.
   *Casting Score* 15, *Penetration* +0
   *Stock* 8
1. Potion of Invisibility (PeIm20, Veil of Invisibility )