Revision 4492b4cfeec0f3fc96cc0ee4189eafeec6d54374 (click the page title to view the current version)
- Artal learns new spells (PeIg) - 2 Exposure in Perdo
- TBC Talpa illuminates The Kingly Art and the Corpus summa -
Exposure 2xp Scribe
- TBC Andreas enchants a
bronze ring with the invisible sling of Vilano
- Angelhart teaches single Weapon to Claas to 2xp.
- Claas taught by Angelhart 14xp single weapon
- Artal reads “Roots First” - 18 xp Herbam
- TBC Andreas Read The
Kingly Art - 17xp Rego
- TBC Talpa illuminates the remaining books - Exposure 2xp Scribe
- TBC Claas Installs lab for Basilus 2xp Magic Theory (if he wants it)
2xp magic theory