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Historical Events
- Emperor Frederick II declared the city of Lübeck to be a Free Imperial City, independent from control by Bertold, the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck. The seat of the Prince-Bishopric relocates to the town of Eutin.
- Artal will research Wizard’s Sidestep (2 Exposure in Rego)
- Gesche talks with the local priests about the Divine (2 exposure to Dominion Lore)
- Luciano practices Swedish (8 xp for swedish)
- Gertrude practices Latin with the Magi (8 xp for Latin)
Jasper’s visit
Jasper arrives early Spring, with a letter and two tomes for Antoni. They arrived in Lübeck last year, he explains, but after my visit, unfortunately. Should I take a return message, he asks?
Dear Antoni,
I am glad to hear that you are doing well for yourself. Pray, next time, you tell me more of cities you visit and the lands you explore. I hear you are heading North, to those lands of Mystery and Legend. I trust you will unravel many a a secret that could serve our trade well.
With this letter you should find a formulary as requested, in two volumes. It is not the richest selection, but one suitable for journey, fit for an explorer like yourself.
In return, I hope you will share with me some of the lores and magic of the lands you explore. I have a particular interest in a certain man, a fellow of our arts, called Sæmund Sigfússon. He studied in Bologna more than a century ago, before he returned to his native lands as a priest and magician. He had some interesting ideas, linking our arts of Egyptian origin to ancient arts of the North. I have found letters here, in the library, from a meeting in Uppsala 1116, uniting the wizards and witches from all the people from Uppsala to Thule. Unfortunately, I find no other trace of his research and teaching here, and I hope you will have more success.
Your faithfully, Geragio et cetera et cetera
The enclosed books are two inches thick each, with sheets almost 12 inches by 6. The ease factor for the two TeFo comboes that Antoni has is 8 (30% chance), and 9 for a couple of others. If he should have only one tome at hand, the ease factor is 9 for one TeFo combo and 10 for the other, and the other tome is the other way around.