Revision 899f7375daa4f2f131e4cf2e6d4c5bb666b7465a (click the page title to view the current version)

Claas, the Failed Apprentice

Failed Apprentice (minor, social status), Enchanting Music (minor, supernatural), Good teacher (minor, general)
Tainted with Evil (minor, general), Meddler (minor, personality), Infamous
Sorcerer, local, Lübeck, 4
Claas was in training with one of the magi in Lübeck, when a lab experiment blew up in his face. This destroyed his gift, and a dark spirit clung onto him, tainting him with evil.
Int +1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +3, Str -1, Sta -1, Dex -1, Qik -1
Ability Spec. XP Score xp Remark
Low German Lübeck native 5
Latin Hermetic 75 5
West Norse Norwegian 15 2
Artes Liberales Poetry 15 2
Philosophia Moral phil 15 2
Medicine Physician 15 2
Magic Theory Lab design 30 3
Magic Lore Magical beasts 15 2
Teaching Latin 15 2
Area Lore: Lübeck Taverns 15 2 EC
Awareness Searching 15 2 EC
Code of Hermes Mundane Interf. 5 1
Finesse Aiming 5 1
Concentration Reading 5 1 1
Folk Ken Dishonesty 5 1 EC
Guile Fast talk 5 1 EC
Area Lore: Norway Coast 15 2
Stealth Sneak 5 1 EC
Org. Lore: Oo Hermes 15 2
Music Song 30 3
Enchanting Music Sadness and Despair 25 3
Prof: Scribe Copying 5 1