Jaspar the RedCap
Advancement log
Character Questions
- What is his most guilty secret?
- What is he most afraid of?
- If he were an animal, what animal would it be?
- What does he know about his birth family?
- Has he ever killed a person? How did it happen?
- Which of the cardinal sins does he tend towards (see RoP:I p21)?
As a child Jaspar was odd - the effect of his Flaws presented what we
might call today ‘learning difficulties’ - odd enough that he was taken
to Confluensis by Jerome of Jerbiton, who assumed wrongly that the child
was Gifted.
When it became apparent that Jaspar was not Gifted, it seemed he was
destined for a life as a covenant serf, but the Redcap Myrina saw
potential in the boy and took him to Dragon’s Rest as her