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Cast/Serapis of Guernicus

Biographical history

  • Spring 1185: Cotrone, a town on the southern coast of the Italian peninsular, part of the Kingdom of Sicily. Marcos is born into a wealthy family of silk merchants.
  • Winter 1194: Marcos’ parents both die from a plague. Orphaned, he is taken in as a ward by his uncle.
    His uncle is a bad businessman and he and his wife like to enjoy life a bit too much - the couple spends too much money on luxuries, taking loans on the business to fuel their sybaritic lifestyle. Over the next few years they run the business into the ground.
  • Summer 1201: Marcos reaches adulthood. He takes ownership of his family business and sells what it left to a competitor. Leaving his uncle and aunt destitute, he travels to Salerno to join the University.
  • Spring 1203: Marcos meets Justine, a princess who is studying music with a private tutor in Salerno. They fall in love and are married just over a month later.
  • Spring 1204: Tragedy strikes. Marcos’ wife, Justine, dies from a snakebite. She was pregnant.
  • Winter 1204: Heartbroken, Marcos’ studies turn dark. Patching together lore from occult tomes, he attempts a ritual to bring Justine back from death.
    It fails… badly. But the ritual was not without power and it marked him, drawing the attention of nearby ghosts and spirits.
  • Spring 1205: Marcos becomes obsessed with bringing his wife back from death. Undeterred by his previous failure, Marcos delves deeply into dark and forgotten lore. His sinister studies draw the attention of a cabal of Mathematicii, lurking in the shadows of the university. They approached Marcos and ask him to join their cabal.
    However, the Mathematicii were themselves being watched. Carles Severel, a Guernicus magus of Schola Medica Salernitana (an independent covenant also ensconced within the halls of the university), became aware of the gifted young man through watching the Mathematicii. He also approached Marcos and offered him apprenticeship in ‘real magic’. Marcos challenged the Guernicus Magus to prove that his magic was stronger. The Guernicus duelled each of the Mathematicii in turn and easily defeated them.
    Marcos agreed to join the Guernicus as apprentice once his studies with the university were complete.
  • Summer 1205: Marcos is apprenticed into House Guernicus of the Order of Hermes, and joins the Schola Medica Salernitana.
  • Summer 1214: Rhine Tribunal of 1353 AA. Crintera continue their political attacks against their neighbour. While there is no evidence that Oculus Septentrionalis is deliberately interfering with the mundanes, they argue that the mere proximity of the covenant to the townsfolk endangers the order. Surprisingly, this position is supported by Waddenzee and the tribunal vote narrowly supports the motion. The tribunal rules that there is no evidence to require an investigation but because of the potential risk, a request will be made to House Guernicus to monitor the interaction of Oculus Septentrionalis.
  • Spring 1216 onwards: As part of his apprenticeship, Marcos travels extensively with his Parens and spends almost two tears at Magvillus.
  • Spring 1219: Marcos passes his Gauntlet at Magvillus. He takes the name Serapis after the Graeco-Egyptian deity of death and rebirth.
    The newly gauntleted magus is appointed to Oculus Septentrionalis in the Rhine tribunal, to monitor the covenants involvement in mundane affairs and report to the Rhine Tribunal gathering of 1221.
  • Spring 1219: Travel to Lubeck. Serapis travels to Harco, from where he uses the Mercere portal to travel to Crintera. He arrives in Lubeck by sea.
    His journey to Harco is not without incident. To avoid bandits, Serapis is forced to stray from the road and becomes trapped in a regio. Serapis is unable to muster enough Vim magic to escape the regio and resigns himself to death - soon he will be with his wife again, although not the way he wanted.
    But he is not alone. An oversized raven calls to him from a tree. At first, the raven speaks in the gutteral barbarian speech of the northmen but switches to a more civilised tongue as soon as it realises the man does not understand.
    The raven offers to show Serapis the way out of the regio, for a price… Anything, agrees Serapis. The raven flies at his face, pecking at his eyes. The pain is excruciating as the raven stiches its magic into Serapis’ eyes. Now you can see! Cackles the raven. And your price? Serapis asked. That will come later boy, said the raven as it flies off.
    (The raven has taught the ability Second Sight to Serapis).
  • Summer 1219: Disguised in Lubeck, Exp: 0
  • Autumn 1219: Disguised in Lubeck, Exp: 0
  • Winter 1219: Disguised in Lubeck, Exp: 0
  • Spring 1220: Now…

Other background details


  • Serapis is a descendant of the Orpheus of legend. Orpheus was one of the Argonauts. After retrieving the Golden Fleece, the Argo’s voyage home was not as easy as the voyage out. They braved many dangers but also enjoyed the local cuisine (if you know what I mean, nudge-nudge, wink-wink) at many ports. One of the ports at which the Argo stopped on the long voyage home was Cotrone.
  • Cotrone is also connected to Pythagoras. While Pythagoras is most famous for his arithmetic, he was also a mystic philosopher. Some magi, notably members of house Criamon and the Fraternity of Samos (named for the place of Pythagoras birth) believe he may have been Gifted.
  • Serapis is a Graeco-Egyptian deity of the late Ptolemaic era. Combining aspects of Osiris, Apis and Dionysis - he is a god of the underworld but also a god of resurrection. Statues of Serapis bear a strong resemblance to Hades.