Library at the Chapter House

NOTE Qualities are reduced by two or three because we do not have expert scribes nor binders Talpa completes illuminating all the books in 1225, and the last penalty is then reduced from -3 to -2.

Please fill in when a characters make a copy

Subject Stats Title Author Acquired Remark
Creo L6Q18-2 Beginnings 1223 Root of the art; Copied by Luciano
Intellego L8Q12 That Which is Unseen Soteria 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio
Muto L6Q19-2 Mutations 1223 Root of the art; Copied by Luciano
Muto L18Q11 Changing the Ways Skojare 1231 copied by Talpa
Perdo L7Q18 The School of Apromor - Autumn 1332 Perdo Root, Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Perdo Q8 Occidere Magicis Cristescu of Tremere Spring 1227 From Michael ex Tytalus
Rego L7Q20 The Power of Command - Autumn 1332 Rego Root, Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Rego L17Q14-1 The Kingly Art Etimarian ex Tremere 1223 Copied by Claas. Quality -2 until Summer 1229 when Andreas binds it.
Rego L17Q14 The Kingly Art Etimarian ex Tremere 1223 Copied by Talpa, illuminated and Bound Spring 1230
Rego Q11-2 Teleportation Bonaventure of Mercere 1224 Copied by Talpa
Animal L17Q10 Blood of the Wolves Lycan of Merinita Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Animàl Q8 Centum Bestiæ Ualgrimm of Bjornaer Spring 1227 From Michael ex Tytalus
Aquam L6Q21 Mobilis in Mobili - Autumn 1332 Aquam Root, Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Auram L6Q19-1 1224 Root of the art; Copied by Claas; Q17 until Winter 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Auram L10Q10 The Gatherer of Clouds Brzytwa of Bjornaer 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio
Corpus L18Q11-1 1224 Copied by Claas. Q9 until Autumn 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Corpus L18Q11 1224 Copied by Talpa, illuminated and Bound Autumn 1229
Herbam L6Q21-2 Roots First 1223 Root of the art; Copied by Luciano
Herbam L6Q21 Roots First 1231 Root of the art; Copied by Talpa
Herbam L9Q15 Dark and Brooding Forests Sylvania of Merinita 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio
Ignem L13Q15 Simpler Arts of Fire, Heat, and Light Ignatius Verditi Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Ignem Q9 Punctis ad Quod Materias Ignire Marcus Cordo of Flambeau Spring 1227 From Michael ex Tytalus
Imaginem L7Q20 Species and Speculation - Autumn 1332 Imaginem Root, Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Imaginem L10Q17-1 Imaginem for Newbies 1222 Copied by Talpa. Q15 until WInter 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Imaginem L19Q10-1 Available from Autumn 1227 Copied by Talpa Q8 until WInter 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Mentem L6Q19 Magic and the Sensitive Faculty - Autumn 1332 Mentem Root, Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Mentem L18Q12-1 1222 Copied by Talpa, Q10 until Autumn 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Terram L8Q15-2 Grounding Agustus Terranus of Guernicus 1223 Copied by Basilus
Vim L7Q20-2 The Heart of Magic 1223 Root of the art; Copied by Luciano
Vim L15Q12 The True Nature of Power, its Manifestation, and Use Ergot of Bonisagus Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332

Arcane abilities

Subject Stats Title Author Acquired Remark
Penetration Q7 In Demonstratio Vi Niall of the Younger House Spring 1227 From Michael ex Tytalus
Finesse Q14 Common Problems with Crafting Magic Randall of Jebiton Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Finesse Q10-1 Fundamental Fast Casting Kallias of Tremere Autumn 1221 Copied by Claas. Q8 until Autumn 1227 when it is bound by Andreas
Magic Theory L5Q12-2 New omnibus after Bonisagus Unknown 1224 Copied by Talpa
Magic Theory Q12-1 Lab Designs Claas 1228 Bound and illuminated. Poor script.
Magic Theory Q11-3 On Pushing the Boundaries of a Regio Mael of Bjornaer 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio. Introduces the guidelines from RoP:M to create or collapse a Regio
Magic Theory Q6 The Part from the Whole Folio of 871 1233
Magic Theory Q8 The Backbone of a Sword Folio of 871 1233
Unknown hedge L3Q10-2 The Great Binding 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio, Quality script, Written in East Norse
Veditious Lore Q8 Forge Mysteries Orion ex Verditius Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332
Aegis of the Hearth Spell Mastery Q14 Fortress of the Home Amadeus of Bonisagus Autumn 1332 Greater Alps Summer Fair 1332

Mundane books

Subject Stats Author Title Acquired Remark
Single Weapon Q12-1 Claas The Sword of Angelahart Spring 1232 Bound and illuminated, but poor script
Teaching Q12-1 Claas Latin one-on-one Winter 1231 Bound and illuminated, but poor script
Code of Hermes Q12-1 Claas Mundane Interference beyond the Borders Summer 1230 Bound and illuminated, but poor script
Artes Liberales L4Q15 Donatus Ars Grammatica Summer 1229 Bought by Redcap
Artes Liberales Q12-3 Claas German Rhyme Autumn 1230 Original Manuscript
Philosophiae and Artes Liberales Q10 Folio of 871 On the Division of Forms Summer 1233 Can be read for twice, once as a Philosophy Tractatus, once as an Artes Liberales tractatus
Philosophy L4Q11 Avicebron Fons Vitae Spring 1227 Bought at Tribunal
Philosophia Q12-3 Claas The Ethics of Magic Autumn 1225 Original Manuscript
Philosophia Q12 Claas The Ethics of Magic Winter 1225 Copied and Illuminated by Talpa. Q12 until Winter 1227 when it is bound by Andreas.
Philosophia Q8-3 Jeppe Harnessing the Elements Summer 1225 Original. Left as a Gift, expecting to be allowed to use the library later. Dated Autumn 1224.
Philosophia Q8 Jeppe Harnessing the Elements Winter 1226 Copied and Illuminated by Talpa. Q7 until Winter 1227 when it is bound by Andreas.
Magic Lore SQ12-2 Claas Beasts of Legend Summer 1226
Magic Lore SQ9-2 Caelan of Gort The Spirits of our Forefathers Copied by Claas. Available Winter 1221
Infernal Lore Q12 Aelfric De Initio Creaturae 1229 From the tower in the infernal regio
Profession: Scribe SQ12-2 Claas Beautiful Letters Winter 1226
Profession: Scribe SQ12 Claas Beautiful Letters Copied and Illuminated by Talpa Summer 1228
Area Lore: Baltic Sea SQ12-3 Claas Trade Posts and Trade Routes in the Baltic Sea Summer 1228
Concentration L5Q7 Tacita of Bjornaer Of the Waking Mind Winter 1231, found in the regio level of the Turtle

Spell Lab Texts

Subject Stats Author Acquired Remark
The Voice of the Bjornaer Magus MuAn15 Summer 1227 Bought at Crinthera - two copies
Binding the Hermetic Codex ReAn15 Andreas Winter 1227
Whispering Winds InAu15 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Suffocating Paralysis of Hardened Winds MuAu(Te)30 Basilus Spring 1228 Convert 10 cubic paces of air to stone. Add +6 to Finesse thanks to Size
Conjure the Sturdy Vine CrHe5 Jenico Summer 1227
Piercing Shaft of Wood MuHe10 Jenico Summer 1227
Rope of Bronze MuHe15 Jenico Summer 1227
Pass the Unyielding Portal ReHe5 Jenico Summer 1227
The Carpenter’s Helper ReHe5 Jenico Summer 1227
The Mystical Carpenter ReHe25 Jenico Summer 1227
The Invisible Oarsman ReHe20 Jenico Summer 1227
Palm of Flame CrIg5 Artal Spring 1228 two copies
Heat of the Searing Forge CrIg10 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Lamp without Flame CrIg10 Artal Spring 1228
Pilum of Fire CrIg20 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Arc of Fiery Ribbons Crig25 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Tales of the Ashes InIg5 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
The Many-Hued Conflagration MuIg5 Basilus Spring 1228
Leap of the Fire ReIg10 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Phantasm of the Talking Head CrIm 10 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Personal Aura of Beguiling Appearance MuIm5 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm10 Basilus Spring 1228
Comeliness of the Crone MuIm10 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Veil of Invisibility PeIm20 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Wizard’s Sidestep ReIm10 Artal Spring 1228 - two copies
Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20 Andreas Winter 1227
Supple Iron and Rigid Rope MuTe10 Jenico Summer 1227
Object of Increased Size MuTe15 Basilus Spring 1228
Object of Increased Size MuTe20 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Great Object of Decreased Size MuTe25 Basilus Spring 1228 +2 Size; Duration increased thanks to experimentation
Invisible Sling of Vilano ReTe10 Andreas Winter 1227 - two copies
Unseen Porter ReTe10 Andreas Winter 1227
Earth’s Carbuncle ReTe15 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes
Crest of the Earth Wave ReTe20 Summer 1233 Folio of 871
The Mystical Stone Mason ReTe25 Andreas Winter 1227 [R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group]
The Earth Split Asunder ReTe30 Summer 1233 Folio of 871
Creeping Chasm ReTe35 Summer 1233 Folio of 871
Sense the Nature of Vis InVi5 Jenico Summer 1227
Sight of Magical Cartographer InVi5 Basilus Spring 1228
Improved Scales of the Magical Weight InVi10 Basilus Spring 1228
Intangible Tunnel ReVi15 Autumn 1228 from Three Lakes

Enchantment Lab Texts

Subject Stats Title Author Acquired Remark
The Bronze Ring of Vilano ReTe20 Andreas Winter 1227 Lesser enchantment, unlimited uses of the Invisible Sling of Vilano - two copies