Lübeck Library


Art Stats Title Author Comments
Creo L6Q19 Beginnings Root of the art
Intellego Q9 Sensus Magicis Innocens Arbiter of Guernicus 9BP
Intellego Q8 Theories on the Whispering Winds Hieronymous of Bonisagus 8BP
Muto L6Q20 Mutations Root of the art
Rego L17Q14 The Kingly Art Etimarian ex Tremere 31BP
Rego Q11 Teleportation Bonaventure of Mercere 11BP
Rego L9 9BP
Auram L6Q19 Root of the art
Corpus L6Q21 Root of the art
Corpus L18Q11 29BP
Corpus Q11 Motion of Man Bonaventure of Mercere 11BP
Herbam L6Q21 Roots First Horatio of Bonisagus Root of the art. Written by a Diedne magus, this book was saved during the Schism book, and a clever magus recognising its quality rebound it with a false cover sheet. It was widely copied and distributed and gained a reputation as a Root of the Art, and nobody seems to know its dark secret.
Ignem L8Q15 Burning for Beginners Elaine of Flambeau Root of the art
Imaginem L10Q17 Imaginem for Newbies 27BP
Imaginem L19Q10 29BP
Imaginem Q12 Mystery Visions Oswald of Bonisagus 12BP
Mentem L18Q12 30BP
Mentem Q10 Opening the Mind 10BP
Mentem Q10 Continuing into the Mind 10BP
Terram L8Q15 Grounding Agustus Terranus of Guernicus Root of the art
Vim L7Q20 The Heart of Magic Root of the art
Vim Q9 Musings from the Edge of Twilight Serafinus of Criamon 9BP

206BP + roots

Arcane Abilities and Hermetic Lores

Ability Stats Title Author Comments
Magic Theory L5Q12 New omnibus after Bonisagus Unknown
Finesse Q9
Finesse Q10 Fundamental Fast Casting Kallias of Tremere
Hermes Lore Q10
Hermes Lore Q9 Karthax Filii Pralicis
Code of Hermes L3Q14 The Apprentice’s Guide to the Code Justinia of Guernicus
Code of Hermes Q11 Wizard’s War. The Most Notable Cases. Caelus of Flambeau With a dedication to Justinia from her pater, Justitiaan of Magvillus, dated 1158
Faerie Lore Q8
Magic Lore Q9 The Spirits of our Forefathers Caelan of Gort
Magic Lore Q8
Dominion Lore Q9
Dominion Lore Q10


Area Lores and Languages

Ability Stats Title Author Comments
L Lang: Danish L3Q14 26BP
L Lang: Danish Q8
L Lang: Frisian Q7
L Lang: Russian L4Q12 24BP
L Lang: Russian Q8
DL: Classic Greek L3Q15 24BP
DL: Latin Q12
Norway Lore L4Q14 classic Latin traveller’s account from Thule (area Lore) 26BP
Baltic Sea Lore L3Q15 24BP
Denmark Lore Q10
Denmark Lore Q9
Denmark Lore Q9
Poland Lore Q8
Lithuania Lore Q11
Novgorod City Lore Q10
Novgorod Province Lore Q10


Other Abilities

Ability Stats Title Author Comments
Church Lore L2Q10
Church Lore Q8
Church Lore Q10
Intrigue Q9
Etiquette Q9
Leadership Q8
Leadership Q6
Leadership Q12
Civil and Canon Law Q10
Civil and Canon Law Q8
Medicine Q10
Medicine Q7 The Four Humours Rabarius of Belfast
Theology L10Q3 The Bible Various Authors
Church Lore L3Q3 The Bible Various Authors
Philosophiae (moral philosophy) Q11 The Book Of Life’s Merits (Liber Vitae Meritorum) Hildegard von Bingen
Theology Q11 The Book Of Life’s Merits (Liber Vitae Meritorum) Hildegard von Bingen
Philosophiae (natural philosophy) L2Q12 Causes And Cures (Causae Et Curae) Hildegard von Bingen
Medicine L3Q12 Causes And Cures (Causae Et Curae) Hildegard von Bingen
Church Lore L4Q7 The Book Of God’s Way (Liber Viarum Dei) Elizabeth of Schönau
Artes Liberales Q14 De inventione Priscian Comprised of three tractatus of the same quality - Cherished item
Artes Liberales Q6
Philosophiae (metaphysics) Q9 Questiones Naturales Adelard of Bath
Philosophiae (moral) L6Q9 Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, transl. by Robert Grosseteste Cherished item


Grand Total 865BP


Spell & Text Availability

For each canon spell in Core or Covenants there is a chance that the covenant has a lab text, as follows:

  • Corpus (80-level)%
  • Mentem/Imaginem (95-level)%
  • Rego (other forms) (80-2*level)%
  • Other arts (30-level)%

For general level spells, the first player to take an interest can pick the level to roll for. In the case of Mentem, Imaginem, and Corpus, two levels may be picked.

For lesser enchanted items, the probability is (70-2*level)% regardless of arts.

This should be rolled and recorded the first time somebody looks for a lab text.


  • Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn5) 70% [ArM5:120]




Spell Stats Ref Chance Comment
Bind Wound CrCo10 ArM5:129 70%
Charm Against Putrefaction CrCo10 ArM5:129 70%
Chirurgeons Healing Touch CrCo20 ArM5:129 60%
Whispers Through The Black Gate InCo15 ArM5:130 65%
Wound That Weeps PeCo15 ArM5:133 65%
Curse of the Unruly Tongue ReCo5 ArM5:134 75%
Lifting the Dangling Puppet ReCo15 ArM5:134 65%
The Gift of Vigour ReCo20 ArM5:134 60%
Seven League Stride ReCo30 ArM5:135 50%


  • Dance of the Staves (ReHe5) 70% [ArM5:138]
  • Repel the Wooden Shafts (ReHe10) 60% [ArM5:138]


  • Blade of Virulent Flame (CrIg15) 15% [core]
  • Ward against Heat and Flame (ReIg25) 30% [core]


  • Wizards Sidestep (ReIm10) 85%
  • Haunt of the Living Ghost (CrIm35) 60%
  • Prying Eyes (InIm5) 90%
  • Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm10) 85%
  • Cat Got Your Tongue (as The Captive Voice, Touch, Year(R), bottle) (ReIm30) 65% Non-canon


Spell Stats Ref Chance Comment
Incantation for Summoning the Dead ReMe40 ArM5:152 55%
Incantation for Hailing the Dead ReMe30 Non-Canon 65% (Voice)
Aura Of Rightful Authority ReMe20 75%
Loss of But a Moments Memory PeMe15 80%
Trust of Childlike Faith PeMe10 85%
Tip Of The Tongue PeMe5 90%
Peering into the Mortal Mind InMe30 65%
Frost Breath of the Spoken Lie InMe20 75%
Presence of the Followers CrMe35 60% Ritual



  • Detect Magic Auras (InVi15) per/?/sight Custom?
  • The Numbness of the Gift (InVi20) [App:33] Non-core
  • The Aura of the Gift (InVi35) [as above at vision target] Custom

Spells not available

  • Palm of Flame CrIg5 [core]
  • Gauge the Power of Magic Auras InVi 20 analogous to Detect Magic Auras above.
  • Severed Limb Made Whole 20 60%
  • Inexorable Search 20 60%
  • Wizards Leap (as Seven league Stride, but 500 paces) 20 60%
  • The Shrouded Glen 40 55%
  • Thoughts Within Babble 25 70%
  • Phantasmal Animal 20 75%
  • Ear for Distant Voices 20 75%
  • Cloak of Duck Feathers 5 70%
  • Push of the Gentle Wave 15 50%
  • Leap of Homecoming ReCo35 (45%)
  • Beast of Outlandish Size MuAn15 (15%)