Revision 1ef1ae7fb8bdbe6d7d328f3b0072aaf6f22bb48b (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 1ef1ae7fb8bdbe6d7d328f3b0072aaf6f22bb48b to b71fc98880d4329a6279ab2a67cd8f8a6540a604

title: Jeppe
categories: companion PC

+ [Alternative version](Jeppe2) with rudimentary martial training
   instead of being wealthy.

Jeppe is the third son of a wealthy manorial lord in Scandinavia.
While his elder brothers had the regular martial training, he was
educated at the bishop's court and later sent to the continent to 

He has most of his studies from Montpellier, but has also taken
years to travel across Europe to visit several universities and

His main interest is alchemy.  In Montpellier he got into a peculiar
circle of students with a keen interest in alchemy and mystical arts. 
They were all essentially good boys, just possibly a little over-ambitious
and prone to pride.  They ended up summoning a demon who granted them
all different false powers.  Jeppe learnt figurine magic.  It took some time
before they realised what they had done, and the circle broke up.
Jeppe, like most of the others left Montpellier to complete their studies

Returning to his native lands, he will set up shop in a major city
to make a living.
However, he is adventurous, and he will need to travel extensively
in the search for rare ingredients and new knowledge.

# Sheet

: 1195 (game start 1220)

: 25

: Figurine Magic [HoH:TL] (false power), Magister in Medicinae,
Affinity with Philosophiae, Great Intelligence (x2)

: Ambitious (minor), Proud (major), False Power [RoP:I] (major),
Diabolic Past (story, major)

Personality Trait
: Ambitious +6, Pious +2, Independent +2, Adventurous +3

: Int +5, Per +2, Pre -1, Com +2, Str -3, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik -1

: Alchemist [Academic] 3

## Abilities

| Ability           | Spec.       | XP | Score | Remark |
| Norse             | TBD         | native | 5 | |
| East Norse        | Swedish     | native | 5 | |
| Low German        | Lübeck      |  30 | 3 | |
| Occitan           | Montpelier  |  30 | 3 | |
| Latin             | Academic    |  75 | 5 | MagMed |
| Artes Liberales   | Music       |  75 | 5 | MagMed |
| Chirurgy          | Surgery     |  15 | 2 | |
| Medicine          | Theriac     |  75 | 5 | MagMed |
| Philosophia       | Reagents    | 112½ | 6 | MagMed |
| Prof: Apothecary  | Find. Ingr. |  50 | 4 | |
| Figurine Magic    | Supernat. V.|  70 | 5 | |
| Craft: Sculptor   | Wood        |  50 | 4 | |
| Infernal Lore     | Cults       |   5 | 1 | |
| Teaching          | Latin       |  15 | 2 | |
| Awareness         | search      |  15 | 2 | EC |
| Hunt              | track       |  30 | 3 | |
| Ride              | bad roads   |  15 | 2 | |
| Stealh            | hide        |  15 | 2 | |
| Guile             | elab. lies  |   5 | 1 | EC |
| Leadership        | Inspiration |  15 | 2 | |
| Brawl             | Fist        |   5 | 1 | EC |
| Bargain           | Apotecary   |   5 | 1 | |
| Carouse           | Academic circles |  5 | 1 | |
| Charm             | Pledge innocence |  5 | 1 | EC |
| Music             | Lute             |  5 | 1 | |
| Area Lore: Home county | Biology     | 15 | 2  | EC |
| Area Lore: Lübeck      | Hinterland  | 15 | 2  | |

EC 45/45 xp
MagMed 300/300 xp
XP : 370 + 30xp formulæ / 400 (20x20)

**Figurine Magic**
Intelligence (5) + Figurine Magic (5) + Aura Modifier (?)
+ stress roll (12+/15+)

**Craft Figurine**
Dexterity + Craft: Sculptor + Stress die = 6 + die (+1 spec. wood)
(6+ for wax, 9+ for wood)

**Labour Points**
( Prof: Apothecary (4) + Int (5) ) x Wealth (6) = 54

# Formulæ

See [Formulae]() for descriptions.

XP : 30/30

| Formula   | Type | Level | Lab Total |
| :-        | :-   | -: | -: |
| Greek Fire | Reagent | 15 | 12 |
| Vitriol    | Reagent | 15 | 12 |
| Alchemical Steel | Reagent | 20 | 12 |
| Smoke Oil | Reagent | 10 | 12 |
| Tonic of More Gold | Theriac | 10 | 11 |
| Cataplasm of Mandrake | Theriac | 5 | 11 |

**Lab Total:**
Intelligence (5) + Academic Ability (5+) + Philosophic Bonuses