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Siemer the Scout

Siemer the Scout
Int +1, Per +3, Pre -2, Com -2, Str +2, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Personality Traits
Violent +1, Brave +2, Curious +3
Covenfolk, Warrior, Dowsing, Wilderness Sense
Poor Student, Branded Criminal, Overconfident
Ability Spec. Start XP Score xp Remark
High German native 5
Athletics Speed 30 3
Awareness Forest 30 3
Stealth Forest 30 3
Survival Forest 15 2
Concentration Spells 5 1
Hunt Track 75 5
Bows Longbow 75 5
Single Weapon Axe 15 2
Thrown Weapon Sling 15 2
Brawl Dodge 5 1
Animal Handling Wild Prey 5 1
Area Lore Black Forest 30 3
Dowsing Prey 25 3
Wilderness Sense Prey 25 3


45 + 50 + 285 = 380


Siemer is young and slender, and unremarkable except for the brand on his cheek.


Siemer grew up an orphan in one of the larger towns. When he was caught stealing and branded, he fled the humiliation to seek refuge in the forest. He was found after a few months by covenfolk of Durenmar, who took him home to train him as a scout and archer. The new covenant could use his skills, and it was agreed that his brand might be less of a handicap in the middle of the Black Forest.