Revision 0857afeefe6203ec25404f303b656c090309ef5f (click the page title to view the current version)
Spells for Regular Use
- Although ring duration allows permanent effects, it should be noted that the ring is fragile. In particular, if the ring is obstructed by something dropping and covering it, the spell ends.
Regular use spells
Spell use which occurs in session is easy to handle, but daily use is susceptible to abuse.
This applies (at least) to
- Rego Craft Magic for income and/or cost savings.
- Rusticani charged items
- Lab Boosting Spells
The Lab Boosting spells are balanced in canon by causing lab warping, and this seems ok. It accounts for the risk of mishaps and the distraction to keep them going.
Rusticani charged items have a definite time requirement, but even
so, an item/hour is commonly achievable. Using just the ten day
distraction allowance, this gives 80 items/season. A season of reading,
in principle, allows 240 items/season.
This seems excessively powerful, especially if items are sold. To date,
it has been managed by creating a little more than what seems sensible,
and the effects on the game are minor.
Craft Magic in principle are momentaneous spells. In theory, with perfect logistics, the Mystical Carpenter can erect ten houses per minute. However, what does it take him to get the materials in place? Similarly for Elfin Brewer/Baker, Mystical Blacksmith etc. In theory, a couple of craft spells could serve as scores of specialists, saving almost all costs.
- Main question. How much time does this take for the magus? Most of the time is probably spent organising the grogs for logistics. Some may be the disruption of having to cast the spells at particular times.
- Some cap should probably applied to account for the need to acquire and check raw materials. Possibly half the cap of a real craftsman.