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Quinn Bóthar


Quinn Bóthar (Quinn of the trails, of the road)

Template: Clan Hunter

Personality Traits: Friendly +3 Valiant +2 Careful +2

  • Magical Warping (minor), duck-like leathery feet with a single fused set of toes …which he hides in boots

  • Educaated

Latin 3 (Comprehension) (30 /50) Artes Liberales 1 (arithmetic) (35/50) English 2 (Comprehension) (50/50)

Quinns father is a carter (Conner Bóthar), who sent him to school to learn useful things for the family - like how to talk to the Magi and the English. Quinn was fair at school and in addition to be a competent archer and fighter can communicate in both other tounges and even keep some figures.

His duck feet don’t hold him back, but he is somewhat ashamed of them… never going barefoot if he can help it.

He is known amongst the magi as being a friendly sort who can get on well with visitors, read, converse in Latin, take orders well, and is skilled archer, fighter, etc (as per the template).

Extra Equipment:

  • Small, inexpensive writing bag - a leather belt purse that seals well against water and is large enough to pack a small book, quite a few documents, some writing implements not note taking (a stylus, two small, cheap beeswax boards to take temporary notes on… the stylus could be used as an ink pen though the result would be inelegant at best - fine for signatures)

  • Shoulder Bag - A bundle of waxed leather in a should bag that can be used to wrap books against the weather… and is generally a useful slung bag


Characteristics Int 0, Per +1, Str +1, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com 0 Dex +1, Qik 0

Personality traits Proud +2, Valiant +2

Age 26

Virtues and Flaws

Peasant (0), Warrior (+1), Weakness - dancing (-1)

Ability Speciality XP Score
Irish Munster 5
English 5 1
AL Munster Settlements 30 3
Animal Handling Cattle 30 3
Single Weapon Axe 50 4
Survival Hills 30 3
Bows Shortbow 75 5
Thrown Sling 15 2
Carouse Dancing 15 2
Awareness Alertness 30 3
Stealth Sneak 30 3
Hunt Track 50 4
Brawl 5 1
Folk Ken 5 1
Leadership 15 2
Music Trumpet 5 1
Concentration Guard duty 5 1
Athletics Running 15 2
—————– ————- —- ——-
Total 410

Total XP: 45 + 315 + 50


Weapon Init Atk Dfn Dam Str Load
Axe +1 +10 +5 +7 0 1
Axe and Round Shield 0 +10 +7 +7 -1 2 Burden 2
Sling -3 +5 +3 +5 -3 0 Range 20
Shortbow -1 +10 +6 +7 -1 2 Range 15


Axe, shield, shortbow, horn