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Grimoires at Elk's Run

Spell Texts

New Spells by Una about 1227

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrAn25 Heal Pains of the Beast 1
Cr(Re)Au20 Circular Winds of Protection 1
PeVi5 Demon's Eternal Oblivion 2
ReVi25 Circular Ward Against Demons 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
InAn5 Image of the Beast Base 1; R: Arcane Connection (+4), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Get a hzy image of an animal you have an arcane connection to. ArM5 117 1
InAn25 Opening the Tome of the Animal's Mind Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); If you are trying to get a specific fact, you need a Perception + Finesse stress roll of 6+, or 12+ if the fact is obscure. ArM5 118 1
MuAn15 Beast of Outlandish Size Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); Changes the Size of an animal by +1. This change modifies Strength by +2, the range for each wound level increases by one, and Quickness falls by one. ArM5 118 1
MuAn15 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); Change an item made of animal material silk, wool, or leather — so it cannot be cut or penetrated by weapons. A simple cloth doublet becomes the equivalent of armor with no Load and a +3 Soak bonus. Armor made of quilted material or any kind of leather improves its Protection by an additional +3 ArM5 118 1
ReAn5 Circle of Beast Warding Base 2; R: Touch (+1), D: Ring (+2), T: Circle (+0); The caster inscribes a circle that no mundane beast can cross ArM5 120 1
ReAn15 Panic of the Elephant's Mouse Base 5; R: Eye (+1), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Animal makes a size stress roll vs 9+ or flees in fear ArM5 120 1
ReAn25 Ward Against the Beasts of Legend Base Gen+10; R: Touch (+1), D: Ring (+2), T: Circle (+0); No magical beast whose Magic Might is equal to or less than the level can affect anyone within the Circle or, if it is within the Circle, affect those outside ArM5 120 2
ReAn30 Commanding the Harnessed Beast Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); You inplant a complex command in to the mind of beast that it carries out to the best of it's ability ArM5 120 1

The second Grimoire containing about 12 magnitudes of low-level Animàl spells, in Gaelic. (only one user of the whole grimoire at once)

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
InAn10 Shiver of the Lycanthrope Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); You feel a sudden shiver if you are touching a person or beast that is actually a lycanthrope ArM5 118 1
PeAn15 Tire the Bounding Stag Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Causes an animal up to size +1 to loose a fatigue level ToME 118 1
ReAn5 Treacherous Cloak Base 1; R: Sight (+3), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); Strangle target with their own cloths. Deprivation roll required every 5 rounds. To escape match targets Strength + Athletics vs casters Dexterity + Finess MoH 100 1
ReAn10 A Day's Worth of Weaving Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Group (+2), T: Ind (+0); Weaves bolts of cloth with a Perception + Finesse roll for Shoddy 6, Standard 9, Superior 15 and Excellent 18 MoH 100 1
ReAn10 A Day's Worth of Spinning Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Group (+2), T: Ind (+0); Spins a fleece or up to a bail of wool with a Perception + Finesse roll of 12 MoH 100 1
ReAn15 Viper's Gaze Base 5; R: Eye (+1), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); Holds an animal rigid as long as you maintain eye contact with it and concentrate on it ArM5 120 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
MuAq(Au)20 Lungs of the Fish Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+1), T: Ind (+0), Part (+1); Turns water into air as it enters your lungs, allowing you to breathe water as you do air. ArM5 122 1
PeAq5 Comfort of the Drenched Traveller Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimoire ArM5 123 0
ReAq5 Cloak of the Duck's Feathers Base 1; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0), +1 for slightly unnatural control; Raincoat spell. ArM5 124 1
ReAq15 Push of the Gentle Wave Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); A low wave is produced to propel a boat through the water. ArM5 124 1
ReAq10 Break the Oncoming Wave Base 5; R: Personal (+0), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); Break all waves and torrents of water that come within 10 paces of you. ArM5 124 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrAu15 Charge of the Angry Winds Base 3; R: Voice (+2), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0), Unnatural (+1) ; A wind roars away from you, up to 10 paces away. All in the area must make a Dex + Size roll of 9+ or fall over. ArM5 125 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrCo10 Bind Wounds Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); Wounds don't get worse for spell duration but will not heal naturally while spell is active. ArM5 129 1
CrCo20 Gentle Touch of the Purified Body Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); The target is cured of a light wound caused by poison or disease. ArM5 129 1
CrCo20 Chirugeon's Healing Touch Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); The target is cured of a light wound not caused by poison or disease. ArM5 129 1
CrCo30 Merciful Aid for the Injured Base 25; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); The target is cured of a heay wound not caused by poison or disease. ArM5 129 1
CrCo25 The Severed Limb Made Whole Base 25; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Limb must be present (-1); A limb that has been severed is reattached. ArM5 129 1
CrCo25 Restoration of the Defiled Body Base 20; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Removes the malign after effects of any injury, disease or poison. ArM5 129 1
CrCo25 Improved Purification of the Festering Wounds Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Moon (+3), T: Ind (+0), +12 to recovery rolls for wounds or disease. ArM5 129 1
CrCo25 Inferior Cheating the Reaper Base 20; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Resolves a Serious or lesser aging crisis. Target requires rest for the remainder of the season ArM5 129 1
CrCo30 Cheating the Reaper Base 25; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Resolves a major aging crisis. Target requires rest for the remainder of the season 1
CrCo40 Cheating the Determinant Reaper Base 35; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Resolves a Terminal aging crisis. Target requires rest for the remainder of the season 1
InCo10 Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0), Reveals any medical defect in the target. ArM5 130 1
InCo20 The Inexorable Search Base 3; R: Arcane Connection (+4), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0), Reveals the location on a map of anyone you have an arcane connection to. ArM5 131 1
PeCo10 Close the Black Gate Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimore HP 85 0
PeCo15 The Wound that Weeps Base 5; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Causes a light wound to the target. ArM5 133 1
PeCo20 Wound without Cause Base ; R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Causes a heavy wound (Base 15, touch +1) 1
MuCo(An)25 Shape of the Canine Companion Base 10; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); As per Shape of the Woodland Prowler but turns in to a dog ArM5 131 1
ReCo5 Curse of the Unruly Tongue Base 2; R: Voice (+2), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Causes target to stutter and slur. Comms rolls are at -3 and spells at -6 casting total. ArM5 134 1
ReCo15 Lifting the Dangling Puppet Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Lifts a person of size+1 or less in to the air at the rate of rising smoke. ArM5 134 1
ReCo15 Floating of the Feathery Body Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); Target can lift himself into the air at the rate of rising smoke. The spell is as rising of the Feathery Body, but Sun duration. Concentration on the spell needed if the target wants to change altitude. ArM5 134 1
ReCo15 Wizard's Leap Base 15; R: Per (+0), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); The caster instantly teleports their self 50 paces in any direction, provided they can see their destination or have an AC to it. HoH:S 36 1
ReCo25 Wizard's Chessmove Base 15; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); As Wizard's Leap, but the target has to be in voice range, can affect others than the caster. HoH:S 36 1
ReCo15 Gift of the Frog’s Legs Base 10; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Allows the target to leap 15 feet vertically or 25 feet horizontally -2 foot per encumberance. ArM5 134 1
ReCo20 The Gift of Vigor Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Transfers bodily energy from you to any target who is at a lower Fatigue level than you. You are thus at the target’s current Fatigue level, and he or she assumes your previous level ArM5 134 1
ReCo35 Leap of Homecoming Base 35; R: Per (+0), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); The caster instantly teleports to a place they can have an AC. ArM5 135 1

The Healers Grimoire (only one user of the whole grimoire at once).

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrCo25 The Severed Limb Made Whole Base 25; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Limb must be present (-1); A limb that has been severed is reattached. ArM5 129 1
CrCo30 Cheating the Reaper Base 25; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Resolves a Major aging crisis (or less sever). ArM5 129 1
CrCo40 Incantation of the Body Made Whole Base 35; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Heals all wound damage. ArM5 129 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrHe15 Trap of Entwining Vines Base 1; R: Voice (+2), D: Sun (+2), T: Group (+2); Avoid the vine on a qik minus Enc roll of 9+ ArM5 135 1
InHe10 Intuition of the Forest Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); ArM5 136 1
InHe15 Shriek of the Impending Shaft Base 15; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); ArM5 136 1
MuHe5 Pass the Unyielding Portal Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Diam (+1), T: Ind (+0); Makes the wood of a door pliable so the magus can bend it open regardless of lock or bar. ArM5 137 1
PeHe5 Curse of the Rotted Wood Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimore ArM5 137 0

The little Grimoire containing about 12 magnitudes of low-level Herbam spells, in Gaelic. (only one user of the whole grimoire at once)

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrHe10 Clothe the Naked Form Base 1; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0), Treated and Processed (+2); Creates a common under garment with a Perception + Finesse roll of 6. with a roll of 9 the brightness of the dye and regional variations in style can be achieved MoH 58 1
InHe4 Probe Natures Hidden Lore Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Tells you the type of plant you are touching and the get an image of it's natural habitat ArM5 136 1
InHe5 Hunt for the Wild Herb Base 2; R: Smell (+2), D: Concentration (+1), T: Ind (+0); Allows you to smell one sort of plant ArM5 136 1
ReHe5 The Mended Tear Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Part (+1); Repairs cloth or leather using a piece of linen or cotton with a Perception + Finesse roll of 6 MoH 58 1
ReHe10 Repel the Wooden Shaft Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Deflects the blow of any wooden weapon up to the size of a two handed club ArM5 136 1
ReHe10 Rough Hewn Servant Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Carves a statue from a single block of wood with a Perception + Finesse roll of 6 ToME 55 1
ReHe15 Aegis of Unbreakable Wood Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); +1 defence bonus on wooden shields HoH:S 36 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrIg10 Word of Ignition Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Spell to ignite something flamable, like dry wood or charcoal ArM5 140 1
CrIg15 Lamp till Morning without Flame Base ; R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, 1
CrIg20 Pilum of Fire Base 10; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); +15 Fire Damage. ArM5 140 1
CrIg35 Ball of Abysmal Flame Base 25; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); +30 Fire Damage. ArM5 140 1
PeIg10 Gloom of the Evening Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Group (+2), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimore ArM5 142 0


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrIm10 Clarity of Public Speech Base ; R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room, After Notes of Delightful Sound, but the focus is on human speech, loud and clear. 1
MuIm10 Aura of the Trustful Merchant Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); A friendlier version for Aura of Ennobled Presence ArM5 145 1
MuIm10 Aura of Ennobled Presence Base ; R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, 1
PeIm20 Veil of Invisbility Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0), +1 for changing image; Invisibility spell ArM5 146 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrMe40 Gift of Presence (Pre) touch/mom/ind up to +1 Copied from Folio of 1158 1
CrMe40 Gift of Perception (Per) touch/mom/ind up to +1 Copied from Folio of 1158 1
CrMe60 Communication of the Hero Base 55; R: Tch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); +1 Communication to a maximum of +5. HoH:TL 103 1
InMe20 Posing the Silent Question Base 15; R: Eye (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); Ask the victim one silent mental question, then detect the answer. The victim does not notice the questioning unless the spell is resisted. ArM5 149 1
InMe30 See the Spirits of the Night Base 5; R: Vision (+4), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Able to see Mentem based spirits. AnMa 50 1
PeMe5 The Blinded Sentry Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimoire GotF 73 0
PeMe5 Distraction of the Weakened Mind Base 4; R: Eye (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimoire ToP 116 0
PeMe10 Trust of Childlike Faith Base 4; R: Eye (+1), D: (+2), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimoire ArM5 150 0
PeMe20 Dissolving the Wall of Shields Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Group (+2); Destroys the ability of a combat Group to fight as a Trained Group. It would take a season's training to earn that skill again HoH:S 70 1
ReMe20 Curse of Slumber Base 4; R: Sight (+3), D: Diam (+1), T: Ind (+0); The victim falls into a natural sleep, but cannot be woken for 2 minutes. Past two minutes, the victim can be disturbed as normal. Custom, Kage 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrTe35 Conjuring the Mystic Tower [ArM5:153] 1
InTe30 Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits Copied from Folio of 1158 Lost 1223, New copy by Cieran A'27 1
MuTe35 Teeth of the Earth Mother Base 3; R: Sight (+3), D: Sun (+2), T: Group (+2), Fancy (+2) ArM5 154 1
PeTe10 Rusted Decay of 10 score years Base 4; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); After the spell is cast, the metal of the target becomes so thoroughly rusted that it breaks if used in any demanding way (for example, used to strike a blow with in combat or to pry open a door). It also loses any sharpness it might once have had. ArM5 155 1
PeTe15 Stone to Falling Dust Base 5; R: Sight (+3), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); One solid non-living object turns to a pile of dust. The object must be a base Individual or smaller so a stone item can be a pace across while a metal item can only be one tenth that size in total. A casting requisite may be required, of the Form appropriate to the target. ArM5 155 1
ReTe15 Farseen Porter Base 3; R: Sight (+3), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Increased range version of telekinesis spell The Unseen Porter ArM5 156 1


Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
InVi5 Sense the Nature of Vis Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0); This spell detects the type of Vis touched. ArM5 158 1
InVi5 Spot the Presence Vis Base 1; R: Personal (+0), D: Mom (+0), Target: Vision (+4); Vis momentarly brights up for the user's eyes. ArM5 158 1
InVi5 Scales of Magical Weight Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0); Measures the amount of Vis present. ArM5 158 1
InVi15 Bitter Taste of Betrayal HoH:TL 1 (produced by Lugardis Spring 1226)
InVi20 Piercing the Faerie Veil Base 3; R: Vision (+4), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Can see through Faerie Regio boundaries and divine the path between levels. ArM5 158 1
InVi20 Piercing the Magical Veil Base 3; R: Vision (+4), D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); Can see through Magic Regio boundaries and divine the path between levels. ArM5 158 1
InVi25 Invisible Eye Revealed ArM5 1 (produced by Lugardis Spring 1226)
InVi30 Sense of the Lingering Magic Base 10; Hearing (+3); D: Conc (+1), T: Ind (+0); This spell detects the presence of many magical residues even weak spells. ArM5 158 1
MuVi10 Wizards Communion Base Gen+20; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0) T: Group (+2); See book. ArM5 158 1
MuVi30 Wizards Communion Base Gen+20; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0) T: Group (+2); See book. ArM5 158 1
PeVi5 Fist of Demon’s Oblivion Base Gen; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic Resistance, the demon loses 10 from its Might Score. ArM5 160 1
PeVi10 Break the Shield Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); See Perdo Grimoire HP 85 0
PeVi10 Demon's Eternal Oblivion Base Gen; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic Resistance, the demon loses 10 from its Might Score. ArM5 160 1
PeVi13 Tearing the Fabric of Imaginem Touch, Mom, Ind (like UNRAVELLING THE FABRIC OF (Form) at shorter range cancels spells up to level 28+simple die) 1
PeVi15 Demon's Eternal Oblivion Base Gen; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic Resistance, the demon loses 15 from its Might Score. ArM5 160 1
PeVi15 Fist of Demon’s Oblivion Base Gen; R: Touch (+1), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic Resistance, the demon loses 20 from its Might Score. ArM5 160 1
PeVi20 Demon's Eternal Oblivion Base Gen; R: Voice (+2), D: Mom (+0), T: Ind (+0); If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic Resistance, the demon loses 20 from its Might Score. ArM5 160 1
ReVi20 Aegis of the Hearth Base Gen+10; R: Touch (+1), D: Ring (+2), T: Circle (+0) ArM5 161 1
ReVi30 Aegis of the Hearth Base Gen+10; R: Touch (+1), D: Ring (+2), T: Circle (+0) ArM5 161 1 (produced by Lugardis Spring 1226)
ReVi30 Watching Ward ArM5 1 (produced by Lugardis Spring 1226)
ReVi20 Circular Ward Against Demons Base Gen+10; R: Touch (+1), D: Ring (+2), T: Circle (+0); All infernal creatures with a might equal to or less than the level can not enter. ArM5 162 1


Only one user of the whole grimoire at once

The Fundamental Grimoire of Perdo

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
PeAq5 Comfort of the Drenched Traveller Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Dries a persons and their clothes ArM5 123 1
PeCo10 Close the Black Gate Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Destroys a corpse turning it in to a sticky viscous black liquid HP 85 1
PeHe5 Curse of the Rotted Wood Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Causes wood up to the size of a door to rot and fall apart over two rounds ArM5 137 1
PeIg10 Gloom of the Evening Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Group (+2), T: Ind (+0); The light level in the room drops considerably making the room gloomy with deep shadows everywhere ArM5 142 1
PeMe5 The Blinded Sentry Base 4; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Renders the target insensate for a moment GotF 73 1
PeMe5 Distraction of the Weakened Mind Base 4; R: Eye (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Removes a specific memory from the target ToP 116 1
PeMe10 Trust of Childlike Faith Base 4; R: Eye (+1), D: (+2), T: Ind (+0); The target believes any passable lie for the duration unless and Int roll of 6+ is passed ArM5 150 1
PeVi10 Break the Shield Base 5; R: Touch (+1), D: Momentary (+0), T: Ind (+0); Dispels the Parma Magica if less than 25+stress dice HP 85 1

Only one user of the whole grimoire at once

The Laboratory Grimoire

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
CrAu(Ig)10 Chamber of Summer Breezes Base 1; R: Touch (+1), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); Unatural (+1); Requisite (+1); This spell creates a breeze of fresh, dry, warm air that continually moves throughout a room , keeping the air unpolluted and the humidity and temperature constant Cov 100 1
ReMe20 Resolute Mind of the Tireless Researcher Base 10; R: Per (+0), D: Sun (+2), T: Ind (+0); The target of the spell finds his mind resolutely fixed on the task in hand, and does not waver from it. Cov 122 1
PeTe25 Gleam of the Freshly Polished Glass Base 3; R: Touch (+1), D: Moon (+3), T: Room (+2); This grants the Spotless Virtue to the lab, provided that the spell is cast every lunar month. There is just one small drawback to this spell — the lab’s Warping score increases by one point (giving a Personality Trait Spotless +1) Cov 122 1


Arts Name
CrTe 35 Conjure the Mythic Tower
InTe 30 Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits
ReTe 30 Earth Shock
ReTe 30 The Earth Split Asunder
ReTe 35 Creeping Chasm
PeVi 5 Demon's Eternal Oblivion

Casting Tablets

Arts Name Mechanics Notes Number
ReTe30 Ambulatory Laboratory R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room [Cov:122] 1