Revision 80aa7a845d5c03617491b8c0577d776dcab24d0e (click the page title to view the current version)



More details on PC Magi

Magus Player Story flaw Religion Language Backstory
Una an Flambo Dylan Mentor (Mór, her parens) Non-believer Irish, Latin Backstory
Maine Chleitigh ex Bonisagius John Visions Christian Latin, Irish Notes on Maine
Cieran the Fletcher, ex Miscellanea George Mistaken Identity Christian Irish, Latin Rustic magus
Phillipedes Callinicus Mysterious Father Philippedes’ background
Tullius Nyriu Indiscreet
Hiccup Gerard (initial design by George/John) Gifted Child from Chapel Hill. Apprenticed. Gauntlet 1241.
Igneous Drake ex Flambeau canon NPC Enemies Christian English, Latin, Irish Fire Mage


Companion Player Story flaw Background Concept
Caedmon Callinicus Failed Apprentice
Richard Gerard Faerie Friend Mercenary Captain with six men (one tough guy and five standard soldiers)
Flax Merrywish Dylan/Gerard Faerie Companion to sir Richard. Hardly ever played.
Dermot John Enemies Christian Captain of the Turb. Semi-retired.
Crimthann Dylan Black Sheep Christian Scribe and wannabe adventurer
Loreena George/NPC Magical Animal Companion Christian Ranger/Hunter/Archer. Last played 1217 age 25
Entertainer Nyriu Enemies
Brother Raymond John Plagued by Angel Christian Doctor of Medicine and Gardener
Grasshopper Dylan Familiar to Cieran
Joker Callinicus Puffin Familiar
Ercc George Son of Una and Marcus
Béibhinn Dylan Magical Spirit Companion (Twiggette) Christian Maine’s apprentice


Grog Player Role Comment
Saoirse Dylan/John Una’s Familiar Dog
Kevin John Merchant Born 1185
Bran the Herdmaster (Ui Sheachnasaigh) Gerard Herder, last played 1218(?) at age 33
The Dog from Limerick George Ferocious Pack Leader Dog - recruited before 1220 - never played
Rufus Pool One of Richard’s mercenaries
Boris the Tough Guy Pool One of Richard’s mercenaries see Roll20
Ethel, the Witch’s Daughter Talon/Pool Stable maid see Roll20
Aedan Pool (John?) Eogan’s Brother see Roll20
Liam, the Rabbit Hunter Pool ? see Roll20
Broin, the Warrior Pool (John?) see Roll20
Ornice Pool Eogan’s Wife Incomplete design - Not played since Eogan’s death
Library Staff
Claudio Dylan Shield Grog to Tullius. Born 1211.
Bernard Gerard Bard in Italy see Roll20
Conlae George/Mario Ranger To be introduced


NPC Player Role Comment
Terriling George «Jinni» Spirit of the Path (Terram) Summoned by Seafraid and played only once
The Wise Owl of the Forest aka. Archimedes George Drunken Philosopher


Grog Player Role
Clansman Rank and file clan member; well trained herdsman.
Clan Vanguard A clansman who excels at fighting
Clan Hunter A clansman with archery
Old Clansman Elderly clan member; more experienced and less fit.


Magus Player Story flaw Religion Language Backstory
Lucas ex Flambeau Kage Enemies Pragmatism Irish, Latin
Vivianos Andreas Favours + Diedne Magic Irish, Latin (English)
[Johanna Piper LeFey True Love (Heretic) Christian English, Latin, Gaelic 2 See Roll 20
Seamus Dasvant Driven (Sentient Automata) Irish, Latin, Italian Christian Verditius
Merlin Dasvant Pagan Cult Pagan Storyteller
Marcus ex Miscellanea John Plagued by a Demon Uncommitted Latin, Irish
Lugardis of Guernicus canon NPC Quaesitor
Serafina ex Mercere NPC (Kage) Plagued by Faerie Lord Background Failed Apprenticeship, Redcap Quaestitor assistant
Seafraid Gerard Difficult Underlings Irish, Latin Hermetic Sahir
Éogan an Fheadha (Ui Sheachnasaigh) Dylan Novice Herder
Cyrus of Flambeau Talon
Oswald of Bonisagus canon NPC Scholar